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Winford International

So….this listening thing. It’s an absolute head-banger, isn’t it? The other person is waffling on, and you’re not getting anything. Not a

So….this listening thing. It’s an absolute head-banger, isn’t it? The other person is waffling on, and you’re not getting anything. Not a sausage. We know. They’re speaking in tongues and accents and dialects………….in what?

Hey, so look – here we have put together a few ideas we think may be helpful to develop your listening skills all round. It’s not a full-on list, but it’s a great start, you’ll see!

First of all – make listening a real goal, make it a regular thing and keep it focused.

For example, if you’re watching a movie, really focus on listening to the actors’ voices and their actions, and turn on the subtitles. Hey, c’mon Mr Carl, I know this already. Tell me something I don’t already know or do………….ok;

Right then . . . . .Watch a movie or a TV series that is of interest to you, not just for the sake of listening. Choose a podcast or an audiobook that aligns with your own likes. There’s no point watching a movie or listening to an audiobook that’s boring. You’ll walk away with little to nothing.

Choose the right news channel – one for children if you’re a child. One that centers on your interests if you’re an adult. There are thousands of news channels out there now. Watch TED Talks on a topic you enjoy.

If you enjoy music – blast out your top tunes and listen to how the words connect with life around you. Have a penfriend? Invite them to connect with you online via a video call and enrich your communication skills with a friend.

Remember – it’s tough. No one said it would be easy. If they did, they lied to you But but but, it’s possible. All you’ve to do is keep going and push on through. Keep it real, keep it regular, keep it bite-size, keep it interesting and keep on going. You’re not alone!

Helpful Source: https://www.fluentu.com/blog/how-to-improve-language-listening-skills/