The hour of the bull.
The most important mistake of Comrade Lenin and Comrade Stalin, which nullified their achievements.
And Lenin, and then his faithful and best student Stalin, as in other things and the "demon of the revolution Trotsky, made the same mistake. They remained in the positions of progressive people of that time. Namely, they considered Marx's teaching from the standpoint of accumulated knowledge about the state-political and political-economic structure of human society. Therefore, they founded the search for a path to communism on the old, state foundation. Based on contemporary social and socio-industrial relations. That is, on the positions of the state, which was criticized by both Marx and Lenin. As a tool in the hands of the ruling class. What made Lenin, a dialectician, stay in the game according to the rules of the Western state system? And then Stalin.
The lack of understanding that the entire state structure "strung" on the old bourgeois approach to elections and voting will certainly generate bureaucracy and all the attendant vices of the former society.
What prevented them from taking the next step in the theory of the new state system?
Let's strictly in accordance with science, look at the most primitive social structure and trace its development to the present day. On the example of the textbook "Political Economy". The customer of which was Stalin I.V.
"The structure of society.
Morgan, a researcher of the life of primitive people, described the tribal system that was preserved among the Iroquois Indians in the middle of the last century. The main occupations of the Iroquois were hunting, fishing, fruit gathering and agriculture. Labor was divided between men and women. Hunting and fishing, making weapons and tools, clearing the soil, building huts and fortifications were the responsibility of men. Women performed basic work in the fields, harvested crops and delivered them to storerooms, cooked food, made clothes and pottery, collected wild fruits, berries, nuts, tubers. The land was the common property of the clan. Larger works — deforestation, clearing of land for arable land, large hunting trips — were carried out together. The Iroquois lived in so-called "big houses" that could accommodate 20 or more families. Such a group had common storerooms where food stocks were stored. The woman at the head of the group distributed food between individual families.
For the duration of hostilities, the clan elected a military commander who did not enjoy any material advantages; with the end of hostilities, his power ceased. "Political Economy" 1957. The Islanders"
Here is a sample of popular thought about the structure of society. How our Free Novgorod reminds us!
Next comes a sad narrative about the development of industrial relations to capitalist ones. And it begins precisely with the development of the exploitation of man by man and with the alienation of surplus value by the exploiter. From the communal "elective" nobility, until the beginning of the twentieth century. Centuries pass, people, currents of thought, but the essence of the structure of society and states. It doesn't change. As they lived at the expense of slaves in the distant past, so in the recent past and present, everything rests on workers and production. A permanent worker is deprived of the right to vote in full.
That is why the ideologists of Marxism before Lenin focused their thought, and that of their successors, on the negative role of the state. Or on the egocentricity of the elites. Who were first exalted by the people, giving them power.And after the creation of the state, the state itself raised them above the crowd.
Therefore, those who undertook the construction of a New World, on the old foundation, did not succeed. How many experiments were conducted on the arrangement of public relations in the first years of the revolution. But the interpretation of Marx's koans ended with industrialization. Why? Because they could not move from the democracy of the "demos" (supposedly the people) -members of parliament in Greece at the time of Aristotle, who described the slave as an animated tool, to the democracy of the "ohlos" - the people: slaves, landless peasants, ruined shopkeepers and other majority of society.
The entire party and political structure was built on the old principle. The people delegate their representative, who has the right to speak for all who sent him, to the body that commands the life of the people. And there, the same delegates (deputies) adopt laws by vote. And these laws are written by a group of people who initially have a constant conflict of interests. Because they want to consolidate their power. No matter the deputy or the leader, everyone demands recognition of their merits, perpetuation of memory, fame, wealth, power.It doesn't matter for what, like Stalin - because he saw how best to act or like Yeltsin - to please himself. It is this social atavism that Lenin left at the heart of the New World and unnoticed (but not a fact) Stalin, gave such a result.
It is the structure of the society of the Iroquois that is the society of a Healthy Person. Where everyone was equal socially. The military leader after the battle turned into an ordinary member of society, did not rest on his laurels as in the Roman Republic, did not invent a title and inherited it, as in Western culture. Which created this vicious model of snapping up and fawning over the leaders. Which were decomposed by this. Slave culture. Ruling the world.
But Russians, unlike the Western world with its lackey culture throughout their civilization, have only to look into the depths of history, the image of Mr. Veliky Novgorod with his Veche will immediately present itself. An example of a truly popular democracy. Therefore, the Westerner Marx did not see a way out of the "imaginary" state. Intuitively felt where to dig, but there were no precedents before my eyes. And the main mistake of our prophets of communism was faith in Marx. Or maybe, again, because of upbringing or education, they did not pay attention to it.
What should an equal society of the future look like, from the position of the Veche. The whole world gathered, discussed, voted, appointed leaders (the most capable), began to implement. (Apparently, Lenin faced an unsolvable problem for that time - to gather everyone for discussion and solution in one place. The whole country wouldn't fit into St. Petersburg. And here and in Smolny from the last rows they do not hear). I will not describe how it works everywhere now. This show is in front of my eyes from year to year. And complete strangers.
Now is really the time when the development of social and industrial forces and relations has reached a planetary scale. The "Hour of the Bull" has come. And it is at this moment that we have the opportunity to gather not just the whole of Russia, but the whole planet in one place, discuss the situation, solutions, vote and start acting.