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Gouache, the French word is water paint, splash, more dense and matte than watercolor. The composition includes finely ground pigments based on a water-glue mixture (gum arabic, wheat starch, dextrin and others) also, the paint contains impurities of whitewash (chalk).
This ancient method of painting, representing one of the varieties of watercolor, was first developed in the works of the artist Paolo Pino. Nowadays it has become popular again and is used both on paper and on silk and other materials. Paolo Pino added chalk to watercolor paints, thereby obtaining a kind of gouache paints.
Gouache, like watercolor, is considered to be a quick-drying water-soluble paints, which require virtuosity, courage and skill when writing. Abroad gouache is considered painting, and in Russia gouache is ranked among the graphics.
The term "Gouache" originated in France in the 18th century. But the emergence of gouache as a paint happened quite a long time ago. Gouache has earned fame both in the west and in the east since the times of ancient Egypt and antiquity. It was used as a variety of watercolors for the density of the paint layer.

Miranda as a child. Frederick William Burton
Miranda as a child. Frederick William Burton

Author article: Igor Ivanov