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Разобрали фильм "Морбиус" ('Morbius') с Джаредом Лето

to down sb – разделаться с кем-л, победить кого-л (Vampire bats weigh almost nothing, but they can down a creature nearly ten times their size)

bait – приманка, наживка (What are you using as bait?)

to hone – точить, полировать (Somewhere you could study, learn, hone your skills)

to go to waste – пропадать зря (I don't think I could forgive myself if I saw it go to waste)

generous – щедрый
benefactor – благодетель, покровитель (Does our generous benefactor, Milo, know what you're actually doing here?)

to ring a bell – быть/казаться знакомым (Is anything ringing a bell?)

to jog – подтолкнуть (Okay, maybe this will jog your memory)

to shut down – выключаться (Her temperature's spiking and her kidneys are shutting down)

to hobble – прихрамывать (I am going to stop and hobble very slowly in the opposite direction)

kinship – родство, схожесть (I feel a kinship with these creatures)

to tear sb/sth apart – разорвать кого-л/что-л на части (They would tear anyone else apart, but they welcome me)

to shed light on sth – пролить свет на что-л (We're just hoping you could shed some light)

to black out – потерять сознание, отключиться (Maybe I blacked out?)

to startle sb – напугать кого-л (Sorry, I let myself in. I hope I didn't startle you)

to pity sb – жалеть кого-л
to repulse – вызывать отвращение, to be repulsed by sb – испытывать отвращение к кому-л (You pitied me before. You're repulsed by me now)