Why is it not enough to use focus activation technic of self existence for success?
In process of self development practice (it concerns Yoga practice as well) you may be told often to focus on state of consciousness "I am". That you should focus on your own being in a moment to develop self-awareness.
By the way, in my opinion, it is not enough. Your life experience is not so essential either.
Lets concern the state of consciousness "I am" in details.
"I am" - is focus activation technic on your own existence, separately from external world.
A human being realizes himself as separate sensible particle.
To get this you should separate yourself in your mind form all visible space you are.
No merging with the world. You should feel yourself as a being, filled with energy of existence. Life is full of energy.
"I am" - is multiplicity and unity of several meanings of "I":
"I" - as a body,
"I" - as a system of sense organs perception,
"I" - as a mental system,
"I" - as a consciousness,
"I" - as a Will.
So let’s talk about the Will.
A human being is active, constantly moving forward. Therefore, he realizes social status, stress tolerance for obstacles. It is not enough just to exist.
Will is a resource, Will supply energy for activity to get the goals. Will makes a human to be courageous, purposeful and efficient.
Is it right, that Will is depend on the level of self-consciousness? The consciousness is strictly associated with Will decisions, it controls these decisions. The human being is responsible for his deals and way of living.
On my opinion, psychonetic Will meditation is easy and powerful practice skill to increase level of active "I am". To make Will meditation you should use focus activation technic in two states: "I am" and "I am Will"
While activating these sates correctly you would pause dominant mental processes, inner dialogue or uncontrolled emotions, as an example.
Will meditation is a technic designed to help a human, who wants to be free from Ego limitations. It make you feel closer to your true "I".
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