In a world built around masculinity, learn to be empowered by your feminine.
We all have been operating in our masculine energies way too long; that is part of the reason we will burn out. Well, it is time to reconnect with our inner feminine and learn to embrace the qualities that make us ourselves.
Masculine Vs. Feminine
Before we dive into the article, here is a quick overview of the differences between masculine & feminine energies.
Now, to be precise, we all need a balance of both. However, we tend to fall into complete domination of masculinity due to limiting beliefs that masculine energy is the only way to succeed.
Feminine energy is about being, enjoying the present, and receiving. You are at your most power as a woman when you are in your feminine energy. By being in your feminine, you allow the Universe to bring in the abundance that you deserve.
The most simple example of why masculine is not the energy to be 24/7 as a woman is our hormonal cycle and biological differences from men. The 9-5 jobs are built around men as they have a 24-hour cycle that repeats every day. Meanwhile, we as women have around a month-long hormonal cycle.
Cycle Syncing
I have spent months studying and experimenting with cycle syncing, as well as studying other women's experiences, and ultimately it makes a difference.
Cycle syncing is a practice that involves aligning your lifestyle and activities with the different phases of your menstrual cycle. By understanding the four distinct phases of the menstrual cycle and their impact on your energy, mood, and hormonal fluctuations, you can optimize your well-being and productivity throughout the month. Here's a brief description of each phase:
- Menstrual Phase (Day 1-7):
This is the first phase, marked by the start of your period. Hormone levels are at their lowest, and you may experience physical and emotional changes. It's a time for rest, introspection, and self-care. Honor your body's need for rest, gentle exercise, and nourishing foods.
- Follicular Phase (Day 7-14):
As your period ends, the follicular phase begins. Estrogen levels rise, and you may experience increased energy and mental clarity. It's a favorable time for planning, setting goals, and engaging in more intense physical activities.
- Ovulation Phase (Day 14-21):
Around the middle of your cycle, ovulation occurs. Estrogen levels peak, leading to enhanced mood, heightened creativity, and increased libido. This phase is ideal for socializing, networking, and engaging in activities that require focus and energy.
- Luteal Phase (Day 21-28):
During the luteal phase, progesterone levels rise, and your energy may start to decline. You may experience premenstrual symptoms, both physical and emotional. It's a time for self-care, reflection, and slowing down. Focus on relaxation techniques, gentle exercise, and nourishing foods.
The overview of the phases we go through in a matter of 21-28 days during the month showcases why as women, it is essential to embrace our authentic selves rather than try to deny them.
The next post will be about practices, workout routine adaptations according to your cycle, and, generally, how you can balance your day-to-day routine to feel your best through cycle syncing.