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Книга на английском для детей. ZENNY The Story of Bogwana. Chapter 2.

Rainbow magic

Next morning Liza woke up very early. She couldn’t wait to take her new friend to kindergarten. Zenny was sleeping in the nice white doll bed, which she neatly laid for him. Liza woke him up and after breakfast they went to the kindergarten.

She introduced her new friend to the children. All morning they couldn’t stop playing. Zenny asked riddles and role-played with children. He could sing songs and tell unusual rhymes also. Everybody loved Zenny.

“It is round” he started to explain the riddle, “the color is blue and white and green.”

“It is my soccer ball.” cried Alex, one of the boys from Liza’s group.

“No, it does not jump and roll, it spins.” proceeded Zenny.

“Round spinner!” hastily interrupted Alex before Zenny could finish his riddle.

“No.” kindly answered Zenny. “It is enormous and”

“It is enormous spinner.” insisted Alex.

“Is it our planet Earth.” modestly guessed Alice.

“It is, indeed!!!” happily exclaimed Zenny and chanted cheerfully,

“Earth is round, Earth is green,

Earth is home for human being.

Full of miracles and dreams,

It creates amazing things!

Earth is beautiful and dear,

Glad to share its fresh air.

Earth is weeping up the plea,

Please cut down rubbish in the sea!”

Liza became thirsty and decided to take a cup of water from the cooler before lunch, Zenny repeated after her. He enjoyed the things she did and wanted to try everything she did. Suddenly instead of throwing away the plastic cup after drinking Zenny swallowed it. Liza wanted to warn Zenny not to eat plastic cup since it is not eatable for human beings and animals when suddenly a nice multicolored rainbow started to come out of his little belly. It filled the whole room. It was fresh and beautiful rainbow like one that comes right after the summer rain.

“Zenny, look, it is a rainbow coming out of your belly. It is amazing, Zenny!” the children suddenly stopped playing, stared at the rainbow and opened their mouths in astonishment.

“Rainbow, rainbow robot.” some kids begun to shout joyfully and jump trying to reach the rainbow.

At the end of that day all the children were asking their parents to buy a rainbow robot who eats plastic cups.

“I never knew about the rainbow in my stomach.” shared Zenny with Liza in the evening.

“Maybe this is your special talent your parents told you about.”

“Maybe, my mother told me that I can bring purity and keep life with my talent”

“Zenny, you are so special. I am so happy that you are my friend now.”

“Do you think rainbow is my talent? At least, I can make children smile.” said the robot with some hope.

“Yes, your rainbow is so beautiful, it is amazing!” supported him a girl. “Can you show me it one more time?”

“I will try my dear friend.” Zenny tried to shake with his belly, then punched it and rubbed but there were no rainbow coming out of it.

“I am so sorry, I cannot.” said Zenny sadly.

Instantly Liza ran out of the room and in a few minutes came with several plastic cups.

“I know that human cannot eat plastic cup but today when you ate one the rainbow magic happened. So maybe you can try it again Zenny?!”

Zenny swallowed one cup after another and wonderful rainbow immediately brightened the room.

”Wow, I have never imagined I could have a rainbow in my room, thank you so much Zenny!”

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