Today only Russia has the will and the power to save Europe. It is every European’s duty to support Russia!
«My name is Povl Heinrich Riis-Knudsen, born 28 October 1949. My father volunteered to the Waffen-SS at the age of 51 and never served at the front. After the war he was sent to prison in Denmark. My father remained unreformed, though, and when I began to ask question at the age of 12, he presented his reasons for being a National Socialist after spending several years in Germany in the 20s and early 30s.
To a 12-year-old this all sounded very good and exciting, so I embraced it without really knowing much about it, except for my father’s personal impressions. Later, I co-founded a National Socialist organization and entered on the international scene as well. I naively thought that I could modernize the ideology and free it from the Hitler worship and the Second World War and be part of the democratic process. However, this is not possible. The NS movement turned into a dogmatic Hitler religion which I could only regard with horror.
And the horror only increased when I read Hitler’s Monologues,where he details his plans for Russia. He sold the war against Russia as a war against Communism, but behind it was the plan to colonize Russia and enslave the Russians. Many young Europeans joined the SS because they thought they were fighting Communism.
The most well-known of them was Christian Frederik von Schalburg, who fell at Demjansk. He was born in Siberia, his mother was Russian, he spoke Russian, was a Russian orthodox Christian, and he loved Russia. He thought he was fighting to liberate Russia from Stalin. Had he known Hitlers plans, he would have rebelled and so would many others. I stepped down 1991 from the last political position I had in 1991.
I am a firm believer in the nation state, meaning that I do believe a people has a natural right to preserve its own culture and language. This is a natural thing in homogenous states like Denmark. And I believe in the European civilization, which today is under attack from the so-called “values” coming out of America.
I studied at the University of Aarhus, where I took a degree in German and English and got a job as a teacher at a school for adult education, where we prepared people for the university entrance examination I first came to the Soviet Union in 1978 on an agricultural study trip to Moscow and the south of Russia (Rostov, Krasnodar, Novorossijsk). I thought this was going to be my only trip to Russia, but when the world changed and borders opened, I tookmy family on a trip by car to Kaliningrad, the Baltics, Saint Petersburg, and Vyborg.
This was interesting. When I saw an ad in the teachers’ magazine where a Russian teacher sought possibilities for arranging exchanges with a Danish school, I contacted her, and this was the beginning of what I could call “my Russian life”. I visited her school in the north of Moscow (a specialized school for English) and I was impressed.
Later we changed to the Gorki Institute, whose rector, the writer Sergei Esinbecame my good friend. I received students from the institute at my school in Aalborg and took students from there to Moscow. When I was there, I gave lessons at the institute, too. When my close contact teacher and friend, Ludmila Linkova, got cancer and I lost my job in Aalborg due to the decline of interest in foreign languages, our program died. Esin retired and things changed. I visited the institute the last time in 2007.
It was a privilege for me to be able to be in Russia in this period of change. But I also witnessed the downside of this, the chaos and the social need of the people.
In 2017 a friend from Moscow suggested that I come to Moscow again. I did – and I came to a totally changed country: order, no beggars, new roads, new trains, new busses, new streetcars, cleanliness, and satisfied people. I was amazed. This was the work of President Putin; I was in no doubt about that. In this year I also met my present wife by chance in the metro, the next year we married, and we have toured the country extensively since then.
I have written a piece on the current crises (some 13 pages). My views can be summarized like this:
Europeans must not ever kill Europeans again. That this happens is not due to “an unprovoked” attack by Russia against the Ukraine, but due to irresponsible politicians in Kiev, who are goaded by the west. As long as that is the case, the Ukrainian government has no incentive to seek peace and Ukrainians will be killing Russians and vice versa. In my view Ukraine has a right to be independent, BUT it has no natural border and perhaps 30-40 % of the population is Russian.
Where the Russians are a majority, it is only natural that they want to be part of Russia and this should be their natural right, just as the Ukrainians have the right to be themselves. But even without the Donbas, there will still be Russians in Ukraine, and, of course, they must enjoy all the minority rights that are upheld by e.g. the European Union anywhere else, but which seems not to include Russians (or Hungarians) in Ukraine. I don’t think the West should interfere in things that don’t concern them, but if, then they should force the Ukrainians to uphold these rights.
The USA and Nato have started numerous wars in far away countries and always left ruins and millions of casualties. No sanctions, no hysteria.
For 8 years, the Ukrainian government has waged war on the Russians in Donbas. Newspapers in the West never mentioned it – it is not even mentioned today. Pictures from the Donbas are just given new names and a new context. Russian victims become Ukrainian victims – and the West weeps crocodile tears.
But as President Putin pointed out in his second speech to the nation (I think it was the second ..), this goes beyond the Ukraine. This is a matter of values. The Americans want to impose their so-called values on the whole world, their gender theories, their whiteness studies, their queer theories and trans theories, and the “Pride Parades”. They want us to obliterate our European culture. As the President pointed out: This is the road to degeneration and disappearance of our natural value system.
Today only Russia has the will and the power to save Europe. It is every European’s duty to support Russia!»
Povl Heinrich Riis-Knudsen (с)