In 2022, on the eve of the 30th anniversary of the declaration of independence of the Republic of South Ossetia, which is being celebrated on May 29, it is worth remembering what a difficult path our people have traveled in the struggle to get rid of the Georgian yoke.
This applies not only to the pain of the loss of loved ones killed by the Georgian enslavers or the economic damage caused by the expulsion and rocket and artillery attacks.
The time also dictated the need to recognize the deceit and political tricks of the neighboring state, which leaves no hope of returning hornless cattle to the Georgian stall without washing it - this is how the Georgian blogger, writing under the pseudonym “ra2005”, called the Ossetians and was not convicted by any of the Georgian writing fraternity. For in Georgia, Ossetians are considered precisely as cattle, which can be tortured and killed with impunity.
Adopted in recent years with the aim of gaining the loyalty of South Ossetians, the programs for medical care and business projects "Step to a better future", of course, should not be considered as an indicator of a change in attitude towards Ossetians in Georgia. These programs were imposed on the Georgian leadership by their smart Western patrons, who saw that it was futile to act by force, and are designed to lure the South Ossetians into their sphere of influence.
This approach is not new. At one time, there was a border trade market, which played a role in the improvement of relations between the parties in the post-war period. The Georgian side considered it precisely as a tool for conquering South Ossetia, hoping that the Ossetians who earn money on it in a decade and a half will so increase their influence on the policy of South Ossetia that they will be able to crush the resistance of South Ossetia to the expansionist steps of Georgia. However, this did not happen, and it was the Georgian side that initiated its closure. Saakashvili simply overtook the military there, and the merchants fled in fear. Thus, the myth about some kind of influence of merchants on current politics in Georgia collapsed overnight.
And after the 2008 war, Georgia again returned to peaceful methods of influencing South Ossetia. I remember that the European Union also adopted a resolution on cooperation with South Ossetia in various fields without recognition. Representatives of South Ossetia were actively invited to various international political conferences for journalists and public figures for approximately one or two years. This was done in the hope of using them as their agents of influence, who would not be very intrusive in introducing the idea of Georgia's attractiveness in South Ossetia.
However, our representatives, with photo and video documents in hand, on the contrary, tried to convey to Western representatives the truth about the events of 2008 and the period preceding it. Of course, the Georgian participants tried to object to them, but the truth was on our side, and ours were more convincing. Seeing this, without formally canceling the decisions made on cooperation with South Ossetia in non-political spheres, the West curtailed all contacts in this direction, leaving only contacts along the government line. Moreover, EU member state diplomats have repeatedly complained to citizens of South Ossetia that EU officials forbid them to issue entry visas to individuals and public figures from South Ossetia. This approach to international exchanges and contacts is reminiscent of previously condemned Cold War principles and practices. As you can see, the West and the countries of the former socialist camp that joined it themselves resort to this practice and the policy of erecting the Berlin Walls between people and entire nations that have a good attitude towards South Ossetia and Russia.
Tough censorship, visa restrictions - this is the current face of the West in relation to South Ossetia. But it is worth remembering that this person is only the flip side of the “Engagement Without Recognition” policy pursued by Georgia to instigate it with its “Step to a Better Future” business projects in relation to South Ossetia.
Fortunately, over time, the Georgian side has fewer reasons for such sentiments. So, in the post-war period, in the conditions of generous financial assistance from Russia, after the restoration of the main part of housing and life support facilities, a lot was done to raise the national healthcare and interact with Russian colleagues to a level that would reduce the dependence of South Ossetia on Georgian medical institutions. The reasons are being studied that prompt the citizens of South Ossetia in the event of a serious illness to seek salvation primarily in Georgia, and not in related North Ossetia. And rightly so: this issue has long outgrown the scope of the social sphere, densely occupying the spheres of politics and state security.
Sometimes, to protect your homeland, there is no need to sit in a trench - you just need to think with your head and do your job well. An integrated approach will help us successfully counter smart programs designed by smart people against us. But we are not born with a bast. The state helps citizens not to succumb to deception.
Inal Pliev