В этой статье пример ответа на вопросы IELTS Speaking pt 1.
Do you prefer buying things from big companies or from small companies?
I honestly prefer the former (the first mentioned; first choice) because there's a variety of choices unlike in small companies wherein choices are limited. However, from time to time (occasionally) I buy things from small companies because the quality of some products is way better than those sold by big companies.
Do you know many small businesses in the place where you live?
Yes, I do and I'm glad that some of them are thriving (very healthy or successful) despite the effects brought by the pandemic. I think the ones who run those businesses have brilliant minds as they're able to keep their businesses going. Actually, in our neighboring town, some small businesses can't recover from their losses after they shut down (stop operating ) during the pandemic.
Have you ever worked in small businesses?
Yes, I once worked as a sales staff at a family-run convenience store. That was when I didn't know what to do with my life yet. I had worked there for less than a year and saved up (to keep money) so I had money to use for my travel. Although I didn't work there longer, I was able to acquire skills that are needed in life such as interpersonal relations, accounting, housekeeping, and more.
Have you ever thought about starting your own business?
That has never crossed my mind (to be thought of by someone). I believe I'm not a business-minded person. I don't have any idea about business and honestly, I can't think of one business model that I might get interested in investing in. Well, anyway, there are people who simply are not into business and I believe I'm one of them.
В IELTS Speaking part 1 попадаются, как простые темя, так и довольно необычные. Например: Are trees important in your culture?
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