15 available places (10 state - supported education, 5 tuition fee - based)
Type of study: full-time
Language: English
Duration: available as 1-year & 2-year track
The aim of the program is to grow up high level professionals in the field of material science.
Core subjects:
Physical methods:
- Methods for materials characterization
- Condensed matter physics
- Mega-scale research facilities
Methods of synthesis:
- Methods for Nanomaterials Design
- Synthesis of Nanostructured Materials
Computer science:
- Modern supercomuter technologies and data analysis
- Computer modelling of nanoscale structure of materials
- Project activity
- Research work
- Industrial internship
- Language internship
Career perspectives: work at the world-leading research centers and industries.
Link: https://www.study.sfedu.ru/smartmaterials#About
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