Итак, в прошлой статье мы разобрали базовые стратагемы из кодекса. Теперь переходим к десерту. А именно - дополнению "Faith and fury" для "Психического пробуждения".
Alpha Legion Stratagem
These clandestine warriors will disappear at a
moment’s notice.
Use this Stratagem at the start of your opponent’s
Shooting phase. Select one ALPHA LEGION
INFANTRY unit from your army. Until the end of that
phase, enemy models can only target that unit if it is
the closest visible target.
За 2 КП мы можем запретить стрелять по юниту пехоты и вообще заявлять его целью. Полезно.
Alpha Legion Stratagem
Agents and saboteurs will infiltrate enemy targets long
before their warriors join the field of battle.
Use this Stratagem in any phase, before your
opponent rolls to see if a VEHICLE model from their
army explodes. If any ALPHA LEGION units from
your army are on the battlefield, add 3 to one of the
D6 rolled, and the roll cannot be re-rolled.
За 1 КП можем сделать взрыв вражеской техники на 3+ без переброса результата. Можно нанести очень много урона. Полезно.
Alpha Legion Stratagem
Landing co-ordinates are tampered with by infiltrating
the enemy’s vox and data networks.
Use this Stratagem in your opponent’s Movement
phase, when an enemy unit is set up on the battlefield
as reinforcements but before it is placed on the
battlefield. That unit must be set up more than 12"
away from ALPHA LEGION units from your army,
rather than 9".
За 1 КП можем сделать высадку вражеских резервов в 12" вместо 9. Вместе с "Передовыми оперативниками" можно очень сильно усложнить высадку резервов. Полезно.
Alpha Legion Stratagem
Disappear and reappear for the final strike.
Use this Stratagem at the end of your Movement
phase. Select one ALPHA LEGION INFANTRY unit
from your army that is more than 3" away from any
enemy models (you cannot select a unit that arrived
as reinforcements this turn). Remove that unit from
the battlefield. At the end of your next Movement
phase, set up that unit on the battlefield again,
anywhere that is more than 9" away from any enemy
models. Any models that cannot be set up in this way
are destroyed. If the battle ends before that unit is set
back up, it is destroyed.
За 1 КП можем убрать пехотный отряд дальше, чем в 3" от противника и на следующий ход вывести по правилам резервов. Можно внезапно сделать "Октариус", поставить маяк или флаг, сделать ритуал во вражеской зоне... Полезно.
Alpha Legion Stratagem
The Hydra knows all.
Use this Stratagem in your opponent’s Movement
phase, after an enemy unit is set up on the battlefield
as reinforcements. Select one ALPHA LEGION unit
from your army within 18" of that unit to shoot at
that unit as if it were your Shooting phase.
За 2 КП можно заявить юнит в 18 от места высадки вражеских резервов и пострелять по ним. Однозначно берем.
Alpha Legion Stratagem
Trust not appearances – the Hydra is always ready to strike.
Use this Stratagem in your Movement phase, when
you Fall Back with an ALPHA LEGION unit from
your army. That unit can still shoot this turn.
За 1 КП можно пострелять после отступления. Берем 100%.
Alpha Legion Stratagem
All Legionnaires can assume the role of leader.
Use this Stratagem before the battle, after
nominating your Warlord. Select one ALPHA
LEGION CHARACTER model from your army that
is not your Warlord and determine one Warlord
Trait for it; it is regarded as your Warlord for the
purposes of that Warlord Trait. Each Warlord
Trait in your army must be unique (if randomly
generated, re-roll duplicate results). You can only
use this Stratagem once per battle
Можно дать еще одному персонажу черту военачальника за 1 КП. Если есть персонаж, с которым это комбится, почему бы и нет. А так - ситуативно.