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The Last Days of Lucifer on Earth. Part one

The real story of our days, which happened on the lands of Jordan. The energy of the most negative character of the Divine Mystery of the Universe – Lucifer – has embodied on Earth in a human body of, at first sight, an ordinary man, a taxi driver, named Mohammad. This story tells how the God's Plan on eliminating and putting an end to the existence of the Lucifer's Energy in the Universe was implemented.

Part one

P.S. All the instructions, incoming from the Higher Inner Guru, were repeatedly re-checked. Moreover, if sometimes, out of curiosity, there was an intention to act differently, it took years to smooth and correct the events that had happened consequently.

One day, in the private conversation with SSB I asked Him, what was my real name. He replied immediately, “Rudra.” After a while, I have learnt the meaning of this name. Nevertheless, SSB softened my name to “Maheshvari” afterwards. Moreover, He always put me in the very difficult complex situations and sent to the places, which were not easy at all. Only afterwards, I could understand the reasons behind all these situations.

That is why I accept all instructions, coming from God, without any analysis, arguments, and doubts! They only require an immediate implementation. And only afterwards, they can be seen as timely, accurate and right.

The Universe moves in its own unique pace and rhythm, and it has its own unique schedule. Nobody has the right to change its movements, and its Plan.

The Universe is the embodiment of Life Itself in its whole completeness, diversity and Magnificence. Moreover, each movement of an individual soul strictly adhere to these rhythms of the Universe and Its Breath. Only when the soul merges in Unity and Harmony with the Universe – the glorious Way of the Soul unfolds in the multifarious manifestation of Life on the Planet.

It is impossible to express the Gratitude, which overwhelms my Inner Self for the chance, granted by God, to become a part of the events, which are tightly intertwined with the Higher design, the Divine plan of the Creator Himself!

This Gratitude has filled the whole Being of this physical body; the Gratitude has imbued every breath, every look and every step, every motion, and every thought on the Way to the Inner Self.

All these unique events and occasions have become possible after the Meeting with the Creator, the Avatar of our century – Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

In one moment, this Meeting has overturned and crossed out everything that had bound me before. In one moment, this Meeting has changed completely my whole understanding of Being. This meeting has become the Foundation Stone of the Amazing Journey in Service of Love of the Universe to the whole Creation. During one of such meetings, I had expressed one wish that I could be sent anywhere, I could be entrusted with any task, and I would be able to accomplish it. Moreover, everywhere I would only glorify the Name of the Creator.

And such moment had come. Both for the event itself, and for the story of it to be written.

This was the most amazing, the most unique event, which could have ever happened during my Earthly Being.

There have been many events.

There have been dozens of people and meetings.

The great variety of miracles have entered my life due to the Higher Grace of the Creator.

However, the most remarkable and significant was the event, which was even better to be called “Co-Being”, rather than just the event!!!


Background Story

It was the beginning of the year 2015. In the dream and reality, a Monk begun to appear before me. He was wearing a robe and his face was half-covered with a long hood, which hid his eyes. Speaking mysteriously, he asked me to visit him and help him. There was no explanation on what kind of help he needed.

Prior to seeing him, I had received Swami's instructions on the need to visit Lebanon. And, when the Monk appeared before me one more time (he turned out to be Saint Monk Charbel from Lebanon) I understood the meaning of his visits – I had to go. The journey worked out easily and quickly.

And... There was Beirut. I would like to note particularly that after the Meeting with SSB all my decisions on journeys had been determined by the price of the flight tickets. All of them were unbelievably cheap.

On the same trip, the road was open for a journey to the monastery of Saint Maron – Sanctuary of Saint Charbel. When I was in Lebanon, once again I received information that I should pay attention to the Middle East region, particularly to Jordan, the country that was unknown and foreign for me that time.

Upon the return to Russia, I had got a flight journal, with the word “Jordan” on its cover. There was a huge article, which described life in this country in details.

I remembered particularly that praying Muslims appealed to Allah with the request to explain them the reasons to why the soil of their land had been burning under their feet for so many centuries. This was the first message from this desert country.

July 2016... One more reminder, “Jordan, Aqaba...”

I checked the location, the price of the ticket. RUB 3,400 for a one-way ticket. There was nothing to be surprised about for me. I knew that I had to go. I began calling my friends, inviting them to join me in the trip. That very night, before going to bed I had been told that I should cancel the invitations, as I was going there not to rest..... but to work. There was no question inside anymore – if I had to go, I had to go. Moreover, it did not matter what kind of work I had to do.

I checked the tickets price frequently, and the price stayed the same. However, only in several months, in December 2016, I set foot on the Jordanian soil in the city of Aqaba. A visa-free entry to Jordan was available for Russians only in Aqaba. In other cities, Russians should receive visa on arrival upon paying a certain fee.

The country was warm. On arrival, the wind swooped down; a sand storm sprang up, bending to down palms to the ground. I noted for myself that this was the energy of Rudra greeting me there. All too often, there had been such manifestations of His energy in my life before.

A brand-new bus was waiting for us. Many seats were still covered with the packing film. A tour guide told us that this bus had just came from the capital of Jordan – the city of Amman, and, that we were the special guests on this land. This way Jordan greeted us. In addition, I also noted for myself that Swami welcomed me there.

On the first trip, I went to the seaside at first light. I strewed Vibhuti on the streets, seafront promenade and in the sea... And, suddenly, one day I noticed a large military cargo ship. Immediately I received an information that this ship carried armament for the rebel fighters in Syria. I appealed to the Universe, asking for this maritime port to be closed for the weapons’ trafficking.

I remembered the ship very well. Next day it rode off the terminal, and in two days, it disappeared. All this time I was constantly chanting the Vedic Mantra “Sri Rudram”. This happened in December 2016. We would come back to this story a little bit later.

Once, I was walking in the city and came up to a tourist information center. An Arab man approached me and begun telling me about the Jordanian historical places, which were located nearby. He offered me to take a guided tour there. I told him that I did not like the ancient ruins. He gave me his business card. There was his name, written on the business card – Mohammad. He spoke little Russian. He showed me the feedbacks on the tours, guided by him, which were written in a notebook by the tourists, and described himself as a good driver and a tour guide. The rest of the days, we communicated a little bit through the chats and that was it for that moment.

The week in Aqaba just flew by. I came back to Russia, thinking that I had accomplished everything that I could there. Mantras, Bhajans, Vibhuti... but.... it was only the introduction to the upcoming main events in future.

The matter of going back to Aqaba reappeared in a year. During that year, we communicated with M. once in a blue moon. I just asked him, if it was possible to buy accommodation in Aqaba.

Aqaba appeared before me as a warm and dear city to my heart, which felt like home. I booked a reasonably priced hotel room. I informed M. about my plans to come back to Aqaba. He promised to meet me. Nevertheless, he urgently went to Amman and, at the end of the day, his friend met me. I was glad that M. was out of the city. Something inside me rejected him. I did not want to either meet him, or communicate with him. He showed up in three days and we met at the same place, nearby the tourist center. He made eyes at me and coquetted with me. And, these are the kind of actions, coming from men that I did not like, most of all. That trip I did not see him again.

On 28/10/17, I was chanting the 108 Names of Sathya Sai in the hotel room, when I suddenly stopped, hearing the voice of Swami, “Your absolute fearlessness is the personification of our unity with you. Go easily and lightly! Be where you need to be! Even your presence itself brings wonders! Nobody knows your way. Just go!” Tears rained down my cheeks. My tears always expressed the overwhelming gratitude to the Creator for all the Grace that He filled my being with... Deep down inside I understood that I had to continue communicating with M. However, I had been already flying to Russia through Amman when he wrote me and asked me where I was. And, when I was boarding the plane, I was instructed to come back to Aqaba again, as I had not had an opportunity to communicate with him at full scale that time.

On 21/12/17, I was on my way to Aqaba again. The ticket was unbelievably cheap again!!! I understood that this journey would not be easy.

I informed M. about my arrival. However, he was out of the city on the day of my arrival. I booked a room in a hotel. And, at night he wrote me that he wanted to see me immediately. Swami warned me that M. was working for the police. Far in advance...

M. proposed me to stay in his place, as he was out of home almost all the time. For some reason I agreed to his proposal. Next day he picked me up, with my language, and brought me to his place.

When we had arrived, I was quite shocked. I had never seen such a dirty and abandoned home in my life. A flat looked disgusting. It was neglected. He showed me a room, where I could live (it could be locked from the inside) and immediately went away. I stood in the middle of the large room at a loss, not knowing what to do further. Whether I should run away, or I should start cleaning the place (and if doing so, what I should start with). Eventually, I started to put the room in order.

Cleaning piece by piece, chanting Mantras and singing Bhajans, I set the flat in order. I had an impression that I was put in a demon’s lair. Subsequently it appeared to be true. One cannot imagine what was there! Nothing but filthy things, which had been left after fests of carnal pleasures and night entertainments! I do not even want to describe them. I would show you one example only. The shelves were full of the bottles of alcohol. There were ashtrays full of cigarette stubs everywhere. I threw everything away without distinction.

M. came back after a while. I asked him to bring me to a store, so that I could buy bedding for myself, as well as all necessary things for a kitchen and a bathroom. It was impossible to use things that had been in the flat already. By the evening, the flat had become habitable and comfortable.

God told me to “take away” the Soul of M. Moreover, I was told that, in order to unveil and destroy a demonic rakshasa, sometimes you needed to enter his or her house, become his or her friend make the enemies well disposed towards you in order to win an enemy over. I rejected it on the physical level. I did not think that time who was the enemy, mentioned in the message. And only a reminder that many times before I had promised Swami to be in any place, where He would send me, to do any work, which He would entrust me with, kept me in that place. I had nothing but to surrender and accept the rules of His New Cosmic Game.

During one of the conversations with M. I told him that there was always a reason for me to appear anywhere. I stayed, where God was willing to see me. I warned M. that there would be serious changes, happening in his life. Moreover, that was the only reason for me to stay with him. I was telling him about SSB, but he held back and told me that Allah was his God and he was a Muslim. I just promised him that his understanding of God would change in three days.

M. told me that he was praying to God, asking to send him a good wife. He also told that he had a family (with five children!!!!!!), but he had been divorced. He added that I would become his wife.

Seldom he was at home. He left home early and came back late. He worked with tourists, mainly Russians. I was receiving information on him, his behavior and habits. More and more I was astonished with the nature of his demonic Being. However, the Game had started already... I had no right to stop It.

I “fueled” his Ego. I was telling him about the glory of his family and clan, about his positive roles in the past lives. He reacted positively...

Here was Moscow again. I received the instruction from Swami to bring M. to India. We arranged visa and purchased the flight tickets for him. I informed him about it. And, on January 6 (6.01), on the Christmas Eve (based on the Christian Orthodox traditional calendar) I was in Aqaba again.

On January 10, we went to India through Bahrein and landed in New Delhi. We headed off to Chandigarh from there.

The past karma of a mistress of a house, where we stayed at, was revealed. A. and M. communicated very warmly. They were a brother and a sister in the past. A. fed M. with Prasada and Vibhuti. We sang Bhajans. I had never done it with M. before.

We flew to Bangalore from Chandigarh. And eventually we had reached the Abode of our Higher Self, the Abode of the Creator of the Universe Himself. I received many instructions from Swami there:

1. I should keep an eye on M. and keep him in my mind;

2. from 21/12/17 (the winter solstice eve) to 21/06/18 (the summer solstice eve) is the period of time, reserved for work with him (I did not understand clearly that time what was meant in the instructions);

3. I should disregard his “maggots”;

4. I should be caring, so that he would feel happy (one more trick);

5. I should make sure that he could not figure out what was happening (he was not supposed to know about the Cosmic Game).

M. had received his own information. He cried often, he could not cope with emotions (they were insincere). More and more often, I caught him lying and being hypocritical. I tried not to show it, as if I had not understood that he was insincere. Eventually, he relaxed...

On that journey, we visited a Sacred place – the Lepakshi village. We were surprised to discover that a huge Puja was conducted there that time. Once again, I understood that we came there for a reason. In the evening, it became evident that all Siddhis of Ramakantha, the Brahmin, who conducted the Puja were “detached” from him, as he “turned” to a wrong path – the path of earning money on conducting meetings with pilgrims. The Universe knows everything better and in more details.

It was not easy to be around M. Difficult personality, greed, even stealing, lies, jealousy, suspiciousness, dirtiness, smoking – I had to observe all of these and turn a blind eye to them, as well as “cover my ears” not to hear them. It was as if, all bad habits had been compiled in this one creature. I had to pack him off India one week earlier.

Once again, Swami asked to disregard the actions of M. Only gentle, “Be patient,” stopped me from cutting ties with M. Swami explained that M. had to fall in love with me and go silly over this love, which also had become one more manifestation of the Love of Swami to me. Through this situation Swami was telling me, “I love you...” Simultaneously, M. received information that he had to love me, as I had dedicated the whole life to the service to Swami, without a thought for myself. And M. fell in love with me for real. His earthly love and affection had been growing stronger every day. He explained this for himself, as if I was using magic on him.

I almost forced myself to write him. Mahashivaratri was coming closer to us. M. wanted to come to India once again. I did not want to buy a ticket for him. However, at the request from Swami, I bought a round trip ticket for M. immediately. M. was in Puttaparthi again. It was difficult to put up with his constant lies. It felt like all dirtiness that he hid inside was coming out to the surface. I had already demanded cleanness and order from him, and told him to quit smoking.

It turned out that these trips were needed only to deprive his demonic nature of the energy source. It was easier to do it on the Divine lands of India, rather than elsewhere. All his hideous Vasanas started to be “re-flashed”.

It seemed to me that the Energy, which had left Ramakantha in Lepakshi, and which had been transformed into another energy (Swami was explaining everything), had to enter M. But no. It was not for him.

In March, each of us moved in different directions. M. went to Amman, and I moved to Moscow. Soon enough I went to Aqaba again. I continued to fly, endure and constantly clean space. Mantras, Hymns, Bhajans, Vibhuti, discussions – all of them continuously flowed on the Jordanian soil.

During one of the journeys I was once again cleaning the flat (every time, when I came back I found the flat of M. in mess and disorder), when at the top of Its voice the Universe suddenly announced that M. was the very Lucifer, who was sent down to the Earth, in order to seduce people out of the way of Morality and Righteousness, to the way of Immorality and denial of God. His instruments were alcohol, smoking, narcotics, prostitution, lies, and hypocrisy... And M. was their source. “Oh My God!” I cried. Every day brought new shocking surprises! I set on a sofa... And the willingness to run away from that place immediately sieged me. I was shocked at what I had just heard, and I even did not know what to do with this news.

Immediately, I was told that I should hide this information from everyone until 21/06/18, so that M. did not have any chance to realise that his “files” had been revealed. Therefore, I had to treat him differently from the way he deserved it.

We constantly quarreled. He offended and humiliated everyone easily, he lied all the time both in small and large scale. However, I did not react. Meanwhile, he was waiting for my reaction. Deep down inside I did not accept anything in him, and little by little, it had become more difficult to hold myself back. More and more often, I wanted just to run away from this situation. Nevertheless, the deadline, which was set on 21/06/18, helped me to control these impulses.

M. behaved himself in a disgusting way. Immersed to the lips in lies and hypocrisy, inner and eternal dirtiness, greed, having a habit of stealing and boasting (in social networks he described himself as a “Legend” and a “Divine man”), he continued to mislead everyone and proposed me to marry him. I just replied, “Later,” continuing the Game of Swami.

In Aqaba, people told me that, according to his words, he met me on the street, that I was poor and unhappy, and that I lived in a cheap hotel that time. He told people that he invited me to stay in his place out of pity for me, that he fed me and provided me with accommodation...

In reality, since the first day he had not spent even one dinar on food or anything else. I even paid for his utilities, so that there were no debts. He told everyone that we were a husband and a wife, and, that the trip to India was our wedding journey – a “honeymoon”. His lying had become more evident and clearer day-by-day. I could not understand his way of thinking and acting. I explained people, who I knew, that nothing that he was telling about us was true. Over time, he got wind of it. After that, he had become more and more aggressive, as I had to expose his false statements and lies. He started to threaten me. He told me that if he had seen me with a man around me, he would have stab me. He added that I did not know that he was Satan. I replied him that I had enough patience to transform his evil nature.

I began thinking about separate accommodation, as I often came there, and day-by-day, it had become more and more unbearable to live in such mode and share the same space with him.

I was acquainted with an owner of the house, where M. lived.

Let us now come back to one episode of the story. Do you remember the ship that was docked at the port in the beginning? The Arab man, the owner of the house, rented the ship from the American militaries. I saw this ship on the picture in his office. When I asked him, what they were transporting on this ship, he told me that they brought any cargo. But a manager of his company mentioned once that since December 2016, all activities had been frozen and business had gone sour. I visited Aqaba for the first time precisely in December 2016. I remembered my prayer to the Universe, asking for the way to close the armament trafficking to the terrorists in Syria through Jordan. Even in this situation, Swami used my presence in Aqaba to stop the activities of this group, blocking their way. I will give description of their activities in details in the next story.

Let us come back to the moment, where the narrative was interrupted. When I was looking for the separate accommodation, at the end of April, a flat on the ground floor of the house, where M. lived had become vacant. Soon enough, I had got its keys and I started to redesign and repair the flat. The flat was undergoing renovation, and simultaneously I received a hint that I would not live in this flat for long.

In couple of weeks, the flat had become fabulous. The portraits of Swami were everywhere. I rested from the presence of M. But, he was aggressive, as I was putting off the final agreement to his marriage proposal. He continuously threatened me and sent threats at the flat. He promised me to fire and burn out everything. He told me that we would call the police himself afterwards and would help them to find a firer. Lies were flowing out of him endlessly. He even told me that he would knock the door, and, when I opened it, he would throw acid at my face to damage it, so that nobody would even look at me. He told me that he would break my arms and I would not be able to take care of myself, so that eventually he would be able to take care of me... and so on and so forth.

Everything drove him mad and the situation was reaching its climax. Nevertheless, I was not allowed to tell him anything yet. I just demanded him not to chase me and to stop being jealous.

Jealousy was the worst trait of his character. His experience of the past had made him see everything through the lenses of his imagination, which was inspired by his life patterns, which had driven his life before. We spoke a lot about these matters, but these discussions could not influence his sick and twisted mind.

On 6/06/18, I flew to Aqaba. The flight number was 66 and I set on the place number 66. The departure time was at 6 am. The ominous signs were everywhere. I was tearful inside and did not want to fly. Nevertheless, I flew anyways...

On 13/06/18, one of my acquaintances, her name was K., came to Aqaba. She brought a huge portrait of SSB and a photo banner with the Symbol of All Religions in a cardboard tube. For many years, I had been looking for the place, where I could hang this huge portrait of Swami, but for some reason I could not find it. We quickly put them into very beautiful and massive frames and brought them to the flat.

When M. saw these framed portraits, his eyes blazed red with fury. He was on a rampage. It looked like he had been waiting for the moment, when he would be able to revenge himself and at that moment, he understood what to do. He told me that he would do everything he could to make sure that I could not stay in Aqaba and in Jordan, as I had not become his wife yet. He chased me everywhere and told me to leave Aqaba immediately.

Eventually, the day that I was waiting for with special attention had come – the day of 21/06/18. M. and his friend made a fuss in the entrance hall of the house. His friend pretended to enter my flat and M. hit him. After that, the owner of the flat called me and invited to come to his office, in order to sign a residential property rental agreement between us for one year, as I had paid the rental charges in advance. He invited M. as well. They talked tough in Arabic. The owner of the flat asked M. not to enter my flat, as the signed agreement prohibited any men to enter the flat, where I lived. He knew about threats of M. at me.

The Story had reached its culmination point with its main event.

The time had come to eradicate Lucifer's Substance. On 21/06/18, at midnight, all power systems of his demonic nature had been shut off. There is no point in describing how the process had been done, as these processes were unseen for the physical vision.

It looked like a centuries-old giant tree with the heavily branched rootstock was uprooted and it collapsed to the ground...

On 22/06/18, early in the morning, the overwhelming sound of the ringing bells resounded in the sky. This day had become the day of victory of the new bright energies, the beginning of a New Era without the Lucifer's power, who was overthrown from his ancient throne...

Meanwhile, at night M. was preparing a fightback on Divinity, as his demonic nature understood subconsciously that it was on its last legs. M. was preparing information for the police.

We simply could not go back to Russia. I told K. that it looked like I had one more thing to do. I added that something should happen on 25/06/18.


On 25/06/18, in the morning, at 9 am, somebody knocked the door. Eight police officers entered the flat. They immediately tried to take away the huge portrait of Swami, but failed to do so. They ended up taking away only the Symbol of All Religions. They removed all the portraits of Sai Baba from the walls, demounted the Altar, collected candles and Vibhuti. After that, they told us to get ready and follow them. We understood their intentions only through the body language and their gestures. Nobody among them spoke any English. I only had a chance to inform R. in Moscow that M. had handed us with Sai Baba over to the police.

One day, when we were quarrelling once again, M. warned me not to tell people about Sai Baba, as in Jordan I could be imprisoned for 15 years for it. It was evident that they would not let us go from the police station. It took them long to take our evidence. They brought us from office to office and looked at the photos of Swami. We told them about Him, about the Symbol of All Religions. They tasted Vibhuti. They asked us about everyone, who we had met and the reasons for me to strew Vibhuti in the houses and on the streets, as well as to tell people about SSB. It turned out that they had already had whole message history between me and M., with all of the photos from India and Lepakshi. During the interrogation, it was obvious that they were aware of the details that were known only to M.

We were detained at the police station. We were not allowed to call anyone. There were few people, who could speak English. They were preparing documents for deportation from the country, with the prohibition on the entry for five years.

Nevertheless, deep down inside, there was an overwhelming joy, because the message about Sai Baba was spread in such an unpredicted manner and at a massive scale. These were people from the police, Interior Ministry, Ministry of Justice, security forces of Jordan, as well as the Governor and the Prosecutor of Aqaba, and the Government of Aqaba. Even if I had have stayed in Jordan for ten years, I would not have been able to tell about Sathya Sai Baba even to the smallest number of people from these agencies. They all had learnt already how to pronounce His name well. They saw His face and they were blessed with Vibhuti. At the very least, more than 60 people had learnt about Swami just in a week.

The day of 25/06/18 I consider as the Day of Swami's Blessing, because, through this situation, He allowed to announce His Presence in the country, where all new manifestations of spirituality, which were rejected by the official religious doctrine, were treated in a rigid, severe and intolerant manner. Thus, this tricky situation had simultaneously become the Blessing for all of those, who unexpectedly were acquainted with the incarnation of the Avatar Sri Sathya Sai Baba on Earth and had become a part of His Divine Mission.

M. played a unique role there. The same role that was played by Judas Iscariot in the times of Jesus. Only he could undertake such an action. No one else could ever go to the length of such vile and impertinent action. Meanwhile, God, our only Witness and Judge, will deal with those, who took the decision on deportation without due process.

Later on, I received news that the most popular topic of conversations in Aqaba was “Me and Sathya Sai Baba”. Many people were searching for the information on the Internet and discussing it. One thing was clear, there were two unbelievable events (considering their unprecedented scale), which had happen in an absolutely unpredicted manner on the soil of Jordan in such short period of time, namely, the announcement of the Message about Sathya Sai Baba and the overthrow of Lucifer.

Currently M. is trying to justify his act, sending the false information on this event to different countries. He uses the Internet websites and social networks for that.

I am very fortunate. I am grateful to the Destiny for such a tremendous Trust of God, who allowed me to participate in these events of Universal importance, which had shaken Heavens and Earth. Participation in these events itself is the sign of a tremendous Grace of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, who let me to introduce His Mission on the soil of the Middle East.

Upon return to Russia, we sent the information letters on these events to many higher governmental bodies of Jordan and other countries, including the Royal Palace of Jordan and the United Nations Organisation (the UN). In addition, we sent a letter to the Prime Minister of India, so that all addressees would know and understand the significance of the incarnation of the Avatar of our Age, Sri Sathya Sai Baba on Earth. So that they could understand that His Teaching does not in any way, contradict with the Islamic Teaching, but instead the Teaching of Sai Baba helps better understanding of the essence of the Islamic Teaching. In this way, the message about Swami has spread further, in response to the prayers of people, who sought salvation for the desert lands of their Motherland Jordan.


#SaiBaba #Avatar #AdiShakti #Rudra #Maheshvari #FightagainstEvil #Jordan #Aqaba #Lucifer #Patala #Swami'sLila