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Stress Management


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Stress Management

Presentation №1

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What is stress?

- Stress is the body’s reaction to the impact of various adverse factors.

- This is our reaction to pressure- the feelings that we experience when we are presented with demands that are difficult for us to cope with.

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Causes of stress:

- unervous tension;

- uimproper nutrition;

- upoor ecology;

- upsychological factor- experiences, conflicts;

- umonotony, monotonous situation.

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Symptoms of stress:

- Weight loss;

- Sleep disturbances;

- Increased irritability;

- Anxiety or feelings of panic;

- Increased alcohol or drug-use;

- Under-eating or overeating;

- Easily frustrated.

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What is the most stressful job

Such a job as a surgeon:

-long shifts;

-not a stable schedule;

-responsibility for the patients life;

-load on the legs and brain activity;

-availability of knowledge and experience.

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Solving a stressful tasks:

udon’t avoid the problem;

- calm down;

- take a step back;

- restore a sense of control;

- change the control;

- change the attitude.

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My recipes for stress relief:

-discharge yourself with the help of laughter, positive emotions;

-physical activity;

-walking in the fresh air;

-switching attention from active to passive activity and vice versa;

-self-massage, shower;

-favorite music;

-meetings, games, hiking.

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Work-life balance

Work- life balance is very important. The balance is considered ideal when each of our values is spent as much time as you need to feel happy.

For example, if work is in the fist place for you and you devote more time to it, but at the same time you get a powerful charge of energy, enjoy life and there is no dissatisfaction in other areas ,then your balance is not broken.

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If you understand that there is an imbalance in your life, then do not allow the field of activity to invade your personal life and vice versa.

It necessary to set priorities correctly. Keep up with the times. Always plan and make a to-do list so as to get the desired result without harming your health and vitality. Always remember to rest, take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle.

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Речь к презентации на тему: ” Stress Management”

1 Слайд

Stress Management

Presentation №1


2 Слайд

What is stress?

Stress is the body’s reaction to the impact of various adverse factors.

This is our reaction to pressure- the feelings that we experience when we are presented with demands that are difficult for us to cope with.

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Causes of stress:

- nervous tension;

- improper nutrition;

- poor ecology;

- psychological factor- experiences, conflicts;

- monotony, monotonous situation.

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Symptoms of stress

Being in stressful state, a person has such symptoms as:

-Weight loss;

-Sleep disturbances;

-Increased irritability;

-Anxiety or feelings of panic;

-Increased alcohol or drug-use;

-Under-eating or overeating;

-Easily frustrated.

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What is the most stressful job

Such a job as a surgeon. Work-life balance: low. Long shifts, not a stable schedule, responsibility for the patient’s life, the presence of a large amount of knowledge. Therefore, they are under constant stress, because they must think and act quickly, but at the same time carefully and accurately perform their work. This position is associated with constant loads on the legs and brain activity.

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Solving a stressful tasks.

In order to. To reduce the negative consequences, it is not always necessary to avoid the problem. This will give short- term relief. And, as a rule, it can make the problem even worse. It is necessary to calm down, take a step back, take control of this situation and try to solve the problem. It may be necessary to change the approach or change the attitude to the current situation.

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My recipes for stress relief

In difficult situations for me, I try to change my approach to the problem. I’m trying to make room for positivity, to let go of anger, resentment. To do this, I restore a sense of control and stick to my stress reduction methods, such as:

- discharge yourself with the help of laughter, positive emotions;

- physical activity;

- walking in the fresh air;

- switching attention from active to passive activity and vice versa;

- self-massage, shower;

- favorite music;

- meetings, games, hiking;

- dances;

- aroma therapy;

- share experiences with friends and relatives.

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Work-life balance

Work- life balance is very important. The balance is considered ideal when each of our values is spent as much time as you need to feel happy.

For example, if work is in the fist place for you and you devote more time to it, but at the same time you get a powerful charge of energy, enjoy life and there is no dissatisfaction in other areas, then your balance is not broken.

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If you understand that there is an imbalance in your life, then do not allow the field of activity to invade your personal life and vice versa.

It necessary to set priorities correctly. Keep up with the times. Always plan and make a to-do list so as to get the desired result without harming your health and vitality. Always remember to rest, take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle.

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