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Японский журнал в Скопус, второй квартиль (биоматериалы), Regenerative Therapy

Уважаемые коллеги, доброго времени суток! Представляем вам японское научное издание Regenerative Therapy. Журнал имеет второй квартиль, издается в Japanese Society of Regenerative Medicine, находится в открытом доступе, его SJR за 2021 г. равен 0,645, импакт-фактор 3,651, электронный ISSN - 2352-3204, предметные области - Биоматериалы, Биомедицинский инжиниринг, Онтогенетика (биология развития). Вот так выглядит обложка:

Редактором является Унг-ил Чунг, контактные данные - helixcm1@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp.


Это официальный рецензируемым онлайн-журналом Японского общества регенеративной медицины. Regenerative Therapy - это междисциплинарный журнал, в котором публикуются оригинальные статьи и обзоры фундаментальных исследований, клинических переводов, промышленных разработок и нормативных вопросов, посвященных биологии стволовых клеток, тканевой инженерии и регенеративной медицине.

Адрес издания - https://www.journals.elsevier.com/regenerative-therapy

Пример статьи, название - An exploratory clinical trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of combination therapy of REGROTH® and Cytrans® granules for severe periodontitis with intrabony defects. Заголовок (Abstract)


Currently, flap operation (FOP) using REGROTH® (0.3% basic fibroblast growth factor [FGF-2]) is the standard treatment for periodontal regenerative therapy in Japan. However, the periodontal tissue regenerative effect with REGROTH® monotherapy is inadequate for severe alveolar bone defects. Therefore, in this study, we evaluated the safety and effectiveness of periodontal regenerative therapy for patients with severe periodontitis using REGROTH® (test medicine) combined with Cytrans® Granules (test device: carbonated apatite granules), which is a new artificial bone.


The study participants included 10 patients with severe periodontitis (mean age: 47.4 years). All participants provided written informed consents. In each patient, the intrabony defect site (mean bone defect depth: 5.7 mm) was defined as the test site. FOP was performed for the test site after the baseline investigation; moreover, the test medicine and test device were administered simultaneously. Furthermore, the observation of subjects’ general condition and test sites was conducted and the blood, urine, and periodontal tissue tests were performed up to 36 weeks after FOP. The rate of bone increase (%), clinical attachment level (CAL), probing pocket depth (PPD), bleeding on probing (BOP), tooth mobility (Mo), width of keratinized gingiva (KG), gingival recession (REC), gingival index (GI), and plaque index (PlI) were evaluated during the periodontal tissue investigation.


As the primary endpoint, no adverse events related to the test medicine and test device occurred during the entire observation period of this study. Regarding the secondary endpoints, there was a significant increase in new alveolar bone (p = 0.003) and CAL acquisition (p = 0.001) as well as decrease in PPD (p = 0.002) and BOP (p = 0.016) at 36 weeks after administration of the test medicine and test device compared with the preoperative values. Furthermore, at 36 weeks after surgery, the Mo, GI, and PlI decreased to preoperative levels at 40%, 60%, and 30% of sites, respectively. However, at 36 weeks after surgery, there was no difference in KG and REC compared with their preoperative values.


The safety of periodontal regenerative therapy using the test medicine in combination with the abovementioned test device was confirmed. In addition, it was suggested that this periodontal regenerative therapy is effective for tissue regeneration in severe alveolar bone defects.

This clinical trial was conducted after registering and publicizing as a specified clinical trial in the Japan registry of clinical trials (jRCTs051190045).

Graphical abstract


Keywords: Periodontal regeneration; Basic fibroblast growth factor; Carbonated apatite; Flap operation; Intrabony defect