3 films for great visual perception
• La Haine (1995), directed by Director: Mathieu Kassovitz
"What black and white does is bring poetry into reality." — Mathieu Kassovitz
Cinematically brilliant film with various creative shots.
Lack of cuts in scene = freedom, fluidity and safety, as well as realism.
Minimal editing and lots of camera movement – less of a construct.
• Irréversible (2002), directed by Gaspar Noé
One of the most disruptive films in cinematic history.
Noé created this film in reverse chronological order. Sharp frames with the illusion of uninterrupted shots along with grainy & dark aesthetics.
• In the Mood For Love (2000), directed by Wong Kar-wai
Color, music, atmosphere, drama — that’s all about this film.
Equally sensual & devastating. This picture expresses the loneliness of unfulfilled desire of love.