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17. Резюме на английском, испанском и итальянском

Когда приукрасил свои умения в резюме и тебя взяли на должность :)))
Когда приукрасил свои умения в резюме и тебя взяли на должность :)))

Всем привет!

Сегодня у нас резюме на английском, испанском, итальянском, просто взятые и скопированные из открытых источников. Они все разные, это не перевод одного и того же резюме на разные языки.
Возможно, кому-то будет полезно для расширения словарного запаса по теме "работа".

1) резюме на английском

Data Analyst - BI Developer - Power BI


Machine Learning Engineer & Big Data Analyst

Design, Create and Deploy Azure machine learning pipeline for Cognitive Search Engine
- Deploying ML modelling for recommender system with hybrid model between 10 different a algorithms
- Managed and deploying dataflow on Data Factory / Synapse
- Perform machine learning models and improvings outputs
- infer search scoring and relevant score for re-rank by BM25 and XGBoost
- Manage MLOps on Azure DevOps and tracking on MLflow

Data Science - Big Data & Machine Engineer Lead Instructor

Data Analytics with Python
Data Mining & Visualization
Machine Learning & Deep Learning
Big Data with Apache Spark framework
SQL, Tableau, Power BI

Sales development

Structure of a management model in order to prove processes associated with business methodology" as my degree thesis. Designed the process methodology, digital formats and standard JBP for the sales force of the Premium sales channel.

10+ years experience as a Data Consultant and Machine Learning specialist, focused in business intelligence and business analytics area with good and strong knowledge in Data Engineering. Touching all phases of Data, from ETL (collect, transformation and ingest), in batch and streaming flow, create and manage data warehouse, data marts or data lakes to visualization and explain the results, working in agile methods, participating in MVP goal.

Strong skills in main phases of data: analysis, data mining and reporting by machine learning specialities, result-oriented with extensive experience in team building and leading, product development, project management, compliance, and quality assurance involved in marketing, business, financial and TI area. Currently, I lead up an important account (IBEX35 and large companies), area such retail, energy&power, banking, insurance and financial companies (national and international).

I have successfully helped companies to achieve and delivers successful solutions to complex projects and drives growth, productivity and reduced costs (I'll tell my experiences on my resume or in the interview).

I manage some in-company trainer'courses and as associate professor in Business Intelligence, Data Analytics and Data Science and Big Data specialization courses and master'degrees for some universities and collaboration at important national business'schools. Last training classes focused in AWS, GCP and Azure - Databricks platform, Data Integration and Microsoft products. I'm moving forward to real-streaming data problem solving by Spark ecosystem, Kafka and so on.

I have strong knowledge about Big Data, Data Engineering, Data Science, Data Analysis, Business Analytics and Business Intelligence, team building and leading and passion for making and building as well as Data Visualization.

Not only business data, digital data and web analysis are my strength, I worked during many years with Google Marketing Platform, included Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager and advertising tools. My big challenge is to be constantly involved in my projects since the beginning to the end.

2) еще одно резюме на английском:

Business Intelligence Analyst at Dell || DA 100 Certified

I am a Business Intelligence Analyst at Dell. I am having 4 Years of experience in data analysis with the skillset of Power BI, advanced excel, SSAS and SQL server.
I have almost built more than 50 Power BI Dashboards with complex data modeling.
Also, I have experience in handling freelancer projects in Power BI and Excel. I can write complex DAX expressions to make the best modeling possible.

Business Intelligence Analyst

Developed many power bi reports using live connection and import method. Proficiency in designing, developing, and maintaining Power BI reports and dashboards based on business requirements. Developed and Maintained 3 SSAS Cubes. Used advanced level of measures because of indirect relationships. Created RLS at cube level, based on different regions and product hierarchy.
Indulge into optimizing the performance of SSAS Tabular Cube by regular updation of SQL query and measures. Created automation for updating the excel file and sending it to different users using SSIS. Conversion of live connection report to cached report for increasing the performance of power bi report using import method in analysis
Implementation of SSIS automation based on different tasks. Developed Tableau reports on tableau desktop.

Business Intelligence Analyst - Power BI

Hands-on experience in Power BI Desktop in migration of excel based reporting to Advanced Power BI dashboards.
Implementation of row-level security on data and have an understanding of application security layer models in Power BI for accessing
the Power BI Reports to end-users.
Proficiency in designing, developing, and maintaining Power BI reports and dashboards based on business requirements.
Proficient in writing complex and advanced DAX calculations using MS Power BI Desktop like aggregation, cumulative total, calculations
with time intelligent function.
Identify and develop intelligent and innovative data analytics use cases to optimize business processes.
Run the python script to transpose the required data in Jupiter notebook using pandas, NumPy.

Associate Engineer - Power BI Developer

Performed data analysis using excel V-Lookups, Pivot tables, and Power BI to visualize the historic patterns and behavior of associates
which can lead to a successful business run.
Design and development of Power BI visualization solutions like Dashboards, Standard Reports, Scorecards, charts, and Ad-hoc Reports.
Data Importing, cleaning, validating, and modeling with the purpose of understanding or making a conclusion from the data for decision making purpose.
Writing optimized queries to pull details from various databases SQL.
Hands-on experience in Performance Tuning, Query Optimization.
Installed and Configured Enterprise Gateway and Personal Gateway in Power Bi Services. Used Power BI Gateways to keep the
dashboards and reports up to date.
Created reports using time intelligence calculations and functions. Worked on all kinds of reports such as Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, and


CHLD Dashboard

This project involves the migration of Dashboards from VBA reporting to Power BI. The project has multiple phases with end-to-end integration of all the
data into the Power BI model, developing a feasible dashboard for the Business users of service desk management, Budget vs Actual dashboard,
Financial category, etc.
Development of SQL queries for dashboard design and Data Modelling for Power BI reports.
Converted the raw files into the required format with pandas and NumPy using Jupiter notebook.
Running the SSIS package to export the data to SQL Server from CSV. Also, connected the SQL Server with python to transfer the data from python to
SQL server using product.
Created the report with advanced functionality like Drill-through, bookmarks, buttons, page navigation report to report navigation using hyperlink with
parameters using extensive DAX function.
Performance tuning and resource optimization for slow reports.
Automation of manual data reporting from the source system with daily data refresh.
Configuration of enterprise gateway to automate schedule refresh for Power BI dataset in Power BI Service. Management of all reports/dashboards.
access controls, management of workspace users. Internal training session for colleagues on Power BI.

KPI Dashboard

It's a process KPI dashboard that contains data of 30 teams of one single process. Migration is done by the combination of 30 different teams data from
SQL server and used some excel files as lookup.
Used SQL Server Connectivity to import the data.
Configured the Schedule refresh to update the report on daily basis.
Used DAX function to evaluate the KPI parameters.
Created the report with advanced functionality like Drill-through, bookmarks, buttons, page navigation report to report navigation using hyperlink with
parameters using extensive DAX function.
Performance tuning and resource optimization for slow reports.
Automated subscription-based report sharing to end users with key KPI on mail using Power BI subscription utility.

3) еще одно резюме на английском

Data Analyst, Power BI developer

Expertise in developing Power BI dashboards, Reports,

Experience in PowerBi admin activities,
Very good experience in creating bookmarks, navigating one dashboards to another,

Experience in providing Row level security,

Good hands on in DAX functions

Expertise in SQL,Excel

Good working in Tableau


Data Analyst

Developing Complex dashboards in PowerBi using different sources
Strong knowledge in SQL, DAX, SSIS

Power bi developer

Expertise in developing Complex dashboards and reports in PowerBi for financial and CEO, Strong knowledge in SQL,SSIS


Executive Summary Dashboard

Developing a dashboard for CEO and COO of a company..

Visualizing the overall financial growth of the company by month,year and quarter wise and analysing the work done so far and forecasting details of each and individual project.

Providing Row level security and maintaining the admin activities

) резюме на испанском

Analista de datos

Brindo asesorías e implemento soluciones que permiten incrementar el rendimiento y ventaja competitiva de la organización, midiendo y controlando la información existente. Utilizo herramientas de tecnológicas de primer nivel, facilitando la automatización y en consecuencia la reducción de horas hombres invertidas al desarrollar las tareas 📈.

A través de la construcción de una narrativa en Power BI, proporciono valor y contexto a los datos con el fin de obtener resultados que facilitan su entendimiento por los miembros de la organización. Por medio de la elaboración de reportes personalizados e interactivos, promuevo una cultura basada en el análisis y visualización de información real para impulsar el negocio, detectar tendencias valiosas y desarrollar predicciones.


Creador de Contenido

◼ Desarrollar contenido educativo para seguidores del canal
◼ Edición de video y guión para el contenido a grabar
◼ Redacción en el blog del canal Datdata
◼ Podcaster - Podcast Power BI

Analista y Visualizador de datos con Power BI

◼ Desarrollar propuestas a clientes con el fin de desarrollar visualización de datos de la compañía.
◼ Desarrollar reporte dinámico construyendo una narrativa en Power BI para favorecer la comprensión ante la toma de decisiones.

Analista de Datos

◼ Realizar análisis de aplicaciones y sistemas en Power BI.
◼ Generar procesos para la construcción de métricas e indicadores que permiten el análisis de procesos.
◼ Controlar y dar seguimiento a dashboards.

Analista y visualizador de datos

◼ Desarrollar, implementar y mantener modelos estadísticos y de visualización de datos en área Salud,

Gestión y Administración de Datos

◼ Crear sistema para la reportabilidad de datos.
◼ Levantar y estandarizar procesos de venta.
◼ Establecer programa de un año en publicidades y ofertas.
◼ Elaborar instructivos para kinesiólogos, para el captar datos de clientes.

Analista Financiero

◼ Realizar arqueo de Cheques protestados y caja con pagarés.
◼ Participar en Auditoría para Licencias de Subsidio de Incapacidad Laboral (CIL) y Licencia Maternal.
◼ Desarrollar informes de análisis Financiero de CCAF y sus competidores, para los años 2010-2015.
◼ Realizar trabajo de investigación utilizando base de datos del Diario Oficial.

Inglés - Competencia básica profesional

) еще одно резюме на испанском:

Data Analyst - BI Developer - Power BI

BI analyst

- Administración de perfiles de usuarios (permisos de acceso a Apps y conexiones de datos)
- Creación, modificación y seguimiento de tareas de recarga de Apps
- Publicación, republicación y copia de Apps
- Dar soporte, asistencia y capacitación a los usuarios
- Desarrollo de nuevas Apps (Script, modelaje e interfaz)

Data Analyst

- Recopilación y análisis de información y datos de ventas, mercados, clientes, etc.
- Generación de reportes y presentaciones con la finalidad de facilitar la toma de decisiones operacionales u estratégicas más adecuadas para lograr los objetivos propuestos.
- Administración y Análisis de inputs/outputs de grandes Cuentas
- Foco en el proceso de automatización.
- Seguimiento outputs y planes de acción.
- Diseño y desarrollo de dashboards en Data Studio.

Analista de Información Comercial

- Diseñar, construir y actualizar informes (reportes, presentaciones y dashboards) para el seguimiento de los principales KPI’s comerciales (volumen, coberturas, etc).
- Realizar auditorías para verificar la información proveniente de las distintas fuentes de datos (SAP, Calipso y Nielsen)

Analista de BI & Reporting Trade

- Diseñar, construir y estandarizar herramientas de seguimiento como: reportes, presentaciones y dashboards mediante Tableau, Excel y Power BI.
- Actualizar las bases de datos de las rutas, SKU, puntos de ventas, recursos y formularios en las herramientas para la toma de datos: Agile y Zenda.
- Supervisión y acompañamiento a los supervisores y repositores en el uso de las herramientas para la toma de datos (Agile y Zenda)
- Identificar inconsistencias en los datos cargados por los repositores para asegurar la veracidad de las métricas.
- Diseñar reportes basados en herramientas Business Intelligence de Excel como lo son Power Query Power Pivot soportados por lenguaje Data Analysis Expressions (DAX).
- Diseñar, desarrollar e implementar herramientas de seguimiento estandarizadas (BD, reportes, presentaciones, dashboards).
- Calcular presupuesto de ventas .


Universidad Austral,

Diplomatura en Business Intelligence

2020 - 2020

Universidad Simón Bolívar

Ingeniero de Producción - ingeniería de producción

2007 - 2018

) резюме на итальянском:

Data Analyst - BI Developer - Power BI
Analista dati con Microsoft Power BI

Da sempre appassionata al mondo dei numeri, ho conseguito il diploma in ragioneria e la laurea in Economia Aziendale.

Negli ultimi mesi mi sono specializzata nell'analisi dati con Microsoft Power BI, acquisendo il titolo di Data Analyst Associate.

Lo scorso anno, la mia passione per l'informatica mi ha portato ad approfondire altri software applicativi della Microsoft: Excel ed Access.

La mia formazione non termina qui, comprende anche le basi del Marketing Digitale, dalla creazione di una presenza sul Web fino al tracciamento dei dati e dei risultati con Google Analytics.

Quali servizi offro?

👉 Trasformo i dati aziendali in informazioni utili per prendere decisioni migliori in tempi più rapidi, sfruttando le funzionalità di Business Intelligence.
Identifico, pulisco e trasformo i dati.
Progetto e implemento modelli affidabili.

Microsoft Power BI Desktop è l'applicazione che consente di creare report interattivi gratuitamente.

La mia missione è aggiungere valore all'azienda attraverso rappresentazioni visive significative: report e dashboard. 📊 📈

Mi rivolgo a tutte le aziende attualmente guidate dai dati o che stanno sviluppando una cultura basata sui dati.

👉 Aiuto aziende e privati a gestire i canali digitali ed acquisire contatti qualificati attraverso la rete. Pianifico la strategia di marketing in base a quelli che sono obiettivi da raggiungere e scelgo gli strumenti più idonei al conseguimento di tali obiettivi. Attraverso Google Analytics, analizzo i dati del sito web per migliorare l’esperienza degli utenti e le conversioni dell’azienda. 💻

Nello specifico, posso:
🔸 attivare pagine sul web, pagine sui social network (Facebook, Instagram, ecc.) e Google My Business;
🔸 elaborare un piano editoriale completo ed efficace;
🔸 ottimizzare siti, pagine e profili, per favorire il posizionamento sui motori di ricerca;
🔸 offrire consulenza e consigli tecnici per poter agire in piena autonomia.

📍 Disponibile a lavorare a Foggia e nel resto d’Italia.
📍 Disponibile ad opportunità di stage, contratto a tempo determinato, part-time, lavoro da remoto.

Stagista contabilità

Registrazione delle fatture ai fini della liquidazione IVA.
Ordine e archiviazione dei documenti contabili.
Mansioni d'ufficio.

Impiegato amministrativo

Contatto diretto con la clientela per la compilazione dei contratti di filiera.
Gestione ed utilizzo della piattaforma Horta-srl.
Elaborazione di file Excel.
Gestione delle e-mail in entrata e in uscita.
Controllo ed archiviazione dei documenti contabili.


  • Italiano
    Competencia bilingüe o nativa
  • Inglese
    Competencia básica profesional
  • Francese
    Competencia básica
  • Spagnolo
    Competencia básica
  • Lingua dei segni italiana
    Competencia básica

    ) еще одно резюме на итальянском

    Senior software engineer | Digital Analyst | Data Analyst |

    Servizi Finance & Oil&Gas
    Senior Software Engineer: realizzazione piattaforma di servizi innovativi nel settore Finance per la gestione del credito (LawRAN - il gestionale per il recupero crediti); Servizi di: Data Remediation, di valutazione pacchetti per vendita e cessione, di forecasting, di gestione del credito insieme ad un team di legali specializzati nella gestione massiva; realizzazione piattaforma di servizi innovativa nel settore Oil&Gas per la gestione delle informazioni in ambito Oil&Gas (RIM - Refinery Information Modeling), con ambiente virtuale 3D.
    CFO: affiancamento al cda nelle decisioni strategiche e nelle risposte agli stakeholder, curando la pianificazione ed il controllo di gestione, coordinando le attività economiche-finanziarie e gli investimenti.
    Big Data Analysis: Studio, Analisi ed implementazione di reporting avanzato con Power BI e grafici avanzati, integrando differenti Basi di dati interne/esterne per un monitoraggio dei processi e dei KPI aziendali e dei sistemi sviluppati su tale tecnologia. Sviluppo architettura della base di dati a partire dalle informazioni presenti in azienda, realizzazione di DWH ed infine integrazione con il reporting avanzato utilizzando Power BI: analisi esplorativa; analisi di serie storiche; realizzazione modelli di apprendimento; realizzazione modelli di ottimizzazione.
    Responsabile della Qualità: progettazione, implementazione e monitoraggio delle procedure gestionali ed operative del Sistema di Gestione della Qualità secondo il principio del miglioramento continuo.
    Consulente per la gestione e ottimizzazione del flusso gestionale per il Recupero Crediti.
    BI Analytics Recupero Crediti.
    Consulente per le attività nell'area di Consulting per il Facility Management. BIM, Building Information Management - IFC standard.


Responsabile della qualità

Progettazione, implementazione e monitoraggio delle procedure gestionali ed operative del Sistema di Gestione della Qualità secondo il principio del miglioramento continuo su società di servizi seguendo i principi lean office per ottimizzare i flussi, individuare e ridurre gli sprechi e reinvestire in attività di valore per il cliente.


RIM - Refinery Information Modeling

ene. de 2017 - actualidad

Piattaforma Web per la gestione della documentazione e delle informazioni degli Asset presenti in una Raffineria o Deposito di stoccaggio. Il gestionale nasce dall'esperienza maturata durante gli anni di progettazione in ambito industriale ed alla stretta collaborazione con le società di costruzione, in particolare la piattaforma gestisce: le anagrafiche degli Asset; la documentazione tecnica; il monitoraggio geometrico (verticalità, circolarità, cedimenti) e le attività di manutenzione ordinarie e straordinarie.
Con tale strumento, il Top Management è sempre aggiornato durante la vita nominale dell'opera, in termini di rischiosità del sito così da evitare danni alle persone, all'ambiente ed alla reputazione.