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Владимир Финогеев

The Theorem of the Being of God

A proof of the existence of God from the analysis of motion is proposed. There proved the impossibility of movement without the Objective Intellectual System, which has Absolute Thinking, Absolute Memory. The obtained conclusions are confirmed by experiment. From the principle of the intellectual organization of movement, provisions are deduced that are of crucial importance for the emergence of science from a theoretical and ideological impasse. Based on the markers of authenticity, the truth of the Old and New Testaments is affirmed. The sacrifice of Christ for the salvation of the world is an absolute moral height. Absolute Love and Morality complements the Objective Intellectual System to the Perfect Completeness - God, as the Absolute Spiritual and Moral Personality

Key words: proof, intelligent system, intelligent motion object, God, Intelligent Equivalent of the Universe.

Substantiation of the existence of God.

The evidenceof the existence of God are abundant. This is a separate topic, the consideration of which is beyond the scope of this study.

The difference betweenthis proof and others is that it is derived from observation and can be verified by experiment.

Let us explain the meaning of two concepts that will be applied below. The meanings have a specific connotation justified by the purpose of the work.

Subject: 1. Each person individually. 2. An individual intellectual system or subjectiveintellectual system that produces an action.

Object: 1. Body, system, process external to the subject. 2. Objective reality. 3. Objective Intellectual system, which has Absolute memory, Absolute thinking and Absolute energy, or, in other words, God.

First, let us deduce the existence of God in His Intellectual Hypostasis, and then as a Personally - Spiritual Being, possessing perfect Love and Morality.

Let us prove the following statement:

Without the Objective Intellectual System, no movement is possible.

The proof uses an axiom: an intellectual system has memory and thinking.

Let us construct a proof based on the analysis of the movement of a body between two points.

We present the proof in two parts.

I. First of all, let us study subjective movement - the movement performed by the subject.

1. Identification of subjective movement.

Let there be two points on the plane: A, B.

Subject moves body from A to B.

Acting as observers, let us ask the question, how have we established that the body had moved from A to B?

The answer is quite obvious: we remembered that the body was in A, now it is in B.

Hence, the first thing that is needed for motion identification (MI) is memory (Mr).

If there were no memory, we would assert that the body did not change its position, and is constantly at the same point wherever it is moved.

Continuing to investigate the displacement of the body from A to B, we come to the conclusion that memory alone is not enough to establish the fact of displacement of the body.

To identify the movement, it is necessary to compare the memory that the body was at point A with its current position at B, and conclude that the body has moved. The operations of comparison, analysis and conclusion are performed by thought of the mind (Md).

Hence, without memory and thinking, the subject is unable to identify movement (MI).

So, if Mr = 0, Md = 0, then MI = 0.

2. Organization of subjective movement.

Let us pose another question, how can the subject organize the movement?

Is it possible, for example, to return our body back to A?

This operation is easy to carry out.

To move the body back from B to A, the first thing the subject should do is set an appropriate goal.

The goal is created by thinking.

Hence, the first thing that is required is the mind of the subject (Md).

In the second step, the subject needs to remember that the body was in A.

This means that the second thing that must be present is memory. In addition, memory is necessary to remember the goal.

Another important purpose of memory is that it provides thinking. Or otherwise, if Mr = 0, Md = 0,

Of course, the subject can move the body to any arbitrary point, for this he, with the help of thinking, determines the future spatial position of the body and remembers it.

So, memory and thinking are fundamentally required.

The third condition is necessary - the use of force.

To move the body, force is required (C). Force is energy (E) with direction.

The subject, as an actor, must have energy, which must be turned into force, that is, set energythe direction.

Developing a direction for energy runs into a paradox.

Newton pointed out: if the force has no direction, it is equal to zero, movement is impossible, there is no movement (Mv).

C = 0, Mv = 0.

Since movement is observed, energy does have a direction. Consequently, the force is greater than zero, C ˃0, the force exists, while according to modern scientific ideas about the structure of reality, force cannot exist.

It is impossible for the energy to have a DIRECTION.

Let us show why this is so.

Energy acts HERE and NOW, that is, only in the PRESENT.

There is no energy in the PAST already.

Not in the FUTURE yet.

In the PAST, energy doesn't work.

It does not work in the FUTURE.

The PAST and FUTURE - we especially emphasize - are NON-EXISTING states for energy.

And the DIRECTION exactly consists of the PAST and the FUTURE.

Inside the physical picture of the world, and precisely, if we start from scientific principles, energy and direction are INCOMPATIBLE.

A direction can be represented as a geometric object in the form of a line.

Let's examine the origin of the line. Let there be blackboard and a pieceof chalk.

Let's put a point on the board. One more, one more. Many points in a row. This forms a line.

Let's do the following experiment. We put a point and erase, put and erase, if we continue to repeat the procedure of writing and erasing, it will be impossible to draw a line.

To get a line, you need a memory. In this case, the memory of the board.

When the chalk touches the surface, it is HERE and NOW, that is, in the PRESENT.

The chalk is motionless in the PRESENT. To move the chalk, the subject applies force by moving it -

- to the future.

Consider, what does this FUTURE consist of?

Subject moves the chalkin LATER and FARTHER.

Before the start of the movement, the chalk (in general, any body) remains motionless, and LATER and FARTHER have already been produced, the subject creates LATER and FURTHER in the field of thought of his intellectual system, using thinking and storing the result in memory.

LATER - the time part of the direction.

FURTHER - the spatial part.

There is also a third-FORCE.

These parts are complex. They contain a number of data.

For example, let's name several elements from each part.

In the time part, the subject determines the duration before the start of movement, or more simply, when to start moving the body (tomorrow, in an hour, minute, second, etc.); the duration of the movement itself, or how long to move; speed of movement, or how quicklyto move; the subject decides to do it simultaneously or not simultaneously with some other process, and so on.

In the spatial part, the subject sets in advance: how far to move the body, in which direction to move, move on a plane or volume; the subject chooses the shape of the trajectory - it can be any: straight, inclined, curved, wavy, and so on.

The force section is also complex. Without going into details, we note that in this part, the required amount of energy is planned for future movementproperties of the body (mass, temperature, size, density, etc.) and external influences on this body (friction force, air movement, gravity etc.) are taken in to account prier to motion.

The subject can move the chalk, or any body (if technically possible) to any distance and at any time.

That is, in the subjective case, the energy is controlled by the intellectual system of the subject, i.e. the amount of energy and its action obey to the subject.

Instructions are given to the energy in every unit of time for each new point inFARTHER and LATER.

Let us emphasize that the energy is controlled not by the DIRECTION as such, but by the INTELLECT of the subject.

If the subject at every unit of time does not give instructions to energy, and - transmission of instructions means the use of memory and thinking,- then the body - in our case, the chalk - will stop. For example, if the subject suddenly lost the memory of the space - time direction –that is he forgot when and where to move - the movement will stop.

We conclude: the DIRECTION is an INTELLECTUAL object - a PRODUCT of MEMORY and THINKING of the subject's intellectual system.

This is a motion forming three-part or three-component intellectual object. It contains instructions for the movement of the body in time, in space, and in the amount of movement. Let's designate it as an Intellectual Object of Movement (IOM).

Motion organization scheme.

P is the past, Fis the future,N is the present.

Body m and energy E are HERE and NOW, i.e.in present.

In geometric form, direction is expressed by a line.

The line is an intellectual analogue of the future movement of the body in time and space.

The line (as a direction) shows: for the movement to take place, an intellectual expansion of reality in both directions in the PAST and the FUTURE is necessary.

Let's eliminate the PAST and the FUTURE on our scheme.

Without these parts, the direction ceases to exist. Force with no direction equals zero. The movement is impossible. C=0, Mv=0.

Let's consider the scheme without the left side: suppose the PAST is not needed, since the movement is organized from the PRESENT.

What happens in this case?

The PAST is memory. If there is no PAST in the organization of the movement, then this means that there is no MEMORY.

Above, it was experimentally shown that without MEMORY, a geometric expression of the direction - a line - is not possible.

In the absence of MEMORY, the line will not be formed. Having eliminated MEMORY, it is necessary to eliminate THINKING (Md).

MEMORY is the basis of THINKING. Mr=0 → Md=0

Hence, due to the elimination of MEMORY, the FUTURE disappears, which is created by THINKING. FUTURE is equal to zero if THINKING turns to zero.

Having withdrawn the left part - the PAST, it will be necessary to withdraw the right part - the FUTURE.

Let's remind, FUTURE containstime ,spatial and force instructions for the forthcoming movement. Or otherwise the FUTURE contains the DIRECTION.

If the FUTURE is eliminated, the force loses DIRECTION and movement becomes impossible. C=0, Mv=0

We get the most important, fundamental conclusion: the body is subordinated to energy, energy is subordinated to direction, direction is created with the help of memory and thinking, and is carried out by a subjective intellectual system. Energy receives instructions from the subject's thinking and memory, not from direction. Or otherwise, we have a sequence:

Subjectiveintellect→ direction + energy → force → movement of matter.

Thus, without the MEMORY and THINKING of the subject, the ORGANIZATION of movement (MvO) in the subjective case, that is, when the movement is organized by the subject, IS IMPOSSIBLE

We conclude: without the MEMORY and THINKING of the subject, it is impossible to IDENTIFY or ORGANIZE the subjective movement.

Or otherwise: when Mr= 0, Md = 0, MI = 0, MvO = 0.

The conclusion was deduced from observation.

Therefore, the validity of the proof can be subjected to experimental verification.

3. Experiment.

Probably, it will not be possible to find a subject devoid of memory and thinking in order to make identification (MI) and organization of movement (MvO) with his participation.

A mannequin is ideal for this purpose, since itis surely has neither memory nor thinking.

We will present acts of movement to the mannequin. With all the evidence, even a small number of experiments will reveal the inability of the mannequin either to recognize the movement of the body, or to change the position of the body in space.

You can repeat this experiment until a statistically significant result is achieved. This result will invariably be reproduced, it consists in the fact that without MEMORY and THINKING, identification and organization of subjective movement are IMPOSSIBLE.

Let's move on to the second part of the proof.

II. Objective movement.

Objective movement proceeds independently of the subject.

Objective movement can be divided into two classes.

Secondary movement, of which there are a great many types - from the movement of molecules to the inertial displacement of matter.

The primary or fundamental movement is the movement of elementary particles that forms matter which is the foundation of the universe. The existence of matter depends on the intranuclear movement of protons, neutrons, the movement of an electron near the atomic nucleus.

Without a fundamental movement, there will be no secondary movement either - the atom will disintegrate, the molecules will collapse, the material part of being will disappear, and, accordingly, the bodies of all subjects will cease to exist.

Let's move on to the proof of the statement: Without an Objective Intellectual System, no movement is possible.

There are only two options.

1. Elementary particles do not move ontheir own.

According to this condition, the particles must be moved by external action.

Let us leave aside the question of the origin of particles, space, time, and the universe itself. Let's assume we don't know the history of their origin.

Let us consider a pure act of motion of a particle in a ready-made world space-time volume.

The subject does not move elementary particles inside matter and in space.

Consequently, this activity is carried out by the Object.

A particle is HERE and NOW. Or otherwise in the PRESENT. Since the particle does not move on its own, the Object must move the particle to the FUTURE.

FUTURE in the aspect of movement consists of LATER and FARTHER

LATER assumes:

a) assigning a DURATION in time BEFORE the start of movement;

b) appointment of the future DURATION of movement AFTER the start of movement;

c) appointment of the SPEED of the future movement of the body;

d) appointment of SYNCHRONICITY or ASYNCHRONICITY of movement of a particle with other particles.

It is obvious, without much argumentation, that these 4 operations can be performed only with the help of MEMORY and THINKING.

Let's take DURATION as an example.

In order to use, apply DURATION, one must first introduce the concept of DURATION, formulate its definition. To obtain definition, it is necessary to have an understanding of the nature of this aspect of time and its structure. These actions are impossible without MEMORY and THINKING.

DURATION means the number of elementary, equal to themselves semantic units, PRODUCED and DESIGNATED by the Object as a temporal measure both for organizing the movement of a particle and for measuring this movement.

DURATION of movement is the number of elementary semantic units from the beginning to the end of the measurement. To calculate the exact number of units, first numbersand their valuesshould be devised,then mathematical operations for actions with numbers are to be developed.

The time elementary unit is a NOTIONAL measure, and therefore it may relate to any real object. According to the decision of the Object or the subject, a second can be assigned as a real referent of the NOTIONAL l measure. The second, in turn, is a basic artificial measure of duration, correlated with an element of uniform motion equal to 1/86400 of the daily rotation of the earth.

The Object and the subject can further, for their own purposes, divide a semantic unit or its referent - a second, into parts, organize or measure movement in milliseconds, nanoseconds, etc.

All these results are output by THINKING and MEMORY and stored in the latter.

Determining the moment BEFORE the start of movement and the moment AFTER the start of movement requires a separation of EARLY from LATER.

Separation is recognition, for recognition it is necessary to formulate the ORDER of SEQUENCE in time, that is, to derive the relations of precedence and after-movement, and ASSIGN them meanings: EARLIER-NOW-LATER.

Setting the speed of movement of the body involves relating the duration of the movement to the distance traveled. This requires intellectual action, as well as the organization of synchronous or non-synchronous behavior of particles is not feasible without MEMORY and THINKING.

The FARTHER component means;

a) CALCULATING the distance at which the Object will move the particle in the aspect LATER. The distance is made up of the number of elementary identical dimensions. Consequently, an understanding of an elementary size is initially created – all are mental acts with the participation of memory.

b) SETTING the trajectory and nature (for example, rotation, oscillation, etc.) of the particle's motion. The developed trajectories involve consideration of particle properties. The Object must identify every particle, establish its type, determine its mass, charge, spin, and other properties. No identification is possible without MEMORY and THINKING. It is known that a photon oscillates in a plane perpendicular to the direction of motion. Thus, the Object needs to have an understanding of planes and volumes, should establish the presence of electric and magnetic fields. Take into account the properties of space - curvature, inhomogeneities, etc. ,set coordinate system. All this happens BEFORE the particle displacement starts. All these calculations may be carried out only with the help of the Object's THINKING and MEMORY.

None of the above is possible if the MEMORY and MIND of the Object are equal to 0.

FORCE component:

a) The Object needs to applyFORCE to move the particle.

FORCEis energy that has a DIRECTION. DIRECTION includes LATER,FARTHERaspects, which, as shown above, are INTELLECTUAL products created with the help of MEMORY and THINKING

b) AMOUNT of energy, LATER, FARTHER in the Objective case are interdependent: 1) the values ​​LATER, FARTHER, or otherwise, the temporal and spatial components are consistent with the value of energy. 2) Observations show: the particle responds to external influences according to its properties and states, there is also a conservation of the amount of received motion (momentum) and energy.

This means that, unlike the subject, which can act arbitrarily and approximately, the Objective Intellectual System CALCULATES PRECISELY the temporal, spatial and force components of the movement of each particle in their interdependence, taking into account all characteristics, all properties, all data and all the influences of particles on each other .

The proof of this statement is the PREDICTABILITY of particle motion, which the subject attains with the help of mathematical calculations, based on laws and constants. PREDICTABILITY would be impossible with the ARBITRARY action of the Object.

So, to organize the movement of a particle, an Object must have MEMORY and THINKING, which means that the OBJECT is an INTELLECTUAL SYSTEM.

There is a great deal of particles in cosmic space, the Earth is huge, the Universe tends to infinity, and for each particle in the Universe an Intelligent Motion Object (IMO) is developed, therefore, the Object has not just a colossal memory and thinking, but THEIR ABSOLUTE VALUES. That is, the OBJECTIVE INTELLECTUAL SYSTEM has ABSOLUTE MEMORY AND THINKING.

2. Elementary particles move on their own.

Let a particle move itself. So it organizes its own movement.

If the particle itself organizes its movement, it becomes an actor, a subject. For the organization of movement, the subject, as has been proven, needs MEMORY and THINKING, which subjugate energy and direct it in LATER AND FARTHER, which are created by the INTELLIGENCE. Therefore, the particle has an INTELLECTUAL SYSTEM.

If the energy does not obey the particle, but moves itself,and moves the particle then the energy becomes a subject and must set the DIRECTION to itself.

The DIRECTION is an INTELLECTUAL product created with the help of MEMORY and THINKING. In this case, energy has its own INTELLIGENT SYSTEM.

Hence, and in the second version, the organization of movement is impossible without MEMORY and THINKING.

If we accept the assumption of the existence of self-propelled particles, then we have to admit that

1) particles have INTELLECT;

2) the particles transferred control over themselves to the COLLECTIVE CONTROL SYSTEM, that they themselves built up, by combining local intellectual fields.

3) This COLLECTIVE CONTROL SYSTEMmust have ABSOLUTE MEMORY AND ABSOLUTE THINKING for the same reasons that were mentioned above: a) UBIQUITOUS(through entire UNIVERSE) matter STABILITY provided by INTERNAL MOVEMENT which is organized only with the help of MEMORY AND THINKING. For every particle in the Universe, it is required to calculate and set an Intellectual Object of Motion (IOM) ; b) UNIVERSALITY of laws and constants; IDENTICAL behavior of particles in identical circumstances - particles by their types act in the same way under the same conditions; c) SYNCHRONOUS motionof all processes at the micro level (Shnol Effect).

The second option confirms the conclusion of the first, complements it on the other hand.

From particles to the OBJECT or from the OBJECT to particles, the necessity of the OBJECTIVE INTELLECT with ABSOLUTE MEMORY AND THINKING is inevitable as the movement generating system.

So, we have proved the statement that without the OBJECTIVE INTELLECTUAL SYSTEM with ABSOLUTE MEMORY, THINKING, ABSOLUTE ENERGY, movement is impossible in PRINCIPLE, that is the motion does not exist without the OBJECTIVE INTELLECT therefore, GOD EXISTS.

3. Experiment.

What can be an experimental verification of the proof?

If the memory and thinking of the OBJECT were equal to zero, the DIRECTION would be equal to zero, respectively, the force is equal to zero, hence, the particle would remain motionless, fundamental movement would be impossible.

In this case, the material part of the Universe must instantly disappear, including the body of the subject.

So the OBSERVED PRESENCE OF SUBSTANCE, and, accordingly, ALL SECONDARY MOTIONS, including subjective movement are the experimental confirmation and verification of the OBJECTIVE INTELLECTUAL SYSTEM existence.

III. III. Let us now prove that GOD is a PERSONAL-SPIRITUAL BEING possessing perfect Love and Morality.

Believers and theologians believe that the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God, are of divine origin and contain true content.

Skeptics and atheists consider this belief solely as a matter of faith, do not find it convincing and argue that the Holy Scriptures have nothing to do with the history of mankind and physical reality. From their point of view, the creation of the world and the appearance of Christ are nothing more than a beautiful fiction.

Faith, as the opponents of God argue, comes from intuition, rests on an irrational platform, is not the proof of God, and cannot be as such.

The theorem about the existence of God presented above, and proved by a method that cannot be refuted. For a refutation, you need to eliminate MEMORY and THINKING. Under this condition, refutation becomes impossible.

The proven existence of the OBJECTIVE INTELLECTUAL SYSTEM makes the arguments of the antagonists incorrect, and their statement about the absence of God erroneous. Below we will show that the intuitiveness and irrationality of faith have physical justifications and completely rational explanations.

Numerous consequences follow from the proof of the existence of an OBJECTIVE INTELLECTUAL SYSTEM, from which we will choose the main ones.

These consequences have correlation to a number of statements from the Old and New Testaments, which can be considered as markers of the authenticity of Holy Scripture.

Authenticity markers are statements that, in addition to the well-known spiritual significance, have hidden parameters, the existence of which could not be known to the compilers of the Old Testament and the Evangelists. These hidden meanings can be understood and physically substantiated only after two millennia, due to the development of scientific thought and the deduced proof of the existence of GOD from the analysis of movement.

These hidden meanings were embedded in the markers of authenticity by GOD, who has full awareness of the structure of the world, of which He is the Author, Engineer and Builder. This means that Holy Scripture and the Gospel are God-inspired, i.e. communicated by God. This, in turn, confirms their truth.

There are many authenticitymarkers. Here we list the most famous ones, which will be enough to substantiate the provisions that were put forward.

The truth of the Old Testament lies in the prediction of the coming of the Savior - Christ.

The veracity of the Gospel means that the Birth of Christ, His Teachings, Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection are ACTUAL FACTS.

The self-deprecation of God, the offering of YOURSELF as a sacrifice for the sins of the world, for the sake of saving people, is a manifestation of ABSOLUTE LOVE and MORALITY.


Let us proceed to the proof of this assertion.

4. Consequences from the proof of the existence of GOD.

1.1. The brain as a matter organ in principle cannot become a source of the Subjective Intellectual System. The substance must be moved, it is the force that moves, the force is the energy that has a direction. Direction is an intellectual product. The subjective Intellectual system creates a direction for energy with the help of memory and thinking, energy becomes force, force moves the substance of the brain. Substance is the last instance of motion. The brain (as a material organ) is not the inventor of thought, but its recipient, a demonstrator.

1.2. Based on observations, it can be assumed that the Subjective Intellectual System is complex and contains a number of departments. A) Department of the deep personal-spiritual part, working with the Objective Intellectual System. Here it should be clarified that the Subjective Intellectual System as a person comes from God, but the material for its personalityembodiment is given by the parents. The personal-spiritual part of the Subjective Intellectual System, together with the Objective Intellectual System, rebuilds the body and brain of the subject from the fertilized cell in the mother's womb. C) The department containing the emotionalpart. D) Department of physiological intelligence, which governs the morphology and physiology of the body. E) The department that works with the external material world, signals of the sensory range - consciousness. F) The department that works with the signals of subthreshold perception of the 5 senses. J) The department attributed by psychology to the subconscious. There are other departments to be named in the future. All departments are supported by the memory and thinking of the Subjective intellectual system and are represented by the corresponding areas and volumes of the brain. The brain should be considered as a material instrument of the Subjective Intellectual System for transferring the impact of subjective intelligence to the material level (own body and the outside world). In addition, the brain performs the function of storing information for consciousness and other departments.

1.3. Nuclear, atomic and molecular motion of the brain (also of the body of the subject) is organized by the OBJECTIVE INTELLECTUAL SYSTEM.

1.4. Since it is not the Subjective Intellectual system from the brain, but the brain from the Subjective intellectual system, it inevitably follows that the source of the Subjective intellectual system is the OBJECTIVE INTELLECTUAL SYSTEM. Accordingly, after the destruction of the brain and body, the Subjective intellectual system cannot disappear, since the thinking and memory of the subject come from the OBJECTIVE INTELLECTUAL SYSTEM MEMORY and THINKING.

1.5. This means that each subject, all of us have QUALITATIVELY the same MEMORY and THINKING as GOD, but we are inferior to Him QUANTITATIVELY.

1.6. As shown above, Subjective intellectis produced by Objective Intellect - God from his own INTELLIGENCE. The thinking and spiritual nature of the subject PHYSICALY is identical to the OBJECT'S THINKING MATTER. In other words, not only in terms of freedom and creativity, as functions of the spirit, but also in terms of NATURE, COMPOSITION, and ESSENCE of thinking and memory, the subject is IDENTICAL TO GOD.

Accordingly, paragraphs 1.1, - 1.6. make hidden parameters of the authenticity marker from the Old Testament: "And God created man in His own image, in the image of God." (Gen. 1:27).

1.7. The subject is ABLE to cognize and understand both the product of the Divine thought – the objective reality, and the very ESSENCE of God. This was revealed by the Spirit to the Apostle Paul: “when the world through its wisdom did not know God in the wisdom of God” (1 Corinthians, ch. 1); Or otherwise, the subject CAN COGNIZE GOD. This KNOWLEDGE is probably the main task facing humanity and each person individually.

1.8. THE NATURE of thinking in ALL subjects is IDENTICAL, ONE in origin, EQUALLY DIVINE, which means that ALL are able to UNDERSTAND each other.

2.1. Movement CANNOT BE IMPLEMENTED without theOBJECTIVE INTELLECTUAL SYSTEM or GOD, who develops a set of INTELLIGENT instructions (Intellectual Object of Movement - IOM) TO ORGANISE movement for EACH particle and cont I nuously carries out the execution of these instructions with OWN ENERGY.

Here is authenticity marker: “My Father is working until now and I am working” (John 5:17) Accepted interpretation: healing people on the Sabbath. The hidden meaning is offered by paragraphs 1.3. 2.1.

2.2. GOD the oduces physical reality from his intellectual material. Thought is the first building material, for there is no other material. In other words, GOD creates and supports (actually feeds) the Universe with the MATERIAL OF HIS BODY AND THE MOVEMENT OF HIS SPIRIT, HIMSELF, HIS INTELLIGENCE, HIS WORD.

Observe markers:

1. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (John 1:1);

2. “All things came into being through Him” (John 1:3).

The well-known interpretation of markers 1, 2 includes the following meanings: The announcement of Jesus Christ about the good. The beginning of everything was the understanding of life according to the proclamation of Jesus Christ.

3. "God is the Almighty." (Var. 3:1), (3 Mac. 6:2). The "Almighty" is found in the Revelation of John the Theologian (1:8, 4:8). In total, this marker of reliability is mentioned 34 times in the Bible.

The well-known meaning of marker 3: Ruler of All, Ruler of the World, i.e. God is omnipotent, able to create everything and governs everything.

4. “My Father gives you true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is that which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world” (John ch. 6:32-33.)

5. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." (Matthew 4:4).

6. "For my flesh is truly food, and my blood is truly drink" (John 6:55).

Markers 4, 5, 6 are generally understood as spiritual support, as comfort through the Spirit, through which a person is instructed in resisting sin, strengthened in patience and courage to endure sorrows, suffering and illness.

The physical meaning of markers 1-6 is revealed in the points of consequences: 2.1, 2.2.

2.3. Space and time are intellectual objects, therefore, they can only exist within the OBJECTIVE INTELLECTUAL SYSTEM- GOD. The boundaries of space and time are the boundaries of GOD. OUTSIDE GOD there is no time and space.

2.4. The Universe is INSIDE the Intellectual Space of the Object – GOD. Possessing Divine and human nature, Christ, among other things, expresses the material realization of the world, which GOD constantly supports by organizing movement, space and time.

Paragraphs 2.3, 2.4, 1.3 provide hidden implication to markers: 1. “Don't you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me (John 14. 9) .2. The Father who is in Me, He does the works. (John 14:10).

3.1. Objective Movement can be mathematically predictedat some distance in time, and in principle - at any time ahead. This implies that GOD formulated instructions for the movement of the Universe, or otherwise, calculated the Intellectual Objects of Movement ( i.e. temporal, spatial and force directions) for all particles, all bodies at all levels and scales from the start to the end (If there is an end) the world evolution BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF THE SUBSTANCE PHASE OF THE WORLD.

In clause3.1. there consists the sane physical meaning of following marker: “I believe .. in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, Who was born from the Father BEFORE ALL AGES” (emphasis added by me, V.V.) (Symbol of faith)

3.2. GOD deduced all future states and positions of all particles, all bodies, and, having full awareness, CALCULATED, and NOT predetermined, the fate of all objects and subjects in the Universe. GOD calculated the fate of Christ, on the basis of an analysis of the entire causal complex of developing events, so that the goal of his incarnation - the salvation of mankind, was consistent with the course of reality in a natural way. Salvation included a complex of tasks of various kinds, the interpretation of which we leave to theologians. Here we note the physical task, which was to use up completely the destructive energy of collective human sin in the painful death of Jesus on the cross. Because every physical action consumes energy.

3.3. GOD, operating with intellectual prototypes of matter particles, processes, material media, biological objects produces the INTELLECTUAL EQUIVALENT of the UNIVERSE (UIE) BEFORE implementing the material phase of the World (or before the Big Bang, if we assume this theory is correct).The UIE is an INTELLIGENT mobile prototype of the World. The UIE is sort of mathematical modelling of future positions, states, interelations of all particles and bodies of the Universe. The birth of the Universe, its development, the evolution of life is a consistent reproduction of the UIE at the material level.

Paragraphs 3.1, 3.2, 3.3., in addition, carry a clear explanation of quantum effects that have not found an explanation, for example, a) quantum superposition :alternative states of the particle are in the Intellectual Field of the Object, the particle is NOT in all possible states, but only in CALCULATED, due to OBJECTIVE INTELLECTUAL SYSTEMbeing informed of all properties, all influences of everything upon everything. These CALCULATED states and positions are intellectual objects - not ideal, but material, made up from thinking matterof the OBJECTIVE INTELLECTUAL SYSTEM.

b) particle correlations - entangled states are explained by the fact that the OBJECT knows - on the basis of calculations, including not only mathematical but also logical procedures - the results of all measurements and experiments and they already exist as intellectual outcomes in the MEMORY and THINKING field of the OBJECT.

3.4. The INTELLIGENT EQUIVALENT OF THE UNIVERSE is stored in the Absolute Memory of the Object. The INTELLECTUAL EQUIVALENT OF THE UNIVERSE contains all the information about the PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE of the world.

3.1. 3.4. are mapped to marker :1. “The one who follows me is ahead of me, because he was before me. (John. 1:15)

3.5. INTELLECTUAL EQUIVALENT OF THE UNIVERSE forms the main, initial part of the information field. From this point of view, we can say that the primary information field is an INTELLIGENT information environment that contains FULL information about the PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE of the Universe and life in the Universe.

3.6. This primary information is secondarily expressed in all fields, particles, media that exist at the material level, such as: gluon, quark, electromagnetic, gravitational, neutrino, muon, meson, etc. plasma, solid state, liquid, gaseous. This conclusion is made on the basis of observations that indicate: reality is subject to total representativeness, or otherwise, everything is expressed through everything, one is transmitted, displayed by others - by the nature and means of this other, so there are subtle and exact copies, but there are rough and general ones, for example, photon reflection from the surface of bodies is more complete and detailed than sound reflection. In general, representativeness is a complementary display specialization.


3.8. The INTELLECTUAL EQUIVALENT OF THE UNIVERSE (IEU) opens up the possibility for the subject to receive information both about the PAST and the PRESENT (meaning information about remote objects on Earth, including the subsoil, the depths of the oceans, etc.; and in space) and the FUTURE that contains the calculated fate of each object in the world and the fate of an individual subject. The fate of the subject is derived from precise evaluation of his data set in relationship with total data of the developing world. Access to the PAST and FUTURE is obtained by tuning the perception of the Subjective Intellectual System to the appropriate "frequencies" of the IEU of with the permission of the OBJECT or at His will. The subject can also acquireinformation by receiving the secondary display of the IEU by means of the environment, as indicated in clause 3.6. This means that belief in God based on the intuition of the subject has a completely intelligible and rational explanation.

Clauses 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, reveal the physical meaning of the marker: “Search the Scriptures, for you think you have eternal life through them, and they testify of Me. For if you believed Moses, you would also believe Me, because he wrote about Me. (John 5:46).

Credibility markers prove the truth of Scripture. Hence, Christ's words that God is a Spiritual-personal being are true. "He who sees me sees Him who sent me." (John 12:45).

Comparing the consequences of the theorem of the existence of God with the markers of the truth of the Holy Scriptures, the Gospel, the Apocalypse, we conclude: The OBJECT is not only the INTELLECT possessing ABSOLUTE MEMORY, THINKING AND ENERGY, but is also a SPIRITUAL-PERSONAL BEING containing ABSOLUTE LOVE AND MORALITY