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Present Simple/Indefinite(практика)

Содержание статьи:

1) Упражнения на Present Simple/Indefinite
2) Дополнительная лексика.
2) Ключи к упражнениям.

Сегодня нам предстоит большая практика! Перед каждым заданием я буду вам давать глаголы с переводим, чтобы вы сразу их запоминали.
*Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения не будут содержать специально пропущенных мест.

Задание 1.

глаголы: go (идти, ехать), go home (идти, отправиться домой), say (сказать что-то, говорить что-то), like (любить, нарвиться), call (звонить), wake up (просыпаться, будить кого-то), brush (чистить щёткой), swim (плавать, плыть), have breakfast (завтракать), drink (пить), eat (есть), see (видеть), hear (слышать), watch (пристально смотреть), take (взять ,брать), leave (оставлять, покидать).

1) Я плаваю 3 раза в неделю. - I ____________ three times a week.
2) Они не завтракают. Они просто пьют кофе. - They _________ _____________________. They just _______________ coffee.
3) Тебе нравится моё новое платье? - You _____________ my new dress?
4) Сначала просыпаюсь я, потом бужу сына и мужа. - First I _____________ then I ___________ my son and my husband _______.
5) Я никогда не ем клубнику из супермаркета. - I _______________ strawberries from the supermarket.
6) Ты меня видишь? - Нет. - You ___________ me? - No, _____________.
7) Когда Том идёт домой, он всегда пьёт яблочный сок, который берёт с собой. - When Tom ___________________ he always _____________ apple juice, which he ______________ with him.
8) На этой вывеске написано: "Не оставляйте мусор в парке. Штраф - 1 день собирания мусора в этом парке. Осторожно, на вас всегда смотрит камера". This billboard ____________: " Don't ______________ the trash in the park. The fine is one day trash picking in this park. Be careful: the camera always ______________ you!
9) Твоя сестра когда-нибудь расчёсывается? - Your sister ever _____________ her hair?
10) Он меня не слышит. Позвоним ему. - He ________________. Let's ___________him.
11) Ты часто ходишь за покупками? - Нет, раза 2 в неделю. - You often _______________ shopping? - No, about twice a week.

Задание 2.

Переведите предложения.
Задание 2А.

wash (мыть, стирать), clean (чистить, убирать), cook (готовить), smoke (купить), love (любить (о человеке), обожать ( о предмете)), dance (танцевать), sing (петь), draw (рисовать, чертить), paint (красить, ртсовать красками), do the dishes (мыть посуду), make (my/your...) bed (застелить кровать), want (хотеть), hope for (надеяться на/что), listen to(слушать), look at ((по)смотреть на).

Дополнительная лексика:

in the morning - утром;
in the mornings - по утрам;

in the afternoon - в послеобеденное время, днём;
in the afternoons - днём;

in the evening - вечером;
in the evenings - по вечерам;
(!) On Saturday nights - Субботними вечерами.

at night - ночью;
at nights - ночами, в ночи;

on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday - В Пн/Вт/Ср/Чт/Пт/Сб/Вс;
on Mondays/Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays/Fridays/Saturdays/Sundays - по понедельникам/вторникам/средам/четвергам/пятницам/субботам/воскресеньям;
on Saturday afternoon - в субботу после обеда;

in winter - зимой;
in summer - летом;
in autumn/fall - осенью;
in spring - весной.

Задание 2A.

1) Мы надеемся на удачу(good luck).
2) Аня стирает в субботу.
3) Ночью моя кошка смотрит на стены(the walls).
4) Я обожаю мороженое.
5) Зимой мы слушаем рождественские песни (the carols).
6) Они красят свой дом по Воскресеньям.
7) Мой папа не курит.
8) Утром я заправляю кровать.
9) Кевин не слушает музыку в машине.
10) Том не готовит.
11) Обычно мы убираем в субботу после обеда.
12) Я не рисую карандашём, я рисую красками.

Задание 2B.
1) Мы моем посуду, убираем и готовим каждый день.
2) Днём Том слушает музыку, а вечером тарцует в школе танцев.
3) Осенью я смотрю на небо и не вижу звёзд в ночи.
4) Я по утрам застилаю кровать, потом умываюсь, чищу зубы и иду на кухню.
5) Иногда на уроках рисования мы рисуем красками или рисуем карандашем.
6) Фрэд обычно не курит дома.
7) Обожаю летом купаться в горных речках.
8) На что ты надеешься? - Хочу быть знаменитым во всём мире!
9) Моя старшая дочь стирает вещи сама.
10) Думаю, Кейт ужасно поёт! Не хочу её слышать!

Задание 3.
Ответьте на вопросы:

1) What is the weather like in summer? - Жарко и солнечно.
2) Does your father drink coffee in the mornings? - Да.
3) Do you have close friends? - Да.
4) How old are you? - Мне 23 года.
5) Where are you? - Дома.
6) When do you go to the gym? - По вторникам, четвергам и субботам.
7) When do you finish your work? - В послеобеденное время.
8) When do you usually read books? - По вечерам в пятницу.

Задание 4.
Расположите правильно слова в предложениях. Обращайте внимание на отрицание и вопрос. (!) вопроситкльнеы предложения не отмечены знаком вопроса.

1) We/on Monday/swim/the/in/usually/pool.
2) Their/clean/never/they/flat/
3) With/friends/every/she/day/speaks/her/Englsih.
4) Does/have/Sally/the/mornings/breakfast/not/in.
5) Never/Do/the/I/dishes.
6) You/do/mountain/like/views.
7) Know/she/not/your/does/name.
8) In/your/make/do/morning/bed/always/the/you.

Задание 5А.
Из предложенной утвердительной формы сделайте отрицание и вопрос.

1) Every day I wake up at 6 o'clock.
2) She writes nice articles.
3) They buy books once a month.
4) I know English well.
5) He has three brothers.
6) We study medicine.
7) You always do your homework.

Задание 5B.
Из предложенной формы сделать две оставшиеся.

She has a good English practice. (+):

She doesn't have a good English practice. (-)
Does she have a good English practice? (?)

1) Sam doesn't understand the task. (-)
2) My grandmpther wears glasses. (+)
3) Do they usually drink coffee? (?)
4) Helen has a car. (+)
5) On Monday we come to work by 7 o'clock. (+)
6) Does your father read newspapers? (?)
7) I don't drive when the weather is stormy. (-)

Задание 6.

глаголы: play board games (играть в настольные игры), go on a hike (ходить в поход), live (жить), begin (начинать), finish (заканчивать), go to bed (ложиться спать), dress up (одеваться), have lunch (пообедать), have dinner (поужинать), drive (водить, ехать за рулём), ride a bike (кататься на велосипеде), work (работать), speak (говорить на языке), write (писать), know (знать), watch (смотреть), buy (покупать).

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в нужную форму:

1) We (to go to bed) very late.
2) Kate ( not to have lunch) normally?
3) When we meet with friends, we always (to play board games).
4) I ( to work) from 5AM till 3PM. I (to begin) my work at 5AM and (to finish) at 3PM.
5) You (to speak) French?
6) I never (to go on a hike).
7) What you (to buy) usually at the mall?
8) She (not to live) here. She (to live) in Canada.
9) I (not to know) that guy.
10) Jane (not to ride) a bike, but she (to drive) a car really well.
11) You (to dress up) really fast!
12) We usually (to have dinner) together.
13) My uncle (to write) good books. You should definately read one of them.
14) How often you (to watch) TV?

Задание 7.
Исправьте ошибки.

1) Its depend from your will. (3)
2) In May,20th I have my birthday. (1)
3) Everybody listen my opinion. (2)
4) At wensday I have two business meetings. (4)
5) She doesn't has her own opinion. (1)
6) Thuesday is the fourth day of the week. (1)
7) I every day have much homework to do. (1)
8) I leave in Scotland. (1)
9) Ann doesn't likes her new teacher. (1)
10) I drive a horse really good. (2)
11) We never don't go to the theatre in our town. (2)
12) Do your son studies well? - Yes, he studies. (3)

Задание 8.

to go shopping (ходить за покупками, ходить на шоппинг), to enter (входить, заходить в), to write (писать), to decorate (украшать), to need (нуждаться), to look for (искать), to adore (обожать), to find (находить), to become (становиться)

Выражения: besides ( кроме того), in many ways (в многом), first (сначала), and then (и/а потом), of coarse (конечно же).

A strory.
One day a girl named Mary (to go) shopping. She (to enter) a bookshop. She (to see) many interesting books in this shop. Besides, there are copybooks, pens, pencils, crayons, paints and many other things.
She (to write) a personal diary and she (to like) to decorate it in many ways. So she (to want) to walk around an buy everything she (to need).
First, she (to look for) a book of her favourite author Harper Lee "To kill a mockingbird. She (to adore) classics. And then, perhaps, she (to want) some fiction books. When she (to find) them, she (to become) absolutely happy!
Now, she is ready to buy a new copybook to make it her new diary.
Mary also (to paint) really well. So she (to take) some multicoloured paints, some new paintbrushes and an album for her works.
Wnen she (to pay) her purchase, she (to go) to some coffee shop to buy latte, her favourite coffe, and then, (to walk) in the park.
The day (to seem) long anyway because she (to have) a two-weeks vacation. All she (to want) is to sit on the bench in the park and read one of her books.



Задание 1.

1) I swim 3 times a week.
2)They don't have breakfast. They just drink coffee.
3)Do you like my new dress?
4) First I wake up, then I wake my son and my husband up.
5) I never eat strawberries from the supermarket.
6) Do you see me? - No, I don't.
7) When Tom goes home, he always drinks apple juice which he takes with him.
8) This billboard says: "Don't leave the trash in the park. The fine is one day trash picking in this park. Be careful! The camera always watches you!"
9) Does your sister ever brush her hair?
10) He doesn't hear me. Let's call him.
11) Do you often go shopping? - No, about twice a week.

Задание 2A.
1) We hope for good luck.
2) Ann washes on Saturday.
3) At night my cat looks at the walls.
4) I love ice-cream.
5) In winter we listen to the carols.
6) They paint their house on Sundays.
7) My father doesn't smoke.
8) In the morning I make my bed.
9) Kevin doesn't listen to music in his car.
10) Tom doesn't cook.
11)We usually clean on Saturday afternoon.
12)I don't paint, I draw.

Задание 2B.
1) We do the dishes, clean and cook every day.
2) In the afternoon Tom listens to music and in the evening he dances at the Dance School.
3) In autumn I look at the sky and I don't see the stars at nights.
4) In the mornings I make my bed, then I wash my face, clean my teeth and go to the kitchen.
5) We sometimes paint or draw at our Art lessons.
6) Fred usually doesn't smoke at home.
7) I love to swim in the mountain rivers in summer.
8) What do you hope for? - I want to be famous in the whole world!
9) My elder daughter washes the clothes herself.
10) I think, Kate sings terribly! I don't want to hear her!

Задание 3.
1) It is hot and sunny.
2) Yes, he does.
3) Yes, I do.
4) I'm twenty-three years old.
5) I'm at home.
6) On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
7) In the afternoon.
8) On Friday evenings/nights.

Задание 4.
1) We usually swim in the pool on Monday.
2) They never clean their flat.
3) Every day she speaks English with her friends.
4) Sally does not(doesn't) have breakfast in the mornings.
5) I never do the dishes.
6) Do you like mountain views?
7) She does not(doesn't) know your name.
8) Do you always make your bed in the morning?

Задание 5А.
1) I don't wake up at 6 o' clock every day. (-)
Do you wake up at 6 o'clock every day? (?)
2) She doesn't write nice articles. (-)
Does she write nice articles? (?)
3) They don't buy books once a month. (-)
Do they buy books once a month? (?)
4) I don't know English well. (-)
Do you know English well?
5) He doesn't have three brothers. (-)
Does he have three brothers? (?)
6) We don't study medicine. (-)
Do you study medicine? (?)
7) You don't always do your homework. (-)
Do you always do your homework? (?)

Задание 5В.
1) Sam understands the task. (+)
Does Sam understand the task? (?)
2) My grandmother doesn't wear glasses. (-)
Does your grandmother wear glasses? (?)
3) They don't usually drink coffee. (-)
They usually drink coffee. (+)
4) Helen doesn't have a car. (-)
Does Helen have a car? (?)
5) (On Monday) we don't come to work by 7 o'clock (on Monday).
Do you come to work by 7 o'clock on Monday?
6) My father reads newspapers. (+)
My father doesn't read newspapers. (-)
7) I drive when the weather is stormy. (+)
Do you drive when the weather is stormy? (?)

Задание 6.
1) We go to bed very late.
2) Kate doesn't normally have lunch?
3) When we meet with friends, we always play board games.
4) I work from 5AM till 3PM. I begin my work at 5A and finish at 3PM.
5) Do you speak French? 6) I never go on a hike.
7) What do you usually buy at the mall?
8) She doesn't live here. She lives in Canada.
9) I don't know that guy.
10) Jane doesn't ride a bike, but she drives a car really well.
11) You dress up really fast!
12) We usually have dinner together.
13) My uncle writes good books. You should definately read one of them.
14) How often do you watch TV?

Задание 7.
1) It depends on your will.
2) In May,20th I have my birthday.
3) Everybody listens to my opinion.
4) On Wednesday I have two business meetings.
5) She doesn't have her own opinion.
6) Thursday is the fourth day of the week.
7) (Every day) I have much homework to do (every day).
8) I live in Scotland.
9) Ann doesn't like her new teacher.
10) I ride a horse really well.
11) We never go to the theatre in our town.
2) Does your son study well? - Yes, he does.

Задание 8.
One day a girl named Mary goes shopping. She enters a bookshop. She sees many interesting books in this shop. Besides, there are copybooks, pens, pencils, crayons, paints and many other things. She writes a personal diary and she likes to decorate it in many ways. So she wants to walk around an buy everything she needs.
First, she looks for a book of her favourite author Harper Lee "To kill a mockingbird. She adores classics. And then, perhaps, she wants some fiction books.
When she finds them, she becomes absolutely happy! Now, she is ready to buy a new copybook to make it her new diary.
Mary also paints really well. So she takes some multicoloured paints, some new paintbrushes and an album for her works.
Wnen she pays her purchase, she goes to some coffee shop to buy latte, her favourite coffe, and then, walks in the park. The day seems long anyway because she has a two-weeks vacation. All she wants is to sit on the bench in the park and read one of her books.


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