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You expect the whole book to be a detective story, and only at the end you realize how deep a drama it is. ⠀

A dark, melancholic psychological thriller in which all the characters are immersed in their traumatic memories.

The story is told from the perspective of three characters. ⠀

All of them are quite interesting and complex characters. And I was able to feel compassion for everyone.

Policeman Peter. ⠀

Obsessed with a fear of attachment, he is incapable of any serious action. ⠀ Indecision and fear of change eventually cornered him. How many more years will he waste before he pulls himself together? ⠀

Conclusion: do or do not. Don't try.

Forensic psychologist Hanne. ⠀

Hanne is married to a man she doesn't love. ⠀

She once had a lot of love, but she, like Peter, could not leave the destructive model of behavior behind. ⠀

However, this is not the worst thing. ⠀

Hanne is sick. Alzheimer's disease. ⠀

Her days are slipping through her fingers. ⠀

The names, dates and faces of the people she once loved are gradually disappearing from her head. ⠀

What will happen when the darkness engulfs her completely. Hanne doesn't know, but it is obvious to her that the darkness is getting closer and closer, and now she regrets that she did not live as she wanted. ⠀

Conclusion: live here and now. Tomorrow may not come.

And finally Emma. Baby Emma. I am so sorry for her. ⠀

The most dramatic and difficult story. ⠀

Reading about her childhood and mother, I got goosebumps. ⠀

How to live when you don't know how to live? ⠀

What can a mother turn her child into? ⠀

What seeds of doubt will she plant in him with her cruelty? ⠀

We want to be loved, sometimes even more than to love ourselves. ⠀

How deep can you plunge into your illusions, just to escape the harsh reality? ⠀

Emma has sunk too deep. ⠀

Conclusion: do not build illusions, otherwise fantasies will drag you to the very bottom.

Was the ending predictable for me? No. Maybe because I, like Emma, ​​did not want to believe reality. Or maybe because I simply did not expect such sensitive topics from this book. ⠀

I will not undertake to recommend this book to anyone. It was morally too hard to read.