At first, I thought it was a good idea to teach idioms ,but then I realized how hard it is for my students to understand and use them correctly. So for awhile, I stopped teaching idioms. Students who returned from America and Britain told me how often native English speakers used idioms on a daily basis, as well as how many phrasal verbs they used in their everyday speech, which were difficult for them to understand. You may observe how frequently they are used by watching English-language movies or TV shows.
The English language has about 5000 phrasal verbs. Phrasal verbs are thought to be the distinguishing factor between non-native and native speakers. It's not necessary to learn them all, but having a good understanding of the common ones is very helpful and will help you on your way to comprehending and sounding more like a native speaker.
A good way to learn idioms is by theme :
There are many themes , here are just a few.
Actions and behaviour. Add fuel to the fire.
If you add fuel to the flames, you do or say something that makes a difficult situation even worse.
Body. It will set you back an arm and a leg.
If something costs an arm and a leg, it is very expensive.
Books. .Brain like a sieveSomeone who has a brain like a sieve has a very bad memory and forgets things easily.
"Oh, I forgot to buy the bread-I've got a brain like a sieve these days!"
Clothes. Tighten your belt, tighten your belt.
If you need to tighten your belt, you must spend less money or be careful how you spend it because there is less available.
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