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Иранский журнал в Скопус, третий квартиль (инфекционные заболевания), Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases

Уважаемые коллеги, доброго времени суток! Представляем вам иранское научное издание Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases. Журнал имеет третий квартиль, издаётся в Tehran University of Medical Sciences, находится в открытом доступе, его SJR за 2021 г. равен 0,505, импакт-фактор 1,221, печатный ISSN - 2322-1984, электронный - 2322-2271, предметные области - Инфекционные заболевания, Паразитология. Вот так выглядит обложка:

Редактором является Хассан Ватандуст, контактные данные - hvatandoost1@yahoo.com, vatando@tums.ac.ir, jad@tums.ac.ir.


Журнал публикует оригинальный исследовательские работы, краткие сообщения, научные заметки, тематические отчеты, письма в редакцию и обзорные статьи на английском языке. Объем работ охватывает все аспекты болезней, переносимых членистоногими, включая:

● Систематику;

● Экологию переносчиков;

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● Паразитологию;

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● Генетику;

● Популяционную динамику;

● Токсикологию;

● Борьбу с переносчиками;

● Диагностику и лечение и другие смежные темы.

Адрес издания - https://jad.tums.ac.ir/index.php/jad

Пример статьи, название - A Comparative Study on the Biodiversity and Species Richness of Phlebotomine Sand Flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Kermanshah and Khuzestan Provinces of Iran. Заголовок (ABSTRACT)

Background: Leishmaniasis is one of the most important vector-borne and neglected tropical diseases in many parts of the world. The main objective of this study was to determine the biodiversity of phlebotomine sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) in Khuzestan and Kermanshah Provinces of Iran.

Methods: Sampling was conducted in Khuzestan and Kermanshah Provinces using sticky paper traps and CDC light traps. The samples were then stored in 96% alcohol-containing vials, mounted, and identified. Afterward, the alpha diversity (using Simpson’s, Shannon-Weiner’s diversity, evenness, Maghalef’s, Menhinick’s, Hill  and  indices) and beta diversity indices (using Sorensen’s and Jaccard’s coefficients) were calculated.

Results: A total of 4302 sand flies were caught and identified which comprised mostly of Phlebotomus papatasi, Ph. alexandri and Ph. sergenti. It was found that among the four counties of Ahvaz, Shush, Shushtar and Dezful in Khuzestan Province, Shush had the lowest, and Shushtar, the highest amount of species diversity and evenness. In the four studied counties of Kermanshah Province, species diversity in Kermanshah County had the lowest amount and Sarpol-e-Zahab, the highest. The species richness in Kermanshah County was the lowest, while Qasr-e-Shirin County had the highest amount.

Conclusion: An overview of the biodiversity of phlebotomine sand flies in Kermanshah County in Kermanshah Province, and Shush County in Khuzestan Province, showed less stability in community structure of these vectors, which can be counted as an alarm for emerging dominant vectors among the studied counties and have the potential to increase the prevalence of leishmaniasis.