1. Hi Jessi! My first question for you is, what was it like for you to play Chloe?
Oh! It wasn’t scary at all because you know how I get to see the behind the scenes and everything? My favorite part about seeing all the behind the scenes is that I get to see how everything is made. I got to see how my fake arm was made, which was really cool! I had to make a mold and stuff to make my fake arm. I loved that!
2. You talked about your favorite behind the scenes moment, what was your favorite scene to film?
I think it would have to be where I start screaming ‘you’ll float too’ in the hallucination scene. You know, where I keep saying ‘you’ll float too’ and Abaddon comes up and yeah, that was my favorite scene because well, first of all, I didn’t like getting wet but it was worth it. Every rain machine always has cold water, but I had a wetsuit on underneath!
3. What was it like for you the first time you saw Sam dressed as Abaddon? Were you scared at all or did you think it was kind of cool?
You know, it was one of those in-between types of reactions. It was cool but at the same time kind of awkward and scary because I know she’s a really nice person in real life but at the same time her character stuns me. I always wonder how the special effects and the make-up do an amazing job of making her face and costume.
4. Did you spend a lot of time with the other kids on set when you weren’t shooting?
Oh yeah, yes! They were lots of fun, I loved working on set with them. They’re great kids and I love working with them they are just so much fun. Even when we weren’t filming on the days we have off on the weekends, we got together and hung out and played. It was a lot of fun!
5. You talked about hanging out with your friends! How do your friends react to your part in the movie? Did they see it?
Well, I don’t think they have seen it. They say that they have seen clips of it and that is true. They are really proud of me and my school supports me and I’m really happy that my principal is letting me do this and it is such an awesome opportunity to have.
6. What kind of movies do you like to watch? Are you into superheroes or anything like that?
No, I’m not really into that yet. I like Thrillers. I like Disney movies a lot. UP is one of my favorite movies. There is Ghostbusters, I like that for sure. Star Wars, I love that too! I have never met a kid that does not like Star Wars. I saw Peter Rabbit, and that was a really good movie!
7. And last and very important question: If you could turn into any animal for the day, who would it be?
Oh! That’s a good one! I feel like I would either want to turn into a snake or maybe a dinosaur like a Velociraptor or something like that. I really like lizards. Actually, I think I would be an Iguana! They are pretty cool!