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Отрывок из статьи "Live For Today. Hope For Tomorrow."

На английском, без полного перевода, разбор некоторых слов.

Once there was a Chinese farmer who had a horse that he would tend his crops with every morning. One day, out of the blue, the horse ran off. All the villagers approached the farmer and offered their sympathies. “My! What bad luck you’ve had,” they echoed. “Maybe, maybe not. We’ll see tomorrow,” replied the farmer.

The next day the horse returned and it brought with it seven wild horses. “You’re so fortunate!” the villagers exclaimed. “Maybe, maybe not. We’ll see tomorrow,” replied the farmer.

The next day, the farmer’s son tried to ride one of these wild horses. He was bucked off and broke his leg. “Oh, that’s too bad,” the villagers cried. “Maybe, maybe not. We’ll see tomorrow,” replied the farmer.

The next day, government officials traveled to the village and drafted young men for a gruesome war that was going on. The farmer’s son, with his broken leg, was rejected from the draft. “Oh wow! Isn’t that great?” The villagers asked.

The farmer yet again, replied, “We’ll see tomorrow.” The message of this parable is simple. Nothing is permanent and tomorrow always brings with it new possibilities, whether good or bad.

But first, what exactly is tomorrow? For some, it is quite literally the day after today. For others, it invokes the idea of a near-distant future where everything is possible. We hear this in many forms. “The Sun will come out tomorrow”, “it’ll get better tomorrow”, “tomorrow is a new day”. For many, tomorrow is a symbol of hope. The hope that we’ll have the opportunity to do it all again. That our circumstances can improve. That we can be better.

Английский - Английский:

1. tend - to care for somebody/something, to be likely to behave in a particular way or have a particular characteristic

2. crop - a plant such as a grain, fruit, or vegetable grown in large amounts

3. to exclaim - to say or shout something suddenly because of surprise, fear, pleasure, etc.

4. bucked off - of a horse, to stand on its back legs, in an attempt to knock a rider off its back

5. a gruesome - extremely unpleasant and shocking, and usually dealing with death or injury

6. draft young men - to select from a group for some usually compulsory service: drafted into the army.

7. permanent - lasting for a long time or forever

8. parable - a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson

9. invoke - to request help from someone, especially a god, when you want to improve a situation

10. circumstance - a fact or event that makes a situation the way it is, events that change your life, over which you have no control

Английский - Русский:

1. tend - иметь тенденцию, ухаживать, заботиться, пасти, иметь склонность, присматривать

2. crop - урожай, посев, обрезать

3. to exclaim - воскликнуть

4. bucked off - сбрасывать с седла

5. a gruesome war - ужасная война

6. draft young men - призвать юношей

7. permanent - постоянный, перманентный

8. parable - притча

9. invoke - призывать, взывать

10. circumstance - обстоятельство, случай

Примеры использования:

1. She tends to the children - Она присматривает за детьми

2. The crop was sold for a pittance - Урожай был продан за бесценок

3. He exclaimed that he was innocent - Он воскликнул, что он невиновен

4. He was bucked off - Его сбросило с седла

5. It is a gruesome sight - Это ужасное/отвратительное зрелище

6. He was a victim of circumstances - Он был жертвой обстоятельств

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