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Breast Implants and Capsular Contracture After Explantation Surgery


Breast Implants and Capsular Contracture After Explantation Surgery can remove breast implants, but it can also result in capsular contracture, which is the formation of hard scar tissue around the implant. Normally, the protective tissue capsule that surrounds foreign objects is soft. The capsule surrounding breast implants serves to hold the implants in place. This dense capsule, however, can cause changes in the shape of the breast and chronic pain. It is thought that this development is caused by bacteria that accumulate around the implant, which will be cleared by the body once the implant is removed.

Breast implants are not lifelong devices

Although breast implants are a common procedure for enhancing breast size and shape, they are not lifelong devices. The longer you use them, the greater the risk of problems and additional surgeries. Breast implant surgery is also associated with an immune system cancer called breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), which usually develops in tissue near the implants. Researchers are still learning more about this cancer, but it may also affect your ability to breastfeed or reduce the amount of milk that you produce.

While breast implants are not lifelong devices, they do last many years. The average breast implant has a life span of around ten years. But, as you age, your breasts will continue to change in size and shape. Weight gain and loss can also change the size of your implants. Implants also increase the risk of complications, which can lead to more surgeries. Furthermore, implants can cause a woman to experience tightness in her breasts and may hinder breastfeeding.

They can cause complications

The risks of infections during and after a kidney transplantation operation are as high as those of any major surgery. Children who receive organ transplants are often immunosuppressed and are at high risk for infections. While bacterial, viral, and fungal infections are the most common, other types of infections can occur weeks to months after the transplant. Infections can prevent engraftment, delay healing, and even be life-threatening. Fortunately, infections are typically treatable with antibiotics and blood tests. When suspected, multiple antibiotics are usually started. Read more about infection prevention after transplantation surgery.

Recommendations for explantation surgery

When it comes to breast implants, the number of capsules that a surgeon will remove is often highly subjective. The number of capsules removed will depend on several factors, including the patient’s preference and the surgical plan. Following the guidelines below, your surgeon should recommend the number of capsules removed for your particular case. To learn more, read on: After explantation, your breasts will have a deflated appearance. This is because the implants have stretched your skin and repositioned your natural breast tissue. In addition, you may experience soreness and numbness. You should also avoid unnecessary touch to speed up recovery. If you do, it may result in an unnatural appearance and increased pain. Ultimately, breast explant surgery is an option for women who are unhappy with the results.

Source: https://blogsurgery.net/breast-implants-and-capsular-contracture-after-explantation-surgery/