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Макс Абдушев


Beer is one of the oldest drinks known since the Neolithic era along with honey, kvass and wine.

usually beer is stored in a wooden oak barrel
usually beer is stored in a wooden oak barrel

Beer is mentioned in ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian sources from around 3000 BC. e. The builders of the Egyptian pyramids received, in addition to food allowances, beer.

Also evidence of beer brewing from the region of ancient Iran and the Sumerian culture of Ancient Mesopotamia dates from around 3500-2900 BC. e.


Beer, as a rule, was made in the northern regions, where climatic conditions did not allow growing grapes.


Malt preparation - germination of grains of cereals (most often barley), drying and cleaning from sprouts.

 Mashing - malt is crushed and mixed with water. The mixture then acquires a sweetish taste.

 Mash Filtration - The mash is pumped to a filter vat where it is separated into unhopped wort and grains.

 Boiling wort - wort with the addition of hops, as well as other ingredients, is boiled for 1-2 hours.

 Wort clarification - the wort is pumped into a vortex bath (whirlpool) to separate insoluble barley and hop residues.

 Cooling and aeration of the wort - the wort is pumped into the fermentation tank.

 Fermentation - the simplest sugars contained in the wort, with the help of yeast, are converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide.

 Filtration - beer is filtered from yeast residues.


Тhe largest beer festival in the world - Octoberfest.


The holiday begins in the second half of September on Theresa Meadow (German: Theresienwiese) in the center of Munich, not far from the Main Station, and lasts an average of 16-18 days. The holiday is distinguished by a large number of beer tents and a variety of attractions. Oktoberfest attracts about 6 million visitors every year, coming to Munich from all parts of Bavaria and Germany, as well as from other countries.


The largest beer producers:

3. Carlsberg.

2. Heineken

1.Anheuser Busch InBev.
