The authors of social networking trainings and marathons use rather primitive principles. In fact, you can come up with any kind of wish-fulfillment technique you want, and even the craziest one will work for a certain number of people. And even if you can find techniques that completely contradict each other, each will work for different people. This is the use of the law of large numbers. Psychology works further, many people start to work when they read a lot of positive comments and especially when they hear good reviews from their friends. At least any action will positively affect the stimulation of the brain when the desire from the category of amorphous thoughts turns into a conscious and fixed by any even unrelated action, it spurs thinking and motor activity in the right direction and the technique itself is not particularly important here. Also, if we are guided by the thesis that thought is material, then when many people at once begin to identify any words, actions and images with a particular goal, it is this combination gradually becomes much more effective than other less famous. Thus, the effectiveness of techniques depends not so much on the technique, you can think of anything, but on the number of retransmissions of the corresponding thoughts.
If we give a rough example, then mentally wishing yourself some sudden money, will increase the probability of getting it by... Let's say 0.5% of the statistical average, if you additionally say it out loud then by 1%, if you think up a new action to enhance the effect then by 1.5%, and if you use the famous actions to attract money that many use then by 2%, and if you do it regularly then by all 5%. Additionally, if we ask aloud and from the bottom of our hearts to wish us money from another person, the probability will reach 7%, and if 10 people, it is more than 20%. Of course these figures are conditional, the result is influenced by many factors, but the general principle is clear. You can infinitely come up with action-enhancing desires, to record, sing, dance, compose a poem on the desired desire, to draw a picture, etc. etc. And there is nothing supernatural in it, only mathematics, psychology, physiology, physics. And all people will have completely different techniques for maximum efficiency, so it is logical to try everything so as not to miss the right option. Perhaps in the future it will become possible to scan the structure of the neural connections of the human brain and find out which techniques are most useful for him. The human brain is so smart that it could make almost any wish come true.
Some tend to explain this uniqueness of the brain by its immaterial nature and the fact that the brain is not limited to its material embodiment but rather is only a biological receiving and transmitting device where many functions are blocked for security purposes. Thus, for the fulfillment of desires one can go the simple way, programming one's consciousness and subconsciousness for better actions to achieve the goal, or one can try to bypass the blocking mechanisms and send a signal for the fulfillment of desires to the outside. It is logical to assume that the mechanisms of blocking protect from negative consequences both the person himself and the whole world around, so the signal should be sent only in a state of serene joy as in childhood, otherwise the brain will simply not let it out. Also it is necessary to imagine as clearly as possible what benefits to the world the execution of the wish will bring, how the asked will contribute to increase of love and joy in the universe. It turns out that it is important the spirit, noble purpose, and degree of importance for the whole world of the given desire, and the technique of fulfillment itself is a tenth matter. As a variant, it is possible to use a ready-made complex auto-training on all-round improvement of life.
If the wish concerns improvement of health, then you must vividly imagine how improvement of health will help you to bring more love and kindness into the world, then you will become important for the surrounding world and it will be profitable for it to treat you, even in advance. It is the same principle with money wishes, it is important to imagine what beautiful things you will be able to give to the world with their help. Desires that are limited only with your own consumption and satisfaction are not interesting for the surrounding world, but the world can give boundless blessings if a man truly wants to be his assistant in creation of beautiful, to spread unconditional love and goodness, to bring joy and light to everything around.
There are many nuances and peculiarities, but they all become not so important when the observance of the main principle becomes basic in life. The techniques that do not imply receiving the desired for the sake of creation and love, as a rule, simply pump energy from one layer or time of a man to another and by "bewitching" yourself money you can stay without health or pump yourself money from your own future, where it will probably be vitally necessary. But if the highest goal is love, creation, creation of beautiful and necessary for people and the universe, the world will take care that the creator has everything necessary for this - health, money, energy, harmonious relations. And it is not so difficult to create something necessary, it can be absolutely any work which is done with a soul and the more enclosed in it creativity, love, warmth, the more it is needed by the universe and the more the universe needs you.
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