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Get Acne-Free and Glowing Skin with These Anti-Aging Tips


Acne has been around since the beginning of time, but that doesn’t mean you have to live with it! These expert anti-aging skin care tips can help you reduce the size and inflammation of your pimples and get glowing, acne-free skin that will look as good as it feels. The three main causes of acne are genetics, hormones, dirt, and oil buildup on your skin.

Drink More Water

It is important to drink plenty of water every day. Water boosts metabolism and helps flush toxins from the body. It also removes toxins from your skin. Most importantly, it prevents you from feeling tired or sleepy which can prevent you from wanting to exercise. Stay hydrated! Drink enough water so that you feel energized throughout the day and want to go out for a walk after work.

Eat Right

Eating a healthy diet can help you maintain good skin and prevent skin problems. Make sure to eat a balanced diet, and avoid sugar, junk food, and processed foods as much as possible. What you eat will have an impact on your skin. Be sure to drink plenty of water, too. Foods that are particularly good for your skin include dark green vegetables like broccoli and kale, healthy fats such as olive oil, omega 3s from salmon or walnuts (you can also get these from eggs), fruits like blueberries or pomegranates, red grapes with their antioxidants found in the skins of the grapes, avocados which are also full of good fats for your skin.

Read Labels

Reading labels may seem tedious, but it's the only way to make sure that the product you're using is suited for your skin type. Plus, reading labels ensures that you know exactly what ingredients are in your beauty products. For example, if you have sensitive skin or rosacea, you'll want to steer clear of anti-aging creams with glycolic acid as this can irritate the skin.

These six tips will give you beautiful, acne-free skin: 1) Drink lots of water 2) Use gentle products 3) Try an at-home peel 4) Wear sunscreen 5) Be consistent 6) Shop for products made for your specific needs

Step Away From the Screen Section: Drink Tea

While we can't drink tea to get rid of acne, there are several other anti-aging benefits from drinking tea! First, it'll improve your mood by giving you some antioxidants. Tea also reduces stress levels, as well as creates a natural barrier that defends the skin against aging. Finally, this might be a bit far-fetched but green tea is said to fight cancer. Now your acnes don't seem so bad, right? The more we're exposed to screens, the more they can lead to skin problems like wrinkles and lines around our eyes. Try not to spend too much time in front of screens. If you must use them, make sure you're using an app called Night Shift on your phone or computer which filters out blue light - the type that makes us stay up later at night (we all know how easy it is for that computer or phone screen to keep us up late). If you want even more protection for your eyes, try wearing sunglasses when outside during daylight hours too! Lastly, one last tip: drink lots of water!

Use a Toner

A toner can help to revitalize your skin by reducing the oil on your face that is blocking the oxygen from getting to your pores. Toner is also very important because it will remove any excess oils or makeup residue left on your skin that may be causing further damage. If you have acne-prone skin, be sure to use a toner with exfoliating properties because it will remove the buildup of dead cells and other particles in your pores that are clogging them. After using a toner, apply an anti-aging serum to reduce inflammation, minimize scars, restore elasticity, and even out the texture of aging skin. It's great for dark circles as well!

Add Sea Salt To Your Shower Routine

Adding a touch of sea salt to your shower routine is a natural way to exfoliate, scrub away dead skin cells, tighten pores, and deeply cleanse the skin. Plus, the salinity naturally balances out pH levels while providing trace minerals that help support healthy cell production. Use Apple Cider Vinegar as an Exfoliator: Since it's acidic, apple cider vinegar can also be used as an effective exfoliator by mixing in just a teaspoon or two into your cleansing routine.

Keep Your Skin Hydrated with Coconut Oil: You can reap the benefits of coconut oil by massaging it onto dry patches or using it as a hydrating facial moisturizer at night before bed. It has anti-inflammatory properties which will help combat acne and acne scars for smoother, clearer skin.

Choose Moisturizers Wisely

It's difficult to find the right moisturizer that works for your skin type. Consider these pointers when shopping:

  • Natural oil can make your skin oily, but some are anti-aging. Seek a lightweight serum or cream in which most of the ingredients are natural oils (extra virgin olive oil, jojoba, grapeseed). It may be pricey, but it lasts a lot longer.
  • Avoid anything that claims to help spots disappear within 12 hours. Anything topical is temporary and will only do so much for an acne breakout.
  • Consider water-based creams instead of those that have occlusive properties (they trap air). If you have sensitive skin this is especially important as water-based formulas tend to be gentler on the surface layers of your skin.