I ended up on an uninhabited island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean after a plane crash. What should I do? At first I decided to explore the island. Looking around, I saw unknown plants everywhere, and it seems to me that I hear a waterfall. If I find water it will definitely help me to survive.
Drinking water was found. Now we need to come up with a place to live where we could hide from the rain and spend the night. I found sticks, small branches and leaves from this and turned out to be a hut. Then we have to make a fire because unless we get a fire, we won't be able to cook food. Luckily, I had glasses for vision. I took one lens out of it, built a small fire out of dry twigs and tried to set fire to the structure with the lens. I did it all right. It remains only to sort out the food. After making a spear out of twigs, I went fishing. After cleaning and frying it, I had dinner. As soon as it gets dark, I will try to make signal lights, hoping that they will attract attention from water and air.