Type: CROD Token on Cronos Ticker: CROD Total supply: 100 000 000 CROD
Token contract (TestNet): 0x03b7796B662646f6fEfe1e39131390e2478e6036 Source code: github.com/Crodo-io/Contracts/blob/main/contracts/crodoToken.sol
Distribution contract (TestNet): 0xD1B36394377aACc926AF697cB97A2d754831dF94 Source code: github.com/Crodo-io/Contracts/blob/main/contracts/distributionContract.sol
Initial circulating supply: 480 000 CROD Initial market cap: $86 400
Seed price: $0.10 USD
Private sale price: $0.14 USD
Strategic sale price: $0.16 USD
Public sale price: $0.18 USD
Token distribution
For our private and public sales rounds are distributed over many different participants. So, we are trying to create the most fair token distribution on launch possible with no single entity holding large supply quantities.
· 6% Seed - $600 000 at $0.10 per token, cliff for 6 month, 3.7% unlocked each month within 27 months
· 8% Private sale - $1 120 000 at $0.14 per token, cliff for 3 month, 3,85% unlocked each month within 26 months
· 8% Strategic sale - $1 280 000 at $0.16 per token, cliff for 3 month, 4,17% unlocked each month within 24 months
· 4% Public sale - $720 000 at $0.18 per token. 12% unlocked, cliff for 3 month, 17,6% unlocked each month within 5 months
· 15% Team - cliff for 17 months, 4% unlocked each month within 25 months
· 6% Advisors - cliff for 17 months, 4% unlocked each month within 25 months
· 12% Liquidity - Fully unlocked
· 20% Strategic Reserve - cliff for 6 month, 2,85% unlocked each month within 35 months
· 21% Community / Ecosystem - 5% unlocked, 2,97% unlocked each month within 33 months