Council members:
- Kydyralieva Bakyt Amanturovna (represented by the President);
- Ruslanbek Zhakyshov (Ishenim) (represented by the Zhogorku Kenesh);
- Bazarbaev Erlan Bazarbaevich (represented by the lawcommunity);
- Kamchybekov Sheraly Ravshanbekovich (elected by the Council of Judges);
- Asanova Nurgul Moldobekovna (elected by the Council of Judges);
- Seydakmatova Aida Asanbekovna (elected by the Council of Judges);
- Eshaliev Azis Maratovich (elected by the Council of Judges);
- Baryktabasova Elmira Bekturganovna (elected by the Council of Judges);
- Sagynbekova Damira Esenbekovna (elected by the Council of Judges);
- Akberdiev Marat Turatbekovich (elected by the Council of Judges);
- Kubatov Aivar Esenkulovich (elected by the Council of Judges).
One member of the Council is elected by the people's kurultai.