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Самая страшная для меня книга в этом году

The worst book for me this year.

Do not pay attention to the plain cover, it does not convey the essence of the content, the annotation from the publisher is also about nothing. ⠀

This is a shame, because a real diamond is hidden inside for lovers of horror stories. ⠀

The book contains elements of mysticism, detective and thriller.

New Years Eve. ⠀

A small mining town - an eerie backwater frozen in post-Soviet times. It is inhabited by sad people and their sad routine. ⠀

They are so immersed in their monotonous life that they do not even see patterns in the disappearance of women for 17 years. ⠀

Well, they found a severed head. So what? Poah and forgot. Life goes on. We crawled on to work like ants in an anthill. ⠀

Sleepy town and sleepy people who see nothing further than their own noses. Do whatever you want here. The perfect place to do evil, isn't it?

Many people have told me that this book is similar to the authorship of the early King. ⠀

Yes, very similar indeed. And this is a definite plus. A sort of King in Russian. ⠀

By no means plagiarism. This is something that conveys the atmosphere of King's horror, something large-scale, crazy and cinematic.

Human sacrifices to the unborn god, blood, intestines, massive hallucinations and wicked entities wishing to penetrate our world - everything that we could like in the early King is here.

And the main moral: people are the most terrible monsters.

ery good, very tasty. I advise.