I think it’s impossible to imagine our life without computers. We do almost everything with the help of computers. Our work, entertainment, relations are connected with internet and computers. Of course such modern technologies as computers and internet have lots of advantages and disadvantages.
The Internet provides many facilities to the people. So there are lots of advantages. You can share information with other people around the world. The scientist or researchers can interact with each other to share knowledge and to get guidance etc. Sharing information through Internet is very easy, cheap and fast method. A lot of information of different types is stored on the web server on the Internet. It means that billions websites contain different information in the form of text and pictures. You can easily collect information on every topic of the world. You can get latest news of the world on the Internet. Most of the newspapers of the world are also available on the Internet. They have their websites from where you can get the latest news about the events happening in the world. You can search different types of jobs all over the world, Most of the organizations/departments around the world, advertise their vacant vacancies on the Internet. You can communicate with other through Internet around the world. You can talk by watching to one another. Internet also provides different type of entertainments to the people. You can play games with other people in any part of the world. Similarly, you can see movies, listen music etc. You can also make new friends on the Internet for enjoyment. Internet provides the facility to get online education. Many websites of different universities provide lectures and tutorials on different subjects or topics. You can also download these lectures or tutorials into your own computer. Many Airline companies and Pakistan Railway provide their schedules of flights and trains respectively on the Internet. Many websites are also available on the Internet to get information about different diseases. You can consult a panel of online doctors to get advice about any medical problem. In addition, a lot of material is also available on the Internet for research in medical field. Although Internet has many advantages but it also has some disadvantages. The main disadvantages are: Today, Internet is the most popular source of spreading viruses. Most of the viruses transfer from one computer to another through e-mail or when information is downloaded on the Internet. These viruses create different problems in your computer. The valuable websites can be damaged by hackers and your valuable data may be deleted. Similarly, confidential data may be accessed by unauthorized persons. Some websites contains immoral materials in the form of text, pictures or movies etc. These websites damage the character of new generation. A lot of information about a particular topic is stored on the websites. Some information may be incorrect or not authentic. So, it becomes difficult to select the correct information. Sometimes you may be confused. A lot of time is wasted to collect the information on the Internet. Some people waste a lot of time in chatting or to play games. At home and offices, most of the people use Internet without any positive purpose. Most of the information on the Internet is available in English language. So, some people cannot avail the facility of Internet.
To sum up everything, I want to say that internet and computers give us lots of different opportunities, but at the same time it takes away our time. It seems that we have lots of free time, but when we start to search something in the internet we find lots of unnecessary information and spend more and more time. I’m sure that real life is more interesting than virtual!!! Don’t forget about the reality. Nothing can replace real life with it’s emotions and activities.