The vestments of the clergy attest to their rank and rank, thus distinguishing the bearers of this rank from among worldly people. This corresponds to the concept of the Church as a kingdom not of this world, and for the clergy it is a constant reminder that they should always, in any situation, be worthy of the highest service they have received from God.
Such clothes are usually sewn to order according to individual sizes and this is done manually. For example, you can buy a deacon's robe or order its tailoring on the website Here absolutely everyone will find more than two dozen different costumes.
As a rule, the employees of this company sew all the clothes for worship services from brocade or other material suitable for these purposes. The church vestments are decorated with hand-embroidered crosses or other ornaments.
Along with other costumes here you can also purchase the robes of the subdeacon.
In order to purchase clothes for a priest, you only need to use the standard form of purchase through the basket. If you have any questions, you can always contact the site administrator for help.