There are many different advertisements that affect us in some way. Now I want to tell you about sprite advertising.
In 2012, the Coca-Cola company, which also included Sprite and Fanta, decided to install free showers with the Sprite logo on a Brazilian beach in 40-degree heat, designed as machines that dispense Sprite refreshing drink. Of course, there was no soda in the shower, but at the presentation of this project on the beach, everyone received a bottle as a gift after refreshing under jets of clean cold water.
Using the bandwagon effect and guerrilla marketing, the company has been successful. Despite the fact that about 1,500 showers were installed on the beach, every day the Sprite-shower attracted a large number of people who wanted to take a shower from the sprite.
Based on the promotion, a spectacular video was shot, which received a large number of views on the Internet.
In this way, the company came up with a useful way to promote the brand. Sprite refreshes no worse than spring water - the designers managed to convey this idea to everyone who happened to stand under the cool jets of the unusual shower. It is known that this design project was highly appreciated both for the idea and its implementation, as well as for the functionality and real benefits.