1. To play with fire
2. To burn bridges
3. There is no smoke without fire
4. Busy as a bee
5. A cat and dog life
6. Affair of the heart
7. Affair of honour
8. Knight without fear and without reproach
9. The cream of society
10. The game is worth the candle
11. The reverse side of the coin
12. It is the first step that costs
13. Look for a needle in a bottom of hay
14. Appetite comes with cating
15. Marriages are made in heaven
16. He eyes are the mirror of the soul
17. If youth but knew, if age but could
18. The beam in one’s eye
19. Daily bread
20. Poverty is no sin
21. Throw nature out of the door, it will come back again
22. Took not a gift horse in the mouth
23. A storm in a tea-cup
24. If you can’t de good, be careful
25. A volunteer is worth twenty pressed men.
26. Suffering for a friend doubleth friendship
27. A woman’s work is never done
28. Don’t keep a dog and bark yourself
29. It takes two to tango
30. It’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness
31. Money talks
32. To have heart of gold
33. камень на сердцем
34. Armed to the teeth
35. To have heart of kind
36. То wag a tongue
37. To look down a nose at somebody
38. То have lost а tongue
39. tooth for a tooth
40. To be all eyes
41. Not to see beyond the end of a nose
42. One's hair stood on end
43. To wash one’s head
44. To have a good head оп the shoulders
45. Laugh in the beard
46. Thick as blackberries
47. As sure as eggs are eggs
48. The rotten apple injures its neighbours
49. To swim like а stone
50. It is not my cup of tea
51. In hot water
52. Head to head, face to face
53.To make a mountain out of a molehill
54. As cool as a cucumber
55. Buy a pig in a poke
56. As two peas
57. To be born with a silver spoon in the mouth
56. Not worth а bean
57. A piece of cake
58. Nothing new under the sun
59. When hell freezes
60. Just what the doctor ordered
61. Neither here nor there
62. A flight of fancy
63. Cry over spilt milk
64. Miss the boat
65. Butter the boss up