Уважаемые коллеги, доброго времени суток! Представляем вам индийское научное издание Indian Journal of Palliative Care. Журнал имеет третий квартиль, издаётся в Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications, находится в открытом доступе, его SJR за 2021 г. равен 0,405, печатный ISSN - 0973-1075, электронный - 1998-3735, предметные области - Политика в здравоохранении, Медицинские услуги, Общественное здоровье. Вот так выглядит обложка:
Редактором является Рагхавендра Раманджулу, контактные данные - editor@jpalliativecare.com; drragraj1@gmail.com.
Это междисциплинарный рецензируемый журнал, издающийся ежеквартально под эгидой Индийской ассоциации паллиативной помощи. К публикации принимаются материалы в следующих разделах: оригинальные статьи по клиническим исследованиям, психосоциальным, этическим и духовным проблемам, обзорные статьи, клинические рекомендации, тематические отчеты, обсуждения случаев, повествования, отчеты о важных встречах, рецензии на книги, краткие отчеты и письма в редакцию.
Адрес издания - https://jpalliativecare.com/
Пример статьи, название - Development of Mobile Application-Based System for Improving Medication Adherence Among Cancer Patients Receiving Palliative Therapy. Заголовок (ABSTRACT)
Cancer patients seeking palliative care faces distressing symptoms which affect their quality of life adversely. Patients’ lack of adherence to analgesics is one of the major factors contributing to the undertreatment of cancer pain. The objective of this paper is to outline the development of a mobile application-based system to develop a physician-patient relationship and to improve adherence to medications prescribed for cancer pain management.
The mobile application-based system is developed using alarm and cloud based data sysncronisation for improving medication adherence and self-recording symptoms among cancer patients receiving palliative therapy at a palliative care clinic.
Ten palliative medicine physicians tested the project website and the mobile application thoroughly instead of patients. The physician recoded the prescription and other details on the project website. The data transferred from website to mobile application. The mobile application reminded scheduled medication by alarm, collected medical adherence details, daily symptom observation, and their severity and SOS medication details. The data from the mobile application was transferred back to project website successfully.
The developed system can directly improve the physician-patient relationship, and improve better communication and sharing of information between physician and patient. This will impact the quality of life of the patient, improve the awareness of the patient about the disease, and may reduce rate of hospitalisation. This will also help physicians to treat patients efficiently. The developed system is being tested under a randomised control trial study. The findings of the study can be generalised to all patients suffering from chronic illnesses and on long-term medications.
Keywords: Mobile application; Analgesics; Cancer; Symptom management; Drug adherence; Palliative care