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Hello, dear friends! Today we are going to study an article about the history of jeans. Let's look at the news in Russian first.

История джинсов начинается в штате Калифорния, который в середине XIX века охватила золотая лихорадка. Рабочим требовалась прочная и обладающая повышенной износостойкостью одежда, способная справиться с нагрузками на рудниках. Тогда 44-летний Ливай Страусс (Лейб Штраус при рождении) основал компанию Levi Strauss & Co. В русском языке имя изобретателя джинсов закрепилось как Леви Страусс.
Первое время штаны шили из плотной парусины, но с появлением спроса на товар Страусс заменил её на лёгкий французский деним (прочная хлопчатобумажная ткань). В конце XIX века джинсы были популярной и удобной, более гигиеничной в сравнении с кожаной одеждой для золотоискателей, лесорубов, шахтёров и фермеров. Они назывались комбинезонами без верха. А сам термин «джинсы» — это переиначенное на американский манер слово Genoa, потому что первоначально одежду из денима носили генуэзские моряки. Привычное название брюки приобрели лишь в 1940-х

Read the full story here

Lets translate the text to english and find useful words.

Overalls without a top for gold miners

The history of jeans begins in the state of California, which in the middle of the 19th century was swept by a gold rush. Workers needed clothing that was tough and durable to withstand the pressures of the mines. Then, 44-year-old Levi Strauss (Leib Strauss at birth) founded the company Levi Strauss & Co. In Russian, the name of the inventor of jeans was fixed as Levi Strauss.

At first, pants were sewn from thick canvas, but with the advent of demand for the product, Strauss replaced it with light French denim (durable cotton fabric). At the end of the 19th century, jeans were popular and comfortable, and more hygienic than leather clothing for gold prospectors, lumberjacks, miners, and farmers. They were called topless overalls. And the term "jeans" itself is the word Genoa rewritten in the American manner, because originally Genoese sailors wore denim clothes. Trousers acquired the usual name only in the 1940s

Some words from the article

Overalls = a loose-fitting coat or one-piece garment worn over ordinary clothes for protection against dirt or heavy wear.

Men in dirty blue overalls.

Durable = strong and lasts a long time without breaking or becoming weaker. Synonyms: hard-wearing, strong, tough.

The machines have to be made of durable materials.

Founded = establish or originate. A person who creates or establishes something

The monastery was founded in 1665.

Inventor = a person who invented a particular process or device or who invents things as an occupation.

Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

Lumberjack = a person who fells trees, cuts them into logs, or transports them to a sawmill.

Sailor = a person who goes sailing as a sport or recreation.

Can you think of any other sentences where you can use these words?

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