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Exorde: Learning to trust and verify

Exorde - where is the truth?If you want to glorify a quote - sign it with a famous person and put it on the Internet. In the 21st century, the pace of information technology development has shifted towards media activities and information exchange processes. The modern information flow is a constant feed of messages in which news, advertising, useful content, and propaganda are mixed. As a result, what happens in a certain space reaches us in a matter of seconds. Usually, we are not always focused on whether the information we receive or transmit is correct or not.

Today, the Internet is the most popular source of information. This is understandable - searching the net takes less time than reading reference literature, and even more so visiting the library, watching newspapers and television programs.

Ordinary users also use the Internet - to find out why the vacuum cleaner stopped working, and government officials, businessmen and commercial organizations. For the latter, promptly received information is not only comfortable working conditions, but often quite tangible profits.

Splashes of fakes and any other false information, as a rule, begin against the backdrop of a disturbing topic, which creates fertile ground for their spread. This is understandable: negative images are the most attractive. It is easier for our minds to cling to flaws than to focus on virtues.

The reasons for the appearance of this phenomenon can be completely different: someone does it for a joke, someone launches a kind of information virus, someone pursues personal or political interests. But more often than not, viral information appears not from malicious intent, but due to haste, inattention or stupidity - due to the mechanism of a broken phone, when some incorrectly quote others, each time adding their own details and interpretations to the original. Through a series of such citations, the original information is distorted beyond recognition.

Information from the worldwide web today provokes us to various actions.

One of them is panic – and that is always dangerous. Especially in the conditions of complete information openness of society and the availability of the Internet to almost everyone and for everyone. Any information, even if it is completely reliable, passed along the chain from one to another, gradually acquiring details (sometimes invented), can change beyond recognition. And negative information, even more so. People love horror stories.

Therefore, trusting everything that is written on the network is too naive and even stupid, because the Internet is a free access zone where everyone can do whatever they want. The process of searching for information is a delicate and very difficult matter.

The traditional way of verifying online content, i.e. through "manual" knowledge-based fact checking, becomes difficult or nearly impossible due to the vast amount of information that is created online and spreads rapidly. This is especially evident in the case of social networks, where users can freely share content that can go viral in just a few hours. Thus, there is a need to evaluate information on the virality of a huge amount of data in a limited time mode, to find the original source of information.

Exorde is a web3 protocol that allows developers to collect and link all public data on the web. This protocol collects all possible information from articles, videos, audio, social networks, in a word from all places where there is at least some minimal data. And at the output we get data that connects all similar facts. Thus, the goal of the project is to find the original source of viral information in its original form, before this information becomes viral. And then the person himself decides whether to trust the information received or not.

In our project, the artificial intelligence module will allow us to recognize objects in the text, extract sentences, facts, compare them with each other and perform similarity checks. This approach will make the joint work of the participants and artificial intelligence the most effective, will allow tracking relevant and fresh information received by the network, and form a more objective opinion.

I hope that artificial intelligence and Exorde will give us tools to help detect and prevent various types of mass consciousness manipulation. But it is important to understand that artificial intelligence is not a magic box that will figure out where the truth is. It is a powerful tool that requires careful handling and careful tuning. To increase the effectiveness of the information being evaluated, it is necessary to block fakes, not to delete real content (even if it is not pleasant for us and does not make us better), but it is necessary to carefully work with the input data and then ensure that they are correctly taken into account in the models. I hope Exorde improves the accuracy of the information it recognizes and helps us make better choices.

And Exorde is moving into the first phase of testing. What is It turns out that the Exorde Lab team will check for 7 days that the system works well and stably. Well, then ... opening a testnet for beta testers. And we all still have a chance to get and become participants in this project.

@ExordeLabs #testnet #web3 #protocol #exorde $EXD

Exorde approved by Coinlist, Nodes Guru, DropsEarn

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