A strong handshake is a symbol of Friendship of the Peoples of the World ! May the Principle of Peaceful Coexistence between all Countries and Peoples of the World be forever and ever !
Gentlemen are the leaders of the Western World, and if we recall Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Libya, which the United States and its allies subjected to ruthless bombing, destroying the peoples and leaders of these countries! Or "who is stronger is right"?! But this is an animal principle, which the great Russian fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov said in the nineteenth century in the fable "The Wolf and the Lamb": "You are to blame only for the fact that I want to eat! " said the wolf and ate the lamb. It is very similar to what you have done in your time in the above-mentioned countries!
Isn't it time to reconsider your relations with other countries that seem "wrong" to you, and change the "animal principle" you profess in relations with them to a more modern one that meets the realities of the Twenty-first - Thermonuclear Century?! This is the Great Principle of Peaceful Coexistence between all Countries and Peoples of the World! Only he can ensure the progressive development and prosperity of any Country in the World and the well - being of its People ! This must be understood and accepted as an immutable Truth by ALL the "drivers of nations" in today's extremely tense international situation! The alternative to this Great Principle is the Third World War - Thermonuclear in its destructive nature ! And Humanity has accumulated an abundance of other means of self - destruction !
And then there is a direct insult to the Head of a Great State, which has ALL the means of defense and attack on the enemy! What are you, "sovsim with gluzd ate?"- as they say in Ukraine, or "are you completely crazy?- as they say in Russia ! What do you want to achieve with this ? Do you think that the Head of a Great State will get scared and start "dancing to your tune"? The hell with it ! With this senseless and vindictive act, you have only worsened the already bad international atmosphere in which the World is already suffocating on the eve of a Global Catastrophe!
Immediately revoke the "ICC Warrant" and apologize for your mistake to the Head of a Great State! Of course, he is far from an angel, like many, many of us, including the US President, who approved this ridiculous action! But you also need to know the measure in your "vindictive torments", inventing how else to "annoy" our Great State. Look back at yourself: "Are you good yourself?!". More self-criticism, gentlemen Biden, Zelensky, Macron, Scholz and all the other haters of my Great Country - Russia! "Don't wake up the devil while it's quiet!" - as the Russian folk proverb says.
There are enough problems in our country: economic, social, and others! And the aggressive policy of the "collective West" only delays their solution, strengthening the "hawks of Russian politics" and forceful ways of solving the problems of our Country! Long live the Peaceful coexistence of All Countries and Peoples of the World ! /// Friend of All Peoples of the World, Citizen and Patriot of Russia.
19 марта 202319 мар 2023
2 мин