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Functions in JavaScript

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A function is a reusable block of code that groups together a sequence of statements to perform a specific task.

One way to create a function is by using a function declaration. Just like how a variable declaration binds a value to a variable name, a function declaration binds a function to a name, or an identifier.

A function declaration does not ask the code inside the function body to run, it just declares the existence of the function. The code inside a function body runs, or executes, only when the function is called.
To call a function in your code, you type the function name followed by parentheses. This
function call executes the function body, or all of the statements between the curly braces in the function declaration.

Some functions can take inputs and use the inputs to perform a task. When declaring a function, we can specify its parameters. Parameters allow functions to accept input(s) and perform a task using the input(s). We use parameters as placeholders for information that will be passed to the function when it is called.


Default parameters allow parameters to have a predetermined value in case there is no argument passed into the function or if the argument is undefined when called.


When a function is called, the computer will run through the function’s code and evaluate the result of calling the function. By default that resulting value is undefined.


To pass back information from the function call, we use a return statement. To create a return statement, we use the return keyword followed by the value that we wish to return. Like we saw above, if the value is omitted, undefined is returned instead.
When a
return statement is used in a function body, the execution of the function is stopped and the code that follows it will not be executed.

We can also use the return value of a function inside another function. These functions being called within another function are often referred to as helper functions. Since each function is carrying out a specific task, it makes our code easier to read and debug if necessary.


Another way to define a function is to use a function expression. To define a function inside an expression, we can use the function keyword. In a function expression, the function name is usually omitted. A function with no name is called an anonymous function. A function expression is often stored in a variable in order to refer to it.


To invoke a function expression, write the name of the variable in which the function is stored followed by parentheses enclosing any arguments being passed into the function.


ES6 introduced arrow function syntax, a shorter way to write functions by using the special “fat arrow” () => notation.
Arrow functions remove the need to type out the keyword
function every time you need to create a function. Instead, you first include the parameters inside the ( ) and then add an arrow => that points to the function body surrounded in { } like this:


Concise Body Arrow Functions

JavaScript also provides several ways to refactor arrow function syntax. The most condensed form of the function is known as concise body. We’ll explore a few of these techniques below:

  1. Functions that take only a single parameter do not need that parameter to be enclosed in parentheses. However, if a function takes zero or multiple parameters, parentheses are required.
  2. A function body composed of a single-line block does not need curly braces. Without the curly braces, whatever that line evaluates will be automatically returned. The contents of the block should immediately follow the arrow => and the return keyword can be removed. This is referred to as implicit return.

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