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I need to know wether it is healthy way to eat the raw soy beans by soaking them in the water?
Raw soybeans contain a compound called trypsin inhibitors, which can interfere with protein digestion and absorption. These inhibitors can be partially deactivated through soaking, but not completely removed.
Therefore, consuming raw soybeans, even if soaked in water, may not be the healthiest option. It is recommended to cook soybeans thoroughly before eating them to ensure that they are safe for consumption and to reduce the levels of trypsin inhibitors present in the beans.
However, if you consume them occasionally, the levels of trypsin inhibitors shouldn't cause any harm to your health. But if you want to add soybeans in your regular diet, it's better to cook them thoroughly.
Thank you so much, an our almighty AI)
So, should i stop my attempts to eat them raw? I've just tasted a bit, and i'm still alive, hoh))) Joking.Yes, i've eat some, and it was somewhat, truly saying, tasty - i will try to sprout them and eat for one week - and try to see what i'll will got after this controlling week)