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Hello, dear friends! Today we are going to study an article about an extinct animal . Let's look at the news in Russian first.

Дюгоней признали функционально вымершими в Китае.

Дюгоней (морских млекопитающих, которых моряки в древности ошибочно принимали за русалок) объявили функционально вымершими в китайских водах. Этот статус означает, что у популяции уже нет потенциала для дальнейшего здорового воспроизведения, сообщает Royal Society Open Science.
Ученые из Лондонского зоологического общества (ZSL) и Китайской академии наук провели специальное исследование, посвященное дюгоням. Результаты показали, что с 1970-х годов численность их популяции в Китае стала быстро сокращаться.
Специалисты опросили жителей 66 рыболовецких общин в провинциях Хайнань, Гуанси, Гуандун и Фуцзянь. Последние свидетельства о встречах с дюгонями датировались 2008 годом; ученым не удалось найти никого, кто видел бы этих млекопитающих в последующие годы

Read the full story here

Lets translate the text to english and find useful words.

In China, dugongs have been declared functionally extinct.

Dugongs (sea mammals that ancient sailors mistook for mermaids) have been declared functionally extinct in Chinese waters. According to the Royal Society Open Science, this status means that the population no longer has the potential for further healthy reproduction.

Scientists from the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences conducted a special study on dugongs. The results showed that since the 1970s, their population in China has begun to decline rapidly.

Experts interviewed residents of 66 fishing communities in the provinces of Hainan, Guangxi, Guangdong and Fujian. The latest evidence of encounters with dugongs dates back to 2008; scientists have not been able to find anyone who saw these mammals in subsequent years.

Some words from the article

Mistake, past tense: mistook (ошибся) = be wrong about.

I mistook you for someone else.

Extinct (вымерший) = no longer alive.

Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.

Potential (потенциал) = the chance or possibility that something will develop and become real There is a potential for injury. 2 : an ability or quality that can lead to success or excellence : promise

The footballer has great potential.

Contucted(проведенный) = to direct or take part in.

I took part in the game.

Rapidly (быстро) = very quickly; at a great rate.

The business is expanding rapidly.

Evidence(доказательство) = A sign which shows that something exists or is true.

The police gave the evidence to the court.

Can you think of any other sentences where you could use these words?

Напишите ваши примеры с новыми словами.

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