Исключительно по просьбам трудящихся, которые хорошо учились в школе или уже свалили!
Blinken well done! Let him talk.
There is Blinken in America.
Blinken for them, for the Americans, is a man named Anthony (in the Italian manner), who replaces and fulfills the post of US Secretary of State.
The US Secretary of State, this is like our Foreign Minister Lavrov, only he has a bigger budget, and he has to speak on a much larger range of issues.
It would be possible to compare the official American duties of Anthony Blinken with the role of a plug in a barrel, which, as you know, and purely theoretically, should fit every barrel, but as you yourself understand, it is not tolerant, and in general, a person performs the role of a talking head as he can, and not as we would like.
So that's what Blinken is talking about.
The fact is that Blinken does not seem to own the question.
Not one.
He announces it as written.
What is written to him is slipped by the apparatus of the State Department of America.
And those who work there know which schools they graduated from.
Or rather, those where they know neither history nor geography, and where 2 + 2 is equal to somewhere 3, or maybe all 7......
So, Anthony Blinken speaks without understanding what he is saying.
And that's exactly where the "dog is buried".
For me, let him speak.
If you compare it with serving in lawn tennis, then he is an excellent server.
Hit it as your heart desires.
Translated into political, Anthony Blinken is our man.
He talks nonsense, to which it is easy to give a clear answer.
The answer can be given reasoned, with evidence of compelling content.
So, I demand to award Blinken a medal FOR ASSISTANCE, or FOR DILIGENCE!
At us under the tsar such janitors were awarded.
Let him wear it.
Deserved it.