Time management is something that some people struggle at, whereas others are champions of productivity. It helps to better plan and organize activities, increase productivity, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
I can give you some effective and proven time management tips!
1. Plan your day in advance
Planning is the first, the best, and most proven of all time management techniques. Firstly, because it helps to properly organize your work. Secondly, because it gives you a detailed insight into all the things you need to do. If you can plan your daily, weekly, or monthly tasks, the rest comes easily.
There are many ways to plan and organize your work:
- Calendars and personal organizers (in digital or paper form)
- Dedicated to-do-lists
Also, you can mix and combine different options to master your time management.
2. Focus and block distractions
Notifications, pop-up messages, e-mails, some people constantly talking to you. It all pulls your attention away from work.
There are many ways to stay focused:
- You can put your phone away, turn off social media notifications or block distracting websites. But the best way is to concentrate and do what you have to do. It’s worth limiting your presence in social media to the minimum because it takes a lot of your time and doesn’t bring much value into your life.
- Try making a list of all the ways you get distracted. Looking at your phone will be on it, but there will be lits of other things, too. Next, decide how you can control each of the distractions on your list.
For example, keeping your phone out of reach or putting it away while you are doing your homework will help you finish a lot faster. You will be amased at how much more productive you can be when you have dealt with distractions.
3. Find Your Productivity Zone
Some people are the most productive first thing in the morning, when their minds are fresh and before everyone else is fully awake. Some people prefer digging into important work mid-day when their momentum is full-throttle, and still, others are night owls who leave the most important work for the end of the day when ideas and concepts have had time to settle.
You can cut down on the time it takes you to complete your work by identifying when you work best, are most productive, and plan your most important work for that time.
You can boost your productivity even more if you're able to reduce distractions and interruptions during this focused work time.
4. Track Your Time
Time tracking with a dedicated time tracking tool can be an excellent way to manage time, even when you don't need to track your time spent on the client or billable work.
Tracking your time throughout the day can help you increase productivity in two ways. First, it can keep you focused on the task you're working on right at that moment.
Second, time tracking can give you a picture of exactly where your time is being spent. If you have never done this before, it is eye-opening and provides valuable insight into how you spend your time.
If you're honest in documenting your time and activities, you'll be able to identify some strengths, weaknesses, and how much time you actually spend working on tasks.
5. Reward yourself
Have you finished the task or project you were working on? Good, now take a break and do something for yourself. Drink a cup of coffee, listen to your favorite music, or call your friend. The little rewards are a great way of motivating yourself.
So go on, take that nap, go for a walk, or read a chapter of your favorite book!
Thank you for your attention!