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Problem of unemployment in Kazakhstan

Unemployment is a socio-economic phenomenon in which a part of the able-bodied population of the country cannot find useful work.

The problem of unemployment certainly scares people. This is what every society cares about. What, then, is slowing down and slowing down the development of the economy?- no one will be surprised that the unemployment problem is not in the first place, but in the second place from the answers to the question. An unemployed person has no unhappy soul. After all, a person who has no source of income, has no home, no clothes, no daily food?

One part of our society is getting richer and richer every day, the other is getting poorer and poorer. What needs to be done to balance the Bar and not? The way out of trouble is to increase the ranks of domestic producers in all regions and cities, to create a niche for them in the domestic market. Only then will they be able to manufacture products, displacing imported products transported from outside from the domestic market. While domestic enterprises, large commodity producers, and service sectors are at their level, poverty and unemployment would be inevitable.

This is just one way to solve this problem. And in my course work, I set myself the goal to consider other methods of solving it, to consider this issue as comprehensively as possible, to compare its yesterday and the present and try to reflect as clearly as possible the possible state of tomorrow.

Effective use of employment by able-bodied people, increase in demand for labor, optimization of this supply.Such important criteria as increasing its cost and improving its quality have remained outside the scope of state regulation. And in the labor market policy, there is also an effective redistribution of the labor force by industry, profession and territory. As a result, there is a structural inhibition of progress in the economy, labor productivity decreases, the ability of a person to provide himself and his family with effective labor decreases. Since this is a very relevant issue at the present stage, that is why I took it as the topic of my course work.


To date, the Federation of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan annually concludes agreements with the government on behalf of trade unions. The main purpose of this agreement is to further activate the work of trade unions, improve their legal framework, constant state control over the verification of the correctness of labor compliance, etc.

Along with the progressive development of the country's economy, the labor market is developing from year to year, new jobs are being created, unemployment is decreasing, and most of the population is engaged in stable work. But at many enterprises there are such negative things as termination of an employment contract, non-compliance with labor standards, abuse of official duties, restriction of the rights of employees and employees, neglect of their social status. These cases are especially common on the part of foreign firms operating in the oil and gas, construction, mining, and industrial sectors. They allow only manual performance of heavy work that has caused harm to human health, with incorrect payroll, as well as the use of disproportionate working time. This is due to the fact that cheap labor in the country and the tough competitive situation between the unemployed in relation to the workplace force workers to put up with all measures so as not to lose their jobs.

In our country, there are a number of problems so acute that their solution cannot wait for holistic assessments. All of them, one way or another, to put it diplomatically, find their roots in the extremely low institutional capacity of the public sector. In achieving generally accepted macroeconomic goals - full employment, acceptable consumer inflation, a fair distribution of income, reasonable economic growth rates, stable operation of the financial system and a relative balance in the balance of payments - our national economy is not particularly successful, and absolutely everyone understands this.

At the same time, I consider the low level of employment to be a problem of the very first order in modern Kazakhstan.

According to official figures, the number of unemployed in Kazakhstan is 450 thousand people, or 4.9% of the labor force. The smell of these official data for many years, to put it mildly, is stale, but no games with true numbers are able to reduce those vain, the unforced loss and suffering that these numbers represent. But the problem is definitely not the statistics.

In the face of suppressed demand, manifesting itself in the form of unemployment, low-skilled people, trying to reach the economic security of a permanent job, always and inevitably face competition from more educated people. The current crisis associated with the pandemic and its consequences has only made this situation more difficult, increasingly bringing social tensions to tragic limits.

Unfortunately, many of today's unemployed in our country may want to but cannot make a useful contribution to the production of goods and services in modern conditions. They may not be very literate, inexperienced, they may not speak well enough in the language of the employer or client, they may not understand the principles of interaction with colleagues, and so on. Every decade, less and less of the work demanded by modern society can be done by people without professional skills, even if they are very diligent. An organized business may be teeming with job openings for secretaries, managers, sales, marketing or information technology specialists, but there will be very few job opportunities for a guy or girl without professional skills with decent pay.

The continued growth of the Kazakh economy, no matter how true its official statistics, looks paradoxical in many respects against the background of the extremely weak purchasing power of the majority of the population, forced to live on credit as more and more income accumulates with wealthier people. However, this process is not endless, and the demon it generates lies in the growing isolation of the middle and wealthy classes from the impoverished majority, which does not participate in any way in the economic growth reported at the country level as a whole. For a very long time we did not want to see the faces of this impoverished majority in the rear-view mirror, but the January events brightly highlighted it.

If we take into account that, for a number of reasons, an explosive growth of private investment in Kazakhstan in the coming years should not be expected, then the picture of unemployment will not change dramatically only due to the market mechanisms of a healthy economy, described earlier, since there will be no healthy economy. Moreover, in my opinion, the very essence of the democratic process of participation in the development of the country should be our ability as a state to give even the poorest citizens an economic role both as consumers and productive participants in growth. The economy must be the means of civilization.

Journalists: Abu Aidana. Sarvar Navila. Kambar Beybitkhan.