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Pavel Kholvin

Crimean Reserve

 Crimean Reserve is one of the most famous national parks in the world.                                                      It is in Russia,in Crimea.                                                                                                          This park is famous for its plants, wild animals and beautiful landscapes.                                        Over 100 thousand people visited this park.
Crimean Reserve is one of the most famous national parks in the world. It is in Russia,in Crimea. This park is famous for its plants, wild animals and beautiful landscapes. Over 100 thousand people visited this park.
In this park lives deers,foxes,ferrets and other animals, i would like to tell about 3 wild animals.               About deer,fox, and ferret.Lets start with the deer.                                                                                                         Deers-It's mammals animals.They are from Europe.They are eat acorns, berries, grass, nuts, tree leaves and mushrooms,in winter deers is usually eats lichens,and they live before 30 years.
In this park lives deers,foxes,ferrets and other animals, i would like to tell about 3 wild animals. About deer,fox, and ferret.Lets start with the deer. Deers-It's mammals animals.They are from Europe.They are eat acorns, berries, grass, nuts, tree leaves and mushrooms,in winter deers is usually eats lichens,and they live before 30 years.
Ferrets-It's too mammals animals.There are 2 types of ferret light and dark.Ferrets native to russia and north america.They are eat chicken's meat,eggs,seafood,I can tell that ferrets practically eats meat.Ferrets lives before 7 years.
Ferrets-It's too mammals animals.There are 2 types of ferret light and dark.Ferrets native to russia and north america.They are eat chicken's meat,eggs,seafood,I can tell that ferrets practically eats meat.Ferrets lives before 7 years.
Fox-Foxes spread all over the world, only they weren't in Australia, they were brought there.Foxes eats hares,fish,frogs,snakes,also berries and mushrooms.They live before 10 years.
Fox-Foxes spread all over the world, only they weren't in Australia, they were brought there.Foxes eats hares,fish,frogs,snakes,also berries and mushrooms.They live before 10 years.
There are a lot of trees in any park.Therefore, I decided to choose the most beautiful tree.                            Crimean Pine-It grows slowly, about 30 cm per year.Lives about 600 years.
There are a lot of trees in any park.Therefore, I decided to choose the most beautiful tree. Crimean Pine-It grows slowly, about 30 cm per year.Lives about 600 years.
In the Crimean Reserve, the average temperature in winter about 2 degrees.
In the Crimean Reserve, the average temperature in winter about 2 degrees.
Average summer temperature about 22 degrees.
Average summer temperature about 22 degrees.