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C O R S A I R E (English text) Libretto by Dmitrii Bryantsev

А теперь – ещё один уникальный материал. Это – перевод либретто балета «Корсар» Дмитрия Брянцева на английский язык. Автор перевода неизвестен.

C O R S A I R E (English text)

Libretto by Dmitrii Bryantsev

A Brief Account ob the Ballet


Corsairs are attacking a Turkish vessel. In addition to a rich haul, they have captured prisoners/

Act 1
Scene 1
A holiday on shore

The shore of a lagoon, to which the vessel of the pirates has docked after a successful sail/

Conrad, the leader of the corsairs, is observing the festivities. Birbanto, Conrad’s assistant and best friend, is at the center of activities.

The captured prisoners are brought out at the height of the celebration. Birbanto distributes the female prisoners among his companions. The last attracts the attention of Conrad himself. He asks all to leave and to be left alone with the girl called Medora.

Mutually tender feelings develop between Conrad and Medora. The happy rendesvous is interrupted by Medora’s friends, who appeal to Conrad to protect them from the corsairs flushed with wine. They beg Conrad to give them freedom. Medora also asks that her friends he freed.

Conrad grants their request. This decision infuriates Birbanto and his adherents. They threaten Conrad, but Medora shields him with her own body from the corsairs gone mad. At this moment, those faithful to Conrad appear and Birbanto retreats.

Scene 2

Birbanto and his cohorts join in a conspiracy against Conrad. They swear allegiance to Birbanto.

Scene 3

Medora is anxiously awaiting Conrad. She is happy…

Conrad appears. Again happiness. Again bliss…

Fleeting moments of love. It is time for Conrad to leave. The lovers tear away from each other. Medora remainds alone.

The conspirators appear. Senseless resistance of Medora.

At the last moment, Conrad returned and comes to her aid. A scuffle begins. From a perfidious blow, Conrad falls and loses consciousness. Medora is carried away by Birbanto’s band.

On regaining consciousness, Conrad sees that Medora has been kidnapped.

Act 2
Scene 1
Seid-pasha Harem

Seid-pasha enjoying the dances of his wives and slaves.

The culminating moment arrives with the dance of his beloved wife Gyulnara. Her dance ends in the passionate embrace of Seid-pasha.

Birbanto rushes in with Medora. The sovereign is enraptured with the young slave and buys her from Birbanto.

Trumpets announce the arrival of an old dervish, a pilgrim respected by all.

During prayers Birbanto recognizes the dervish to be Conrad in disguise. The courageous corsair has come to the pasha’s palace to save Medora.

Birbanto exposes his former leader. Conrad is taken away to a dungeon.

Gyulnara admires Conrad’s courage and nobleness and decides to save the prisoner.

cene 2

Conrad has been put in irons. Gyulnara finds her way to him and brings dervish’s clothes.

She says that she has fallen in love with him and proposes that he flee.

Conrad refuses to flee. He must save Medora.

Gyulnara gives the corsair a dagger. Conrad is again free and he has a weapon. He rushes to save his beloved.

Gyulnara remains alone in the dungeon.

Birbanto bursts in, for he has followed Gyulnara. Seid-pasha himself has come with him. Seeing that Conrad has been freed, the pasha kills Gyulnara.

Scene 3
Seid-pasha’s palace

A battle is underway between Conrad’s followers and the pasha’s soldiers.

Conrad is the victor in single combat with Seid-pasha.

The enemy surrenders. Birbanto is brought in as a prisoner.

Conrad commands that Birbanto be freed and proposes an honest duel with the traitor.

Conrad in the victor. The corsairs drive away the disgraced Birbanto.

Medora and Conrad are together again. Their hearts are filled with joy and love.


A vessel carries Conrad and Medorqa away into the distance. They are free. They are happy…

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