As we all know, volunteering is a voluntary social activity that doesn't involve any income and is aimed at helping on a gratuitous basis. In a nutshell, it's something good that doesn't make a profit.
To tell you the truth, if I had the opportunity to volunteer, I would go to the Antarctica to save penguins! Not many people know that once upon a time penguins began to raise their heads for unknown reason. It began to happen because planes and helicopters began to fly over the Antarctica. Penguins, thirsty for interest, raise their heads up, thereby falling back, after failing to raise back, they die. In this situation, penguins could have disappeared altogether if the penguin flippers hadn't appeared.
To become a volunteer penguin flipper, you need to have low cold tolerance, basic knowledge of zoology, love to animals, and a high level of health. You also need to learn how to use a snowmobile and a map, because without this it is dangerous to move through a large layer of snow.
There is one of the reviews about volunteering in Antarctica:
Never had I ever thought this trip would be so amazing! It was awesome; No words will ever be enough to explain how much I enjoyed it!
Rigmor (35)