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Riffs und Machines

Февральские заметки в телеграме

В феврале, и частично в конце января, в одноимённом блоге в телеграме была опубликована целая гора (203 шт.) заметок про музыкальные новинки 2022-го года, прошлогодние, и более старые, но крутые, и немного пока классики стиля, в основном экстремального метала. Ниже будет очень краткий список всех этих публикаций. Краткость диктуется жёсткой Zеновской цензурой, но полностью рецензии доступны на более гуманном телеграме. Хотелось в этой статье скопировать свой пост про ситуацию вокруг, но текст совсем не для этой платформы, поэтому только справочная информация, извините.

Deathhammer — Electric Warfare

7 / 10 #thrash metal black_thrash_metal RUM279

Allegaeon — Damnum

6 / 10 #melodic death metal technical_death_metal RUM278

Humator — Curse of the Pharaoh

6.5 / 10 #death metal RUM277

Anatomy of I — The Los​(​t) Angered Session

8 / 10 death_metal progressive death metal #technical death metal RUM276

Shape of Despair — Return to the Void

8 / 10 funeral doom death metal RUM275

Insineratehymn — Disembodied

7 / 10 death_metal RUM274

Sepulchral — From Beyond the Burial Mound

8 / 10 #oldschool death metal RUM273

Gorefest — Rise to Ruin

8 / 10 death_metal RUM272

Rapture — Malevolent Demise Incarnation

6 / 10 thrash_death_metal RUM271

Ghastly — Mercurial Passages

8 / 10 death_metal RUM270

Omnioid — 22022022

4 / 10 #brutal death metal RUM269

Deumus — Oyer and Terminer

8 / 10 #doom metal RUM268

Sinoath — Portraits of Personal Darkness

8 / 10 #progressive metal #psychedelic rock #stoner RUM267

Hatred — Hateful Extermination

8 / 10 thrash_metal RUM266

Carnage — Dark Recollections

10 / 10 swedeath classic_death_metal RUM265

Carnage — The Stench of Rotting Souls

8 / 10 death_metal russian_metal RUM264

Emulsified — Apocalypse

4 / 10 brutal_death_metal technical_death_metal RUM263

Sadistic Demise — Cannibalistic Urbanistic

8 / 10 death_metal russian_metal RUM262

Bonehunter — Dark Blood Reincarnation System

8 / 10 black_thrash_metal black_n_roll RUM261

Leprous — Aphelion

5 / 10 progressive_metal RUM260

Irkallian Oracle — Apollyon

5 / 10 black_death_metal RUM259

Concrete Winds — Nerve Butcherer

3 / 10 dissonant_death_metal RUM258

Ravenous Death — Visions from the Netherworld

6 / 10 death_metal RUM257

Kuoleman Galleria — Armon Loppu

6 / 10 black_death_metal black_n_roll RUM256

Funerus — Reduced to Sludge

9 / 10 war_death_metal oldschool_death_metal RUM255

Dismemberment — Arc of Ancients

6 / 10 thrash_death_metal RUM254

Cianide — Unhumanized

9 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM253

Rottrevore — Iniquitous

9 / 10 oldschool_death_metal classic_death_metal RUM252

Masakre — Morbid Extinction

8 / 10 crust oldschool_death_metal RUM251

Morgued — Terrorformed

6 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM250

Devoured Elysium — Void Grave

5 / 10 brutal_death_metal slam_brutal_death_metal RUM249

Sickbay — Brutal Existence

6 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM248

The Last of Lucy — Moksha

4 / 10 technical_death_metal progressive_death_metal mathcore RUM247

Death Was Looming — I Am...

5 / 10 black_death_metal RUM246

Lesson in Violence — The Thrashfall of Mankind

8 / 10 thrash_metal RUM245

Embryonic Autopsy — Prophecies of the Conjoined

8 / 10 death_metal RUM244

The Nihilistic Front — Procession to Annihilation

6 / 10 funeral_doom_death_metal doom_death_metal RUM243

Mæntra — Kundalini Rising

5 / 10 brutal_death_metal RUM242

Lunar Blood — Twilight Insurgency

6 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM241

Annihilator — Metal II

6 / 10 thrash_metal RUM240

Nightrage — Abyss Rising

6 / 10 melodic_death_metal RUM239

Легион — Отблески будущего

5 / 10 heavy_metal russian_metal RUM238

Vilehand — Let Them Die

6.5 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM237

Schizophrenia — Recollections of the Insane

8 / 10 death_thrash_metal RUM236

Cryptic Hatred — Nocturnal Sickness

9 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM235

Death Apocalypse — Scars to the Flesh

8 / 10 swedeath oldschool_death_metal RUM234

Ares Kingdom — By the Light of Their Destruction

6 / 10 death_thrash_metal RUM233

Smothered — The Inevitable End

9 / 10 swedeath oldschool_death_metal RUM232

Entrapment — Through Realms Unseen

8 / 10 swedeath oldschool_death_metal RUM231

Evocation — The Shadow Archetype

8 / 10 melodic_death_metal RUM230

Interment — Scent of the Buried

8 / 10 swedeath oldschool_death_metal RUM229

Sarke — Allsighr

8 / 10 black_thrash_metal progressive_metal RUM228

Darkthrone — Soulside Journey

8 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM227

Gallhammer — Ill Innocence

4 / 10 crust doom_crust blackened_doom_crust RUM226

Бездна А....ного Угнетения — И живые позавидуют мёртвым

6 / 10 melodic death metal russian_metal RUM225

Undergang — Til døden os skiller

7 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM224

Slugathor — Unleashing the Slugathron

7 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM223

Immolation — Acts of God

7 / 10 death_metal RUM222

Cryptum — Vile Emergence

5 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM221

Purulent Jacuzzi — Natural Method of Turning to Dust

5 / 10 grindcore black_metal RUM220

Dakhma — Blessings of Amurdad

7 / 10 blackened_death_metal RUM219

Teeth — Finite

6 / 10 doom_death_metal RUM218

Intricated — Apocalyptic Metamorphosis

5 / 10 brutal_death_metal RUM217

Anatomia — Corporeal Torment

8 / 10 funeral_doom_death_metal doom_death_metal RUM216

Qrixkuor — Poison Palinopsia

5 / 10 doom_death_metal RUM215

Ossuary — Addicted to Human Flesh

8 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM214

Occulsed — Crepitation of Phlegethon

7 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM213

Hexorcist — Evil Reaping Death

6 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM212

Azothyst — Blood of Dead God

6 / 10 blackened_death_metal RUM211

Archgoat — Worship the Eternal Darkness

6 / 10 black_death_metal RUM210

Fossilization — He Whose Name Was Long Forgotten

6 / 10 doom_death_metal RUM209

Lvcifyre — The Broken Seal

6 / 10 black_death_metal RUM208

Devoid of Thought — Outer World Graves

7 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM207

Bloodmessiah — Denounce Your God

6 / 10 death_metal RUM206

Dead Soul Alliance — Behind the Scenes

6 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM205

Fractal Generator — Macrocosmos

6 / 10 technical_death_metal RUM204

Visceral Slaughter — Welcome to the Slaughterhouse

7 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM203

Grave Miasma — Abyss of Wrathful Deities

5 / 10 blackened_death_metal RUM202

Chasmdweller — Flesh Crusade

4 / 10 death_metal RUM201

Ænigmatum — Deconsecrate

6 / 10 black_death_metal RUM200

Dead Awaken — The Princip Legacy

8 / 10 war_death_metal RUM199

Tylangir — Ur-Chraft

7 / 10 folk_metal RUM198

Cult of Luna — The Long Road North

9 / 10 atmospheric_sludge_metal post-metal RUM197

WAIT — The End of Noise

4 / 10 progressive_death_metal RUM196

Nervochaos — All Colors of Darkness

6 / 10 death_thrash_metal RUM195

Ironmaster — Thy Ancient Fire

8 / 10 death_metal RUM194

Xicution — For the World Beyond

7 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM193

Near Death Condition — Ascent from the Mundane

4 / 10 avant-garde_death_metal RUM192

Creeping Flesh — ...and Then the Bombs Came

9 / 10 war_death_metal oldschool_death_metal RUM191

Napalm Death — Resentment Is Always Seismic - A Final Throw of Throes

8 / 10 grind_death_metal RUM190

Amorphis — Halo

6 / 10 progressive_metal RUM189

Voivod — Synchro Anarchy

8 / 10 progressive_thrash_metal progressive_metal RUM188

Mystic Storm — Из хаоса древних времен / From the Ancient Chaos

6 / 10 thrash_metal speed_thrash_metal RUM187

Revocation — The Outer Ones

8 / 10 technical_death_metal RUM186

Cryptosis — Bionic Swarm

8 / 10 progressive_thrash_metal RUM185

Cultist — Manic Despair

8 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM184

Antediluvian — The Divine Punishment

3 / 10 black_death_metal RUM183

Be'lakor — Coherence

6 / 10 melodic_death_metal RUM182

Wolves in the Throne Room — Primordial Arcana

6 / 10 atmosferic_black_metal RUM181

Tomb Mold — Planetary Clairvoyance

8 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM180

Kommand — Terrorscape

7 / 10 war_death_metal RUM179

Deadborn — Dogma Anti God

8 / 10 technical_death_metal RUM178

Decrepit Birth — Axis Mundi

8 / 10 technical_death_metal RUM177

Evoked — Ravenous Compulsion

8 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM176

Abythic — Beneath Ancient Portals

8 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM175

Scalpture — Eisenzeit

9 / 10 war_death_metal RUM174

Obliteration — Cenotaph Obscure

8 / 10 death_metal RUM173

Nekromantheon — Visions of Trismegistos

7 / 10 thrash_metal RUM172

Demoniac — So It Goes

4 / 10 thrash_metal RUM171

Këkht Aräkh — Pale Swordsman

2 / 10 black_metal black_ambient RUM170

Threnody — Rid of Flesh

8 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM169

Centurian — Contra Rationem

7 / 10 death_metal RUM168

Savage Deity — Decade of Savagery

7 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM167

Furnace — Dark Vistas

6 / 10 gothic_metal RUM166

Lustre — The Ashes of Light

2 / 10 atmospheric_black_metal atmospheric_black_ambient RUM165

Swallow the Sun — Moonflowers

6 / 10 doom_death_metal RUM164

Noctambulist — The Barren Form

6 / 10 black_death_metal sludge_metal RUM163

Redemptor — Agonia

6 / 10 technical_death_metal RUM162

Vomit the Soul — Cold

5 / 10 brutal_death_metal slam_brutal_death_metal RUM161

Centenary — Death…The Final Frontier

7 / 10 oldschool_death_metal swedeath RUM160

Typhonian — The Cosmic Pendulum of Time

8 / 10 death_metal RUM159

In Mourning — The Bleeding Veil

6 / 10 progressive_death_metal melodic_death_metal RUM158

Swampbeast — Seven Evils Spawned of Seven Heads

4 / 10 death_grind blackened_death_metal RUM157

Unfleshed — Twisted Path to Mutilation

6 / 10 death_metal RUM156

Death Chamber — Experiments in Warfare

6 / 10 oldschool_death_metal swedeath RUM155

Bæst — Necro Sapiens

8 / 10 oldschool_death_metal swedeath RUM154

Deiquisitor — Humanoid

6 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM153

Pyrexia — Gravitas Maximus

7 / 10 brutal_death_metal slam_brutal_death_metal RUM152

Noctiferia — Reforma - Tribute to Laibach

6 / 10 industrial_metal RUM151

Altarage — Succumb

4 / 10 black_death_metal RUM150

Obscura — A Valediction

6 / 10 progressive_death_metal technical_death_metal RUM149

Carcass — Torn Arteries

6 / 10 death_metal RUM148

Aeon — God Ends Here

8 / 10 death_metal RUM147

Blood Red Throne — Imperial Congregation

8 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM146

Inhuman Condition — Rat°God

8 / 10 oldchool_death_metal RUM145

Six Feet Under — Haunted

10 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM144

Scrumptious Putrescence — CanniBaalistic Offerings

5 / 10 brutal_death_metal RUM143

Saxon — Carpe Diem

8 / 10 heavy_metal nwobhm RUM142

Thorn — Yawning Depths

7 / 10 doom_death_metal sludge_metal RUM141

Venom Prison — Erebos

6 / 10 deathcore RUM140

Persefone — Metanoia

5 / 10 progressive_death_metal RUM139

Craniotomy — Ripped Out by Violence

8 / 10 brutal_death_metal RUM138

Golgothan — Leech

4 / 10 death_metal RUM137

Abysmal Dawn — Nightmare Frontier [EP]

6 / 10 death_metal RUM136

Sunless — Ylem

6 / 10 progressive_death_metal dissonant_death_metal RUM135

Alchemy of Flesh — Ageless Abominations

7 / 10 death_metal RUM134

Diabolizer — Khalkedonian Death

8 / 10 death_metal RUM133

Fear Factory — Aggression Continuum

4 / 10 groove_metal RUM132

Putrevore — Miasmal Monstrosity

6 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM131

Catacomb — Acanthocyte I: Embrace Decay

8 / 10 oldschool_death_metal swedeath RUM130

Iotunn — Access All Worlds

8 / 10 melodic_death_metal progressive_death_metal RUM129

Enforced — Kill Grid

8 / 10 thrash_metal RUM128

Steel Bearing Hand — Slay in Hell

8 / 10 thrash_death_metal RUM127

1914 — Where Fear and Weapons Meet

8 / 10 doom_death_metal RUM126

Tribulation — Where the Gloom Becomes Sound

6 / 10 gothic_metal RUM125

Craven Idol — Forked Tongues

6 / 10 black_thrash_metal RUM124

Suffering Hour — The Cyclic Reckoning

6 / 10 black_death_metal RUM123

Archspire — Bleed the Future

7 / 10 technical_death_metal RUM122

War Magic — Foreverwar

8 / 10 oldschool_death_metal war_death_metal RUM121

The Ruins of Beverast — The Thule Grimoires

6 / 10 atmospheric_black_metal black_doom_metal RUM120

Trauma Field — From Wounded Soil

5 / 10 doom_death_metal RUM119

Those Who Bring the Torture — Cosmos Osmosis

8 / 10 oldschool_death_metal swedeath RUM118

Kill All the Gentlemen — Black Canvas

4 / 10 thrash_metal metalcore RUM117

Cenobite — Dark Dimension

8 / 10 oldschool_death_metal swedeath RUM116

Chamber of Torture — Phantasms of the Bedlamite

6 / 10 brutal_death_metal RUM115

Desolator — Sermon of Apathy

7 / 10 death_metal RUM114

Trauma — Karma Obscura

4 / 10 death_thrash_metal RUM113

Decaying — Shells Will Fall

8 / 10 oldschool_death_metal war_death_metal RUM112

Sorcery — Necessary Excess of Violence

8 / 10 oldschool_death_metal swedeath RUM111

Corpsessed — Beyond Abysmal Thresholds

6 / 10 black_death_metal RUM110

Cenotaph — Precognition to Eradicate

3 / 10 brutal_death_metal RUM109

Obscenity — Summoning the Circle

7 / 10 death_metal RUM108

Asphyx — Necroceros

10 / 10 oldschool_death_metal death_doom_metal RUM107

Chaosbreed — Brutal

9 / 10 oldschool_death_metal swedeath RUM106

Deathcult — Of Soil Unearthed

6 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM105

Bhoot — From the Ground Up

4 / 10 melodic_death_metal RUM104

Handle with Hate — Erebus Rises

8 / 10 death_metal RUM103

Cataleptic — The Tragedy

7 / 10 doom_death_metal RUM102

Tormentor Tyrant — Tormentor Tyrant [EP]

6 / 10 death_metal RUM101

Malefic Throne — Malefic Throne

6 / 10 death_metal RUM100

Defechate — Unbounded

3 / 10 death_metal RUM99

Lawnmower Deth — Blunt Cutters

7 / 10 thrash_metal crossover hardcore_punk RUM98

Pestilectomy — From Vulnerable to Funeral

4 / 10 brutal_death_metal slam_brutal_death_metal RUM97

Nihility — Beyond Human Concepts

7 / 10 death_metal RUM96

Six Feet Under — Graveyard Classics

7 / 10 death_metal death_n_roll RUM95

Trenchgrinder — Peace Is Forfeit

7 / 10 oldschool_death_metal war_death_metal RUM94

Gatecreeper — An Unexpected Reality [EP]

6 / 10 death_metal RUM93

Chainsword — Blightmarch

7.5 / 10 oldschool_death_metal war_death_metal RUM92

The Flight of Sleipnir — Eventide

8 / 10 doom_metal RUM91

Among Your Gods — Before the Dawn

4 / 10 melodic_death_metal RUM90

Turbidity — Orgies of Sadism

5 / 10 brutal_death_metal slam_brutal_death_metal RUM89

Phlebotomized — Pain, Resistance, Suffering

6 / 10 doom_death_metal RUM88

Therion — Leviathan

4 / 10 symphonic_metal RUM87

War Master — Pyramid of the Necropolis

8 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM86

Vomitory — Opus Mortis VIII

8 / 10 death_metal swedeath RUM85

Cut Up — Wherever They May Rot

8 / 10 death_metal swedeath RUM84

Ravenous Death — Chapters of an Evil Transition

6 / 10 death_metal RUM83

Humiliation — XI: Triumphant

8 / 10 oldschool_death_metal war_death_metal RUM82

Desecresy — Towards Nebulae

7 / 10 death_metal RUM81

Ectoplasma — Inferna Kabbalah

7.5 / 10 oldschool_death_metal RUM80

Wrath of Fate — Legal Order

3 / 10 deathcore RUM79

Gluttony — Cult of the Unborn

8 / 10 oldschool_death_metal swedeath RUM78

Inhumane Existence — Dehumanized

4 / 10 brutal_death_metal RUM77

Ribspreader — Crawl and Slither

7 / 10 oldschool_death_metal swedeath RUM76

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